winner, whose, turn, start, odd, even, problem, opposite, different, meaning, stick, coffee, pot, sock, boring, fun, outside, naughty
所需教具 Materials for teaching
书包一个,里面装有各种玩具 若干张白纸 适当的小奖品
教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up
教师带领学生说唱unit7教学活动7 Presentation
上课时,教师问大家:“Do you want to play a game? Who wants to be the winner?”教师把学生的情绪激发起来以后对大家说:“Today we are going to play a game and we are going to decide who the winner is. Look at your books. We have this game. There are fifty questions for each one of you. I’m going to give you the dice, one dice for two students. When you throw the dice, one person is going to do the odd numbers and the other person is going to do the even numbers. For example, if you throw 1,the odd-number person will answer the question by saying‘five and two is seven.’Do you understand? Each person will throw the dice once, but you need to check the numbers and decide whose turn it is.”教师要告诉学生两人轮流掷骰子,但要根据奇数或偶数来决定谁来答题,谁往前走。无论自己和对方掷出什么数字,答对方都只能走一步,最大的不同是也许你掷的数字是奇数,而对方选的是奇数,则应该对方走。教师可以将前十个题画在黑板上,然后找一个学生到前面来,老师与这个学生双方先定好自己是奇数还是偶数,然后开始掷。如果教师的选的是偶数,凡是两人掷出的是偶数时,都由教师完成该练习,而且必须是偶数上的题。凡是两人掷出的是奇数时,都由学生来完成,但必须是奇数的题。学生一旦明白了如何玩,教师就对学生说:“Now you can play the game. If you have any questions, you can ask me in English, and I can help you.”
单元教学活动2 Listen, draw and colour.
教师可以根据学生画的情况进行展示 听力原文:
This is a big house. Can you see the window? Draw a desk in front of the window. Draw a chair in front of the desk.
Draw a ball under the chair and colour it blue. Draw a bed on the right side of the desk.
Draw a bookshelf on the left side of the window. Draw some books on the shelf.
Colour one book red and one book green.
Draw a TV on the right side of the door in the corner. Draw a big sofa next to the TV opposite the window. Colour the sofa orange.
Draw a flowerpot on the right side of the sofa. Colour the flowers yellow.
单元教学活动3 Ask and answer.
单元教学活动4 Brain work.
答案是: fly(苍蝇) match比赛(火柴) ring电话(戒指) room房间(空间)stick贴(棍子)
单元教学活动5 Pairwork.
第五部分是口头谈论图片的训练。首先,学生要根据图片的东西进行描述。比如:“It’s a big room. You can see many things inside the room. There is a TV in room. An old man is watching TV now. Under the TV, there are many fruits. There is a mat on the floor. On the mat there are lots of boys. A boy is sitting in front of a desk. He is reading a book. Behind him there is a bed. There is a cat on the bed and also some toys on the bed. There is a table in the room. There are also four chairs at the table. Behind the old man, on the floor, a boy is playing with a duck. There are lots of books on the bookshelf. On the wall, there is a kite. There are also two pictures on the wall.”教师可以先让学生用“There is ”和“There are”的句型来进行描述,说的越多越好。
教师还要鼓励两人之间的活动,这样能给更多的同学一个机会。描述之后,教师引导学生看本图中有哪些东西放错了地方,并进行更正。学生可以说:“The shoe shouldn’t be on the table. It should be under the bed. The fish shouldn’t be on the ground. It should be on the table. The bag shouldn’t be on the floor. It should be on the desk or on the chair. The shoes and socks shouldn't be on the shelf. They should be in the wardrobe. The cat shouldn’t be on the bed. It should be on the floor.”等等。
单元教学活动6 Tongue twisters.
单元教学活动8 Read and think.
第八部分是两道思考题。教师带着大家朗读一下句子,并让学生先算出结果。最后教师再给出答案。答案是:1)15,13 2)5
单元教学活动9 Read and tick.
第九部分是阅读与理解。这里呈现给学生的是两种不同的课堂。一个课堂比较死板,学生在各方面都受到限制。另一个课堂活跃,学习气氛轻松。教师首先让学生自己阅读,然后发表自己的思想,同时也做出选择。教师还可以借此机会询问:“Which class do you like to attend? What do you hope the class should be like?”教师可以提建议,并将大家说的写在黑板上,最后再归纳总结一下。
单元教学活动7 Read and share.
