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popular innovation, the much anticipated entrepreneurial atmosphere. Six is to highlight the strong comprehensive and strict guarantees, constantly consolidate the basis of the party building. As the biggest achievement in grasping party building, fully strictly administering the party achieved remarkable results. Cast soul guben caught idea. Adhere to the important mission of inspiring, gather the people with common ideals, with development achievements inspired people, conscientiously study the party's latest theoretical achievements, further carry out various types of mass selecting mode selection, multiple trees and carrying forward the righteousness of fresh air, and constantly promote the development of positive energy together. Strict management of cadres. Developed has new promoted section cadres evaluation and debriefing approach, and township section cadres attendance report informed system and leaders talk talk approach, perfect has Township morning will system, specification has Township cadres management; according to \cadres\d selection cadres, set has heavy conduct, and heavy performance, and heavy grass-roots, and heavy public of oriented; research developed party work supervision and grass-roots party assessment evaluation approach, formed has three level Secretary linkage caught party of pattern. Wind Su JI caught style. Carry out \hree\ducation and strictly investigate and called upon to inform the name violates the Central \s\nd things, concentration and control of frivolity and not as style, as issues such as cadres ' style continuous improvement. Responsibility to catch the independent Commission against corruption. Strictly implement the \bility, and fully cooperate with inspections of municipal party Committee, listen to the people's congresses, Governments, CPPCC Committee, the County party Committee Standing Committee, ownship departments mainly responsible for the implementation of responsibility briefing, step by step to carry out interviews, layers of conductive pressure, clean system continuously. 2015 work go hand in hand, with remarkable results, marked \ctor of development success. In five years, the County in accordance with the \ning four support and further development of the five industries, accelerate the construction of three major patterns\hard work, and promoting the rapid, sustained and healthy development of economy and society, becoming the fastest-accelerating the adjustment of the economic structure, enhance comprehensive strength, significant infrastructure improvements, urban and rural ... For five years, wrote on the event in the history of jingchuan brilliant chapter. The practice shows that in five years, must adhere to the development the first priority is not shaken, must adhere to the project driven strategy up, must adhere to the deep development does not stop, must adhere to a comprehensive reform does not retreat, must adhere to the strengthening work style building do not slack off, 全国一级建造师执业资格考试用书(第三版)

《市政公用工程管理与实务》 2011年网上增值服务(1)


1 一级建造师考试大纲、考试用书新版(第三版)和第二版的区别

1.1 修订原则与要求

1.1.1根据人力资源和社会保障部、住房和城乡建设部最终审定通过的考试大纲,《全国一级建造师执业资格考试用书》(第三版)已完成编写修订。 1.1.2新版考试大纲计51目,166条(2009版67目,194条),修订内容为33.5%;符合修订要求。知识结构分布保持在:掌握:熟悉:了解的比例为69%:21%:10%,控制在5:3:2~7:2:1间。知识内容(条目)分配:工程技术(含技术管理)为35%,项目管理为50%,法规、标准为15%。

1.1.3新版考试用书以大纲为依据,与大纲中的“条”逐一对应,对大纲中要求的内容必须阐述,大纲中没有要求的不应涉及。全书预计36.8万字。 1.2 新版与旧版考试用书的区别



本版将各专业施工技术的共性知识进行了综合阐述,并依据市政公用工程建设的现况和发展,调整了各专业技术知识点的比重;较好的体现了市政公用工程各专业施工技术的综合与融通。 1.2.2体现了市政公用工程的特点


