单元教学活动 3 Read, tick and say.
单元教学活动 4 Listen, ask and answer.
第四部分是对话练习。教师可以先让学生按照对话练习,然后给学生提供一些短语词组,让学生做一些替换练习。如:see a film, take a bus, ride a bike, play soccer, play computer games, have a birthday party, have breakfast, do your homework, listen to music, buy food 等。
单元教学活动 5 Look, point and say.
第五部分的内容是看图并说出每间房子是做什么用途的。一个学生说:“Can you tell what these rooms are?”另一个同学指着图说:“This is the maths room. This is the Music room. This is the classroom. This is the reading-room. This is the Art room. This is the TV room. This is the computer room. This is the coffee room. This is the bank. This is the Men’s room. This is the Women’s room. This is the study room. This is the sports room. This is the shop. This is the school clinic.”
单元教学活动 6 Guess, write and match.
第六部分是游戏活动。教师首先选出几个同学,让他们分别举着一个地点的牌子分头站在教室的某个地方,然后教师发给每个学生五张纸条。教师首先说:“Now you are going to ask me a question. ‘Where is Mr.White?’Then I’m going to write the place name. And you are going to guess where Mr. White is. You also write the place name on a piece of paper. Then you take the paper and stand behind the person who’s holding this place name. Finally I’ll give you the answer. You’ll see whether you have got the right place or not. If your place is right, you win 10 points for your group. Do you understand?”教师开始写地点,然后学生继续问其他的几个人,学生每完成一个就回到座位上,再继续下一个问题及写下一个猜的地点。
单元教学活动 7 Listen, chant and sing.
单元教学活动 8 Read and match.
单元教学活动 9 Look , read and match.
单元教学活动 11 Listen, point and say.
第十一部分是看图说话的练习。教师对学生说:“Now we have many pictures. Please look at the pictures and talk about them. You can look at the example.”教师让学生依次说每个句子,并尽量熟悉这些形容词。
单元教学活动 10 Draw, show and tell.
可供学生阅读的小短文 My First Day at School
I remember clearly my first day at school. I was excited but a little nervous; excited because I finally became a student, and nervous because I was going to meet a lot of new friends. At the school gate, a young teacher greeted me and took me to my classroom. I chose a seat near the window. While I was putting my bag on my desk, a girl in a pink skirt walked in with her father. She stopped in front of my desk and told her father that she wanted my desk and told her father that she wanted my seat. Her father asked me if I could change to another seat, and when I said “no”, the girl started crying. Her father sighed and took her to
another seat Soon, boys and girls filled the classroom. The boy sitting in front of me was shy but friendly, the girl beside me shared her snack with every one. All of us soon became friends. The bell rang at eight o’clock and the teacher came in. She asked each of us to introduce ourselves. First she invited the twin brothers to speak to the class. The boys looked the same, but when they began to talk, we could all tell the difference between them. The elder twin spoke fluently while the younger one stuttered. The two almost started a fight when the talkative one laughed at his brother who was struggling to get his words out. The teacher quickly separated them. The next to speak was a tall boy. He was so big that when he rose from his seat he knocked over his desk and chair. The whole class burst into loud laughter. By then I was not nervous at all. So when I introduced myself, I spoke clearly and fluently. I enjoyed my first day at school.
Our School library
Our school has a library. It is bright and clean. When you come into the library, you will see a large reading room. There are ten long tables in the room. Around the tables are chairs. Students sit at the tables and read books. From this reading room, if you walk to the left, you will enter another big room. This room is where all the books, newspapers and magazines are kept. They are all placed on the shelves. You can walk around and find the book you like. Then you can take the book to the reading room and read it there. Our library has many books on history, literature, music, art and geography. And there are Chinese and English newspapers. I like reading story books. Every day after lunch I go to the library and read my favourite books. I also try to read English newspapers such as Twenty-First Century. I don’t understand much, but I’m sure I will understand more next year.
Unit 4 Miss, can I ask you a question?
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
通过学习本单元,学生能学会一些课堂提问的话题 学生能积极向老师提出学习上的问题,不懂就问 初步学习如何查字典,查找自己想找的词汇
交际用语 Expressions in communication
Can I ask a question?
What does this word mean? Who can say a riddle?
What’s the English for“Jian”?
What’s the Chinese for“straight hair”?
Excuse me, can I use the bathroom for a minute? May I sit here? May I come in?
Who wants have a try? Let me try.
Shall I help you make sandwiches?