第七部分是游戏活动。教师发给每个学生一张纸,让学生写出下面的信息: name, age, address, hobby, favourite food / sports / colour / fruit等。如:My name is Li Ming. I’m eight years old. I live in Chao Yang, Beijing. I like to play soccer. My favourite food is pizza. My favourite sports is swimming. I like green and yellow. My favourite fruits are mangoes and bananas.每个学生写好以后,教师让大家把写好的东西全部放在一个纸箱子里或桌子上,但是面朝下。然后,教师请一个同学到前面抽出一张纸说:“My friend’s name is Li Ming. He is eight years old. He lives in Chao Yang, Beijing. He likes to plays soccer. His favourite food is pizza. His favourite sport is swimming. He likes green and yellow. His favourite fruits are mangoes and bananas.”
Unit 9 Sally is taller than Ben.
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
通过学习本单元,学生能初步了解形容词比较级的用法 通过学习,学生能够谈论身高 学生能较熟练地认读四位数字
交际用语 Expressions in communication
Sally is taller than Ben.
This bear is short, but this bear is shorter. Fred is fatter than John.
Which of these two buildings is longer? He often wears a shirt. She never talks in class. She is afraid of snakes.
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
Ben, Sally, Jane, Daisy, John, Sue, Fred, Ann, Sam, Peter, Fred, Paul, Jim, kilometres, hundred, thousand, shorter, smaller, older, thinner, longer, bigger, younger, fatter, distance, twice
所需教具 Materials for teaching
若干个米尺(量身高用) 形容词的单词卡片 若干个有关公里的数字
教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up
教师带领学生复习unit8教学活动7,同时教师应有意添入Height, Weight等项目。 Presentation
教师上课时间问学生:“Who is the tallest boy in our class? Who is the tallest girl in our class? Who is the shortest boy in our class? And who is the shortest girl in our class?”学生回答完教师的问题后,教师说:“You don’t have to worry about your height. Some of you grow earlier. Some of you grow later. But all of you will grow.”教师接着找两个男同学到前面站在一排,然后让大家说:“Who is taller? XXX is taller than XXX.”老师接着问:“Who is shorter? XXX is shorter than XXX.”这两个同学回座位后,教师继续找两个女生到前面,并用同样的方式来问大家。但教师要注意不要用fatter这个单词在女同学身上造句。教师给示范学生比较级的意思后,可以先让学生打开教材并看教材上的主图。首先,教师拿图中的两个同学举例问大家:“Who is taller, Sue or Fred? Who is shorter, Ann or Daisy?”
然后,教师让同学两人一组也问类似的问题,每个同学都练习几个甚至更多的问题。等大家都能比较熟练地问问题的时候,教师让大家继续说下面的动物提问题:“Which animal is taller, the bear or the cat?”
Look at those students. They are very lovely. They are the students of Class One, Grade Three. They are now standing in the playground. First, let’s look at the boys. Who is very tall? Sam is very tall. Bill is a little shorter than Sam. And Ben is the shortest of all the five boys. John is the tallest of them all. Now let’s have a look at the girls. Who is the tallest of the girls? It’s very hard to tell because Sally is just as tall as Jane. But they are taller than other girls. Sue is taller than Ann. Daisy is taller than Sue. So Ann is the shortest of all the girls. Now you know who is the tallest boy and who are the tallest girls. Who is the shortest girl and who is the shortest boy? Practice
单元教学活动2 Look, point and say.
第二部分是形容词比较级的句型练习。教师可以先带着大家说例句,然后让两人一组边指认边说句子。比如A说:“This bear is short.”B说:“But this bear is shorter.”A继续说:“This duck is small.”B说:“This duck is smaller.”以次类推共同完成此部分的练习。学生做得比熟练之后教师可以造些一些新句子:My pencil is short. My bag is small. My coat is small.然后,让学生根据教师提供的句子继续完成另一半。
单元教学活动3 Ask and answer in pairs.
单元教学活动4 Read, think and write.
从左到右,Paul, Fred, Peter, Jim, John
单元教学活动5 Look and say.
第五部分是看和说的练习。教师首先带着大家复习形容词,会念并知道它们的意思。然后,教师让大家用这些形容词来描述班里的 学,比如:“XXX is younger than XXX, but XXX is taller than XXX.”教师可以让学生根据图来想象一些句子在全班的示范后,教师还是让两人一组进行造句练习,最后,教师再检查学生造句是否正确。
单元教学活动6 Read, think and do.
