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No one can be happy all the time. Now I feel a little unhappy because I had a fight with my parents yesterday. I know it’s very important to be in a good mood. Good mood can help us do with the troubles better. I will do these things to cheer myself up. First, Listen to music and sing the songs .Second , talk with my friends or teachers get help from them . Third, do sports, such as playing basketball, running and so on. Finally , try to talk with my parents, tell them my feelings and thoughts 骑自行车的好处,及要注意的交通安全

Bicycles are still popular in many places. Why? Riding bicycles can save money and energy. It can avoid air pollution. What’s more, it has low cost and needs less space. But riding for a long time makes us feel tired. driving cars saves more time than riding bicycles. But it has high cost, causes air pollution, and needs more space. So I think the better way to travel is riding bicycles. If you get a chance to travel, please choose to ride bicycles.

邀请你的同学肖明跟你一起去看今晚 7:00 在光明电影院放映的电影 Love Me Once More, Mom,票已买好。请他 6:00 在电影院门口见

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Dear Xiaoming,

There is going to be a movie Love Me Once More, Mom at 7:00 this evening in the Guangming Cinema. I have two tickets. May I invite you to see the movie with me. I will wait for you at the cinema gate in order to have enough time to have dinner together. I do hope you can come. Thank you very much.

Yours, xx


Health is very important to us. Good health can help us enjoy our life more. But how to keep us healthy? First, we should eat healthy food. We’d better eat more vegetables and fruits. It’s important for us to keep a balanced diet. Second, we have to get rid of bad habits. We must have a regular breakfast. The more regularly we eat, the healthier we are. Third, it’s good for us to go to bed early and get up early. Finally, we need to take enough exercise to make us strong. If we do like that, we’ll have a happy and healthy life.

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I am a middle school student. I think students should wear school uniforms at school every day, especially at school meetings. Suitable school uniforms can not only show good discipline but also make us look more active. They show that we’re students. They tell people which school we’re studying in. What’s more, school uniforms are cheaper than casual clothes. Clothes in fashion cost so much that most of us cannot afford them. So I don’t think we should wear them at school. 旅游 A visit to Jiuzhaigou

Last month, I went to Jiuzhaigou for my vacation with my parents. Jiuzhaigou in Sicuan, in the southwest of China. It’s famous for its beautiful mountains, forests and lakes. Many people go there to enjoy their vacation every year. My father booked the rooms before we arrived. We had a two-day trip and took a lot of photos. We saw some pandas and monkeys.They






couldn’t help playing with them. What an exciting trip! 保护环境How to protect our environment.

Nowadays, the pollution on the earth is more and more serious. People are very worried about this. As middle school students, what

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should we do?

First, we should plant more trees . Second, Save water. No water, no life. So it's very important for us to do so. Not only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of it.Third , save electricity. It is important ,too. Everyone should do his best to save electricity. Don't forget to turn off lights or other electric machines when we finish working.

In a world, we all should do our best to protect our environment.

北师大版必修五单词表 仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除 谢谢4


Learning to learn assessment self-assessment strength weakness gain appropriately passive phrase concentrate previous positive associate mental lawyer senior senior high physicist Unit 13 Warm-up beard blond sunglasses uniform moustache heel sleeve facial expression connection chain Lesson 1 aircraft emergency pray gifted accurately draw up description academic predict

Learning to learn 评估 自我评估 长处、优势 弱点、缺陷 获得、增加 适当地 被动的、消极的 短语、词组 集中(思想、汁意力) 以前的、过去的 积极的 联想、联系 脑力的、精神的 律师 高级的 高中 物理学家 Unit 13 Warm-up 胡须 淡黄色的、毛发及皮肤浅色的 墨镜 制服 上嘴唇的小胡子 鞋跟 衣服袖子 面部的 表情、表达能力 联系;连接 链条;连串的事物 Lesson 1 飞机、航空器 紧急情况 祈祷 祷告 有天赋的 精确地、准确地 起草 描述、形容 学术的 预言、预测

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