幼 小 衔 接 班 教 学 设 计
课 题 教 具 How are you? 学 科 英语 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 日 期 2013-07-08 1. 学习并能说出基本课堂用语stand up sit down sunny rainy 教学目标 2. 并且会用英文交流简单的日常问话How are you ? I’m fine, thank you. 环节时间 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 【热身和导入】 1.Greeting each Warm up other. 1 Sing an English song 2 Mime and (5’) 2.Sing an say:stand up sit down sunny rainy English song Preview 3. Mime and say: 【任务呈现】 (5’) 教师用夸张的动作表演下列形容 1 Ask about today’s words. Presentation 词:stand up 2 Set a task for listening. sit down sunny And rainy让学生去【任务准备】 Practice 猜。 1 Look and listen to the story. Find out the 4.let’s look and (27’) sentence about How are you ? I’m fine, listen to the Summary story. thank you. beginning with them and 1. Look and (3’) listen to the copy them on the board. Learn to say story. Find out “stand up sit down sunny rainy”. the sentence about“ How are 2 Learn to ask about weather. you ? I’m fine, thank you. ” ① Point to the sentence “It’s hot .” “It’s and copy them sunny.” “It’s windy” one by one, and ask on the board. “What’s the weather like today?” Help Learn to say “stand up sit them answer. down sunny rainy” and ② Copy the question on the board and “sunny”.通过抛球learn to ask. 的游戏来练习新 ③ Parctising asking and answering in 单词。 different ways. 3 Ask students to find out another word about weather. Then learn to say “raining”. Then ask “Is it really raining?” Get them to answer and explain why. 4 Listen and pause after each utterance for students to repeat, and explain the difficult words and sentence necessa 教学反思 幼 小 衔 接 班 教 学 设 计
课 题 教 具 How are you? 学 科 英语 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 日 期 2013-07-11 1. 学习并能说出基本课堂用语one two three four five six seven eight nine ten。 教学目标 2. 并且会用英文交流简单的日常问话What’s the weather like ? It’s … What’s your name ? My name is … 环节时间 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 Warm up (5’) Preview (5’) 1. Greeting each 【热身和导入】 other. 1 Sing an English song 2 Mime 2. Sing an English and say:stand up sit down sunny song rainy 【任务呈现】 Presentation 3. Mime and say: And Practice (27’) Summary (3’) 教师用夸张的动作 1 Ask about today’s words. 表演下列形容词: 2 Set a task for listening. stand up sit down 【任务准备】 sunny rainy让学 1 Look and listen to the story. Find 生去猜。 4.let’s look out the sentence about How are you ? I’m and fine, thank you. beginning with them and copy them on the board. Learn to say “stand listen to the story. 1. Look and listen to up sit down sunny rainy”. the story. Find out 2 Learn to ask about weather. the sentence about ① Point to the sentence “It’s “ How are you ? hot .” “It’s sunny.” “It’s windy” I’m fine, thank one by one, and ask “What’s the you. ” and copy weather like today?” Help them answer. them on the board. ② Copy the question on the board Learn to say and learn to ask. Parctising asking and “stand up sit ③ down rainy ” sunny answering in different ways. and 3 Ask students to find out another “sunny”.通过抛word about weather. Then learn to say 球的游戏来练习新“raining”. 单词。 Then ask “Is it really raining?” Get them to answer and explain why. 4 Listen and pause after each utterance for students to repeat, and explain the difficult words and sentence necessa 教学反思 幼 小 衔 接 班 教 学 设 计
课 题 教 具 Have you a …? 学 科 英语 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 日 期 2013-07-15 1.学习并能熟练说出人体器官的说法, face head eye ear nose mouth hand foot 教学目标 2.并且会用简单的英文描述自己的五官,询问别人相关的问题。Have you a …? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t. 环节时间 Warm up 教 学 内 容 达标过程及教学方法设计 1.教师与学生热情地打招呼问.Look over the story by 好,并介绍自己,然后请同学简(5’) listening and 单地自我介绍,让学生之间用简单的英语进行问答请几个学生起Preview repeating. 头,演唱几首以前学过的英语歌(5’) Look and say. 曲,要求全班学生边唱边做动作。找表演能力强的学生到前面Presentation Have you a …? Yes, I 带着大家做动作。 2. Review the words.(We learnt have. No, I haven’t. And last time.) Practice Feedback of the let’s look and listen to the (27’) Summary (3’) story again. 1.让学生看图听录音,回忆课文大体内容,教师根据大图引导学生说出上节课所学的重点句型Have you a …? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.。并通过Pair work进行练习。 2.标出重点句型:“Have you a …? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t..”练习方式 让学生通过拍桌子的机械式练习先掌握句型,然后通过标重音的方式来 练习句子的灵活运用情况。赢的那个小朋友可以随便询问一个城市的天 气让输的小朋友回答,如果回答对了就加分,如果回答错了就扣分。 homework. 新句型“No, I haven’t.” 让学生看图并让学生根据图片上的来提问Have you a …? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.”其他同学进行回答。 让学生分角色,分男女生,分小组朗读课文和表演。 Play a guessing game. 完成AB上的练习1,先听录音独立完成,然后找同学一起核对答案。 .Homework: 首先通过课件只出示图片,请学教会家长至少两个单生为图片中的任务配词,家长签字。 音。然后播放录音核对答案。 教学反思 幼 小 衔 接 班 教 学 设 计
课 题 教 具 Have you a …? 学 科 英语 教学挂图、卡片、CD-ROM、课件 日 期 2013-07-18 1.学习并能熟练说出人体器官的大小说法, big small 教学目标 tall short 2.并且会用简单的英文描述自己的五官,询问别人相关的问
幼小衔接班英语教学设计 - 图文