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A discussion on the application of b-value to the prediction of seismic tendency

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A discussion on the application of b-value to the

prediction of seismic tendency


【期刊名称】《地震学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2001(014)005

【摘要】In the estimation of seismic tendency, using Gutenberg-Richter¢s b-value and using Hurst exponent are two com-monly used methods. Based on the fractal geometry of earthquake time series, we point out that these two methods correlate to each other. In the perspective of fractional Brownian motion (FBM), an earthquake sequence with b>3/4 and that with b<3/4 have different dynamic properties. 【总页数】4页(585-588) 【关键词】 【作者】佚名

【作者单位】Institute of Geophysics, China Seismological Bureau, 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】P315.75 【相关文献】

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A discussion on the application of b-value to the prediction of seismic tendency