答案:图从左到右,依次是:Ted, Bill, Jack and Ben. Bill is six years old. Ted is eighteen years old. Jack is twelve years old. Ben is fourteen years old.
单元教学活动7 Look, match, write and say.
第七部分是一种固定的表达方式,如同树一样。教师让大家先朗读句子,并猜出句子的大意是什么,然后从上面的一行中选用一个词,再从下面的词中选用一个词,并套用as…as… 的短语,将其填入后再反复朗读该句子,猜其意思是什么。教师给出答案之后,学生仍需反复朗读这些句子以达到熟练的程度。
1 ) as red as an apple 2 ) as happy as a bird 3 ) as quite as a mouse 4 ) as white as snow 5 ) as cold as ice
6 ) as big as an elephant 7 ) as black as a sheep 8 ) as green as grass 9 ) as small as a pea
单元教学活动9 Look, guess and say.
第九部分是检查学生的观察和判断力。事实上,这里的图都是同样大、一样长,但却给人的视觉感不同。教师问:“Which of these two red circles is larger? ”如果学生回答:“They are the same.”就可以了。
单元教学活动8 Let’s chant and sing.
第八部分是歌谣及歌曲。教师先带着学生们有节奏地反复说歌词,然后再听歌谣并学唱歌曲。 教师应着重引导比较级的标志词,than
Unit 10 Did you know?
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
通过学习本单元,学生能够初步掌握形容词最高级的用法 学生能认读图标数据,并能用英语简单进行说明
交际用语 Expressions in communication
The Great Wall is the longest wall in the world. How tall are you?
I am one- hundred and forty-nine centimetres tall. What can you easily do when you are very tall? What can’t you easily do when you are very tall? Which animal is bigger?
Which animal is the biggest of the three?
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
tallest, shortest, Australia, travel, river, Britain, giraffe, land, animal, sailfish, snowman, mountain, mount, Everest, whale, difficult, strongest, weakest
所需教具 Materials for teaching
相关的图片,如长城、蓝鲸、最高的人和最矮的人(网上有) 相关人物(姚明、乔丹、奥尼尔、贝克汉姆) 量身高的用的米尺
教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up
教师带领学生复习Unit9单元教学活动2,听写 Presentation
上课时,教师首先问大家:“Do you know how tall Mr. Yao Ming is?”大家说出姚明的身高后,教师问:“Is he the tallest person in China? Is he the tallest person in the world?”如果大家说:“No.”教师接着问:“Who is the tallest person in China? Do you know?”如果有学生事先看了书说出了答案,教师应表现很高兴的样子说:“Very good. I know where you’ve got the information. You’ve read our books. That’s very good. You’ve read something from our textbooks. He is the tallest man in China. He is 2.36 metres tall.”
教师继续问大家:“Now let me ask you another question. Have you heard of the shortest woman in China? How short is she? She is only 79 centimetres (cm) tall.”
教师问完之后:“In the world, there are many things which cannot be compared with. But we do have some first ones. Please open your books and look at the figures and the facts. Let’s do a listening test. Please listen to the tape. When you hear a description, you quickly find the place and put a number on it. For example, if you first hear ‘The tallest snowman is 22 metres’, you quickly put a number 1 on the snowman. Do you understand?”教师说完之后给学生放录音,然后让学生把图都编上号。等全都写上号后,教师让学生再听一遍,以便熟悉内容。之后,教师要带着学生反复朗读这些句子。只有通过朗读学生才能记住一些信息,才能用这些信息去交流。因此,教师要先加强学生朗读。教师可以给学生几分钟的时间自己朗读,然后再进行比赛。
单元教学活动2 Read and add.
a )教师带着学生从头到尾读一遍;
b )教师只读形容词,学生说出它们的比较级和最高级形式;
c )教师让学生分成两个组,A组读1、3、5、7、9,的词,B组读2、4、6、8、10的词; d )学生一个接着一个地读,每人读一个词等。
最后,教师要提醒大家注意big, fat, hot, thin这几个单词的比较级和最高级,happy, easy的比较级和最高级及fine的比较级和最高级。
单元教学活动3 Listen and chant.