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
question, sure, mean, riddle, picture, Chinese, English, straight, plus, minus, curly, try, address, video, comic, film, jungle, balcony, town, laugh, sandwich, enjoy 所需教具 Materials for teaching
几本书的侧面,上面标有从A到Z的字母,如第七部分的图 单词图片和卡片 一本英语字典
教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up
复习字母表,说唱不同旋律的字母歌。 Presentation
上课时,教师对学生说:“Today I’m going to let you ask me lots of questions.”
a) First of all, if you see this, 教师马上将8-4=?写在黑板上说:“how will you say it in English? If you don’t know how to say it, you can ask me. You say, Miss / Sir, can I ask you a question? Then I say, ‘Yes, please.’You can say,‘What’s the English for‘Jian’?’Then I will tell you. Who can have a try?教师鼓励学生询问一些自己想知道的英语单词,同时教师可以让大家学习说:“What’s the English for…?”接着教师说:“Listen carefully. I’ll ask you a question. What’s the Chinese for‘banana’? Who can tell me?”教师鼓励学生说出其中文的意思。
b) 在学生基本会说以上两个句型以后,教师让学生随意提问两个方面的问题,可以问中文,也可问英语。
c) 然后教师说:“Now please open your books and turn to page 23. Do you know these words? If you don’t, how will you ask me? Please try it.”教师鼓励学生询问这些单词。这个时候,教师要教大家说:“Page 23,Line 5, Word 7 from the top, from the bottom, in the middle”之类的说法。经过一些朗读之后,教师让大家用这些词来询问自己不懂的词。教师边教边告诉学生这些词的意思。
d)教师引导大家看本单元的主图。教师说:“Now let’s look at the picture. What are the students doing here? Please find the Art room first. What are the children doing?教师问学生:“What question did the girl ask? Do you know the Chinese for‘straight hair’?教师询问学生是否明白。接着,教师引导大家看Maths Room.教师继续问学生:“What is the teacher doing? What questions did the students have?教师用同样的方法带学生看Dancing Room和Language Room。
e)教师问起有关游戏时说:“Do you know the riddles here? What’s the first one?教师让大家猜谜语:
It’s round. You can see it in the evening in the sky.( moon) It’s long and green. Old people like it ( bean)
It’s long and yellow. Monkeys like to eat it.( banana) It’s orange, It’s long. Rabbits like to eat it.( carrot)
It’s white or brown. Many children like to eat it.( chocolate)
f)完成这些问答之后,教师让学生合上教材一起听两遍录音。之后,教师问大家:“Do you understand what they say? Now open your books and say the dialogues in pairs.”教师让学生两人一组再进行练习。
单元教学活动 2 Try it yourself.
第二部分是让学生继续说和猜谜语。教师对学生说:“Who can make your own riddle and say it out?”教师鼓励学生自己编谜语说出来让大家猜。如果教师感觉大家学起来确实有困难,就先让学生两人一组自编一些谜语,最后再找几个同学说,让大家猜。如果学生实在编不出来,教师可以给出自己事先准备好的谜语。
a) What do you call a dog lying in the sun? ( a hot dog ) b) What becomes higher when the head is off? ( a pillow )
c) What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty? ( blackboard ) d) What is more useful when it is broken? ( an egg ) e) What room can no one enter? ( mushroom ) f) What am I if I drop into the water? ( waiter)
g) What goes up and never comes down? ( people’s age ) h) What is the largest ant in the world? ( elephant )
i) What do you call your father-in-law’s only child’s mother-in-law? ( mum )
单元教学活动 3 Pairwork.
第三部分是句型练习。学生用Can I …?的句型征求别人的意见。教师首先让大家先将问句与答语配上对,然后再让学生两人一组进行问答。待学生比较熟练之后,教师让学生将下面所给的短语替换进去。为了检查学生练习效果,教师让学生在全班范围内问一些句子,教师或其他同学均可以回答。
单元教学活动 4 Listen, practice and act.
第四部分是小小对话。第一和第二个对话都是练习“May I …?”教师可以让学生两人一组造一些相关的句子。比如:May I open the window? May I sit down? May I go home now? May I have a cake? May I play the game now? May I have the book back? May I go out now?教师关键是要让学生进行大量的练习。第三个对话很容易,也正是学生经常在课堂上用的。教师可以设想一个情景,让学生来做。
比如教师说:“Who can come to the blackboard and draw without using his or her hands?学生此时可以运用句子:“Miss, let me try. Sir, let me try.最后,教师再设想几个询问中文和英语的例子,比如:“What’s the Chinese for‘address’? ”“ What’s the Chinese for ‘balcony’? ”“What’s the Chinese for ‘jungle’?教师可以把第七部分要学生知道的词都通过这种方式问出来,好让学生知道。
单元教学活动 5 Read, check and learn.
第五部分是让学生复习以前所学过的词。两个学生在一起,由一个学生先开始读,如果该学生碰到不会读的单词时,他/她就应该说:“Excuse me, what does this word mean?另一个同学该回答:“It means‘Eyu’.”如果该同学也不会,就应该说:“Sorry! I don’t know. We can ask the teacher.”教师让学生这样来进行练习,直到大家都知道这些单词的英文和中文。
单元教学活动 7 Read, write and check.
