Registration Form for SJTU Excellent International
Undergraduate Students 护照姓名 Passport Name 性别 Gender 学院 School 地址 Address 就业去向 Employment 主要事迹: 中文名 Chinese Name 出生年月 Date of Birth 学号 ID Number 国籍 Nationality 专业 Major 手机号 Phone Number 邮箱 Email Address (由本人填写,可以按照:学习学术、文体活动、社会公益、个人荣誉(奖学金等),四个方面填写,且须签字) Personal Performance Please pay attention that the content should be written and signed by the applicant himself/herself. Suggested aspects contained are academic performance, cultural activities, volunteer experience, honors and awards (including scholarship). 申请人签字 (Signature of the Applicant): 日期(Date): / / 学院意见 Opinions from School 签字(Signature) 签章(Seal) 日期(Date): / / 学校意见 Opinions from University 签章(Seal) 日期(Date): / / 备注 Notes 注意事项: 1、本表须如实填写,如发现虚假,无论评选活动进行到何阶段,即取消评选资格,并给予相应校纪校规处理;
2、请用黑色钢笔、水笔认真、工整填写,正反面打印。 3、此表经系、校(院)盖章,领导签字方有效。 NOTES:
1. The contents of this form should be authentic, otherwise it will be regard as invalid and the applicant will be punished under regulations.
2. Please write clearly with in black with a pen, and print the application form on both sides. 3. Only the form with seals and signatures is valid.