第七部分是教学生如何查字典的内容。教师首先要让学生知道字母的排序。所以,教师要先考考学生是否能默写英语的字母表,并查看他们写的顺序是否正确,然后再问学生这些书中缺少哪些字母。教师问大家:“If you want to look up these words, which books should you look inside? Let’s see the first one. ‘Comic’. Which book should you look into? Yes, it should be Book C.接着教师再继续问其他的词。都问完之后,教师说:“Look, this is a dictionary. In this book, these are all letters from A to Z. Let’s see. If we want to look up the word ‘comic’, we can turn to C section and check the letters one by one.”教师一边做示范一边说:“First, we check the letter C, then we check the letter O. Later, we check the letter M, and then I, finally we check the letter C again.”教师找到该单词,并让一个学生到前面来看:“What does it say?这个学生将所看到的结果告诉大家。之后,教师帮助一个同学再查找一个单词,比如“video”。教师让学生翻字典,自己在旁边帮助他(她)。最后再告诉大家意思。
单元教学活动 8 Let’s chant and sing.
单元教学活动 9 Pairwork.
第九部分是让学生自己做出自己想吃的sandwiches。教师首先说:“We have many things here. If we want to make sandwiches, we should have bread. We should have vegetables. We should have all kinds of meat, such as chicken meat, fish, beef, pork, mutton, etc. Which kind of sandwich would you like to make? Please write them down on the lines.”教师让学生把自己想吃的三明治写在横线上,最后,同学之间再交换一下想法,看看大家都喜欢吃什么样的三明治。 单元教学活动 10 Unscramble the letters.
这些单词分别是:bread, sandwich, question, cheese, comic, video, tomato, balcony
单元教学活动 6 Odd one out.
第六部分是挑出不同类的图。教师仍然要提醒大家说:“There are four pictures in each group. But one is different. Which one is different? Why?”教师还是先让学生自己说,最后再全班一起说。 Group 1 The third one is different. This is a nose. The others are hair.
Group 2 The first one is different. The shoes are for us to wear. The others are for us to use.
Group 3 The fourth one is different. The other three are classrooms. The fourth one is outside on the farm. Group 4 The third one is different. The others all gave something in their hands, but the third one has a boy.
beach, cinema, station, market, waterfall, island, mountain, village, forest, river.
Unit 5 How about coming with us?
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
通过学习,学生能熟悉和掌握常见的公共场所名称 学习一些简单的指路和问路的语言 初步学会在地图上找路
交际用语 Expressions in communication
How about coming with us? Where are you going?
I’d love to. But I’m going to xi’an this afternoon. Where is the truck / lorry? Opposite the market. By the river. In the park.
Find a man reading a newspaper.
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
market, farm, hospital, school, bus station, cinema, zoo, supermarket, bank, cafe, park, shop, swimming pool, library, playground, road, beach, street, forest, waterfall, lake, island, village, mountain
所需教具 Materials for teaching
有关的地点名称图片 相关的风景明信片 介词卡片
教学步骤 Teaching Procedures Warm up
教师带领学生复习、表演unit4教学活动4 Presentation
教师跟学生打招呼之后对学生说:“Tomorrow is a holiday. What do you want to do? Do you want to go outside? Do you want to go travelling? If I go to the city centre, would you like to come with me?”
a )问完以上几个问题后,教师拿出街道名称的单词卡片问学生:“Do you know these streets? Let’s see what they are.”教师拿出一张卡片说:“This is Rainbow Street. This is Lemon Street. This is Garden Street.”教师边说,边在黑板上画出一条街线,并在街线的两边画出一些高低错落的楼房。如:
教师应这样给学生讲解:“street的两边通常是商店,是城市街区的主要街道,两边有人行道,而road则是连接一个区域或城镇的道路,相对来说,不如street那样繁华。”然后教师就可以将有关城市公共设施的名称放在街道的两旁,如market, bus station, cinema, bank, cafe, shop, library等。然后,教师带领学生一起学习词汇并复习词汇。
b )接下来,教师可以问学生几个公共设施的地址:“What is the address of the hospital?”学生应回答:“It’s No.22 on Rainbow Street.”教师与学生接着问答:“What is the address of the zoo?”“It’s No.25 on Rainbow Street.”“What is the address of the cinema?”“It’s No.11 on Garden Street.”“Please tell me where the truck is.”“It’s on Garden Street in front of the clothing shop.”
c )几次练习之后,教师引导大家看坐满学生的汽车,并问大家:“Where are these students going?( Maybe they are going to visit some places of historical interests.)Why are they Happy?(Because they can have fun and enjoy themselves.)Does the little boy want to go?(Yes, he does.)Why can’t he go?(He’s going to xi’an.) ”
d )教师随后给大家播放歌曲,让大家跟着一起学习歌曲。
e )根据上课的时间,教师还可以让学生将主图下面的单词抄写在相应的建筑设施上。
单元教学活动2 Look, tick and talk.
-----Which place would you like to go? -----I’d like to go to the waterfall.
-----How about going to Kunming Lake? -----Sorry. I like to see the waterfall.
单元教学活动3 Ask and answer in pairs.