popular innovation, the much anticipated entrepreneurial atmosphere. Six is to highlight the strong comprehensive and strict guarantees, constantly consolidate the basis of the party building. As the biggest achievement in grasping party building, fully strictly administering the party achieved remarkable results. Cast soul guben caught idea. Adhere to the important mission of inspiring, gather the people with common ideals, with development achievements inspired people, conscientiously study the party's latest theoretical achievements, further carry out various types of mass selecting mode selection, multiple trees and carrying forward the righteousness of fresh air, and constantly promote the development of positive energy together. Strict management of cadres. Developed has new promoted section cadres evaluation and debriefing approach, and township section cadres attendance report informed system and leaders talk talk approach, perfect has Township morning will system, specification has Township cadres management; according to \cadres\d selection cadres, set has heavy conduct, and heavy performance, and heavy grass-roots, and heavy public of oriented; research developed party work supervision and grass-roots party assessment evaluation approach, formed has three level Secretary linkage caught party of pattern. Wind Su JI caught style. Carry out \hree\ducation and strictly investigate and called upon to inform the name violates the Central \s\nd things, concentration and control of frivolity and not as style, as issues such as cadres ' style continuous improvement. Responsibility to catch the independent Commission against corruption. Strictly implement the \bility, and fully cooperate with inspections of municipal party Committee, listen to the people's congresses, Governments, CPPCC Committee, the County party Committee Standing Committee, ownship departments mainly responsible for the implementation of responsibility briefing, step by step to carry out interviews, layers of conductive pressure, clean system continuously. 2015 work go hand in hand, with remarkable results, marked \ctor of development success. In five years, the County in accordance with the \ning four support and further development of the five industries, accelerate the construction of three major patterns\hard work, and promoting the rapid, sustained and healthy development of economy and society, becoming the fastest-accelerating the adjustment of the economic structure, enhance comprehensive strength, significant infrastructure improvements, urban and rural ... For five years, wrote on the event in the history of jingchuan brilliant chapter. The practice shows that in five years, must adhere to the development the first priority is not shaken, must adhere to the project driven strategy up, must adhere to the deep development does not stop, must adhere to a comprehensive reform does not retreat, must adhere to the strengthening work style building do not slack off, 求。因此,市政公用工程施工规范标准有不同于其他相近专业的特殊要求;工程项目管理也有着各自的具体规定。

新版的考试用书在工程实践的基础上,总结了以往考试用书的经验,填补了不足之处,较好的体现了市政公用工程专业特点和需求。 1.2.3反映了市政工程技术发展

新版的考试用书力图反映近年来市政工程施工技术、项目管理和相关规范标准的发展。删去了工程实践很少应用或国家命令淘汰、限用的工程材料、机具或施工工艺;引入了新颁布执行的相关标准规范。工程项目管理增加了总承包工程管理内容和建设主管部门颁布的安全、质量、环境保护和文明施工的管理内容。与基础课相互协调,本书的项目管理知识重点介绍在工程的实际应用。 1.3新版考试用书与旧版的主要修订之处 1.3.1工程技术方面




4、城市给水排水工程,增写了工程结构与施工工艺;增写了水厂设备安装和试运行部分内容。 5、将城市给水排水管道工程施工、燃气管道工程施工、供热管道施工合为城市管道工程一节;增加了不开槽施工和砌筑结构管道施工技术内容;增加了城市地下管道维护与修复技术内容。

6、生活垃圾填埋处理工程增加了市政公用工程施工测量放线和竣工图测绘内容。 7、增加了城市绿化工程施工和园林工程施工两目六条内容;尽可能做到与其他专业的相互衔接和融通。 1.3.2项目施工管理


popular innovation, the much anticipated entrepreneurial atmosphere. Six is to highlight the strong comprehensive and strict guarantees, constantly consolidate the basis of the party building. As the biggest achievement in grasping party building, fully strictly administering the party achieved remarkable results. Cast soul guben caught idea. Adhere to the important mission of inspiring, gather the people with common ideals, with development achievements inspired people, conscientiously study the party's latest theoretical achievements, further carry out various types of mass selecting mode selection, multiple trees and carrying forward the righteousness of fresh air, and constantly promote the development of positive energy together. Strict management of cadres. Developed has new promoted section cadres evaluation and debriefing approach, and township section cadres attendance report informed system and leaders talk talk approach, perfect has Township morning will system, specification has Township cadres management; according to \cadres\d selection cadres, set has heavy conduct, and heavy performance, and heavy grass-roots, and heavy public of oriented; research developed party work supervision and grass-roots party assessment evaluation approach, formed has three level Secretary linkage caught party of pattern. Wind Su JI caught style. Carry out \hree\ducation and strictly investigate and called upon to inform the name violates the Central \s\nd things, concentration and control of frivolity and not as style, as issues such as cadres ' style continuous improvement. Responsibility to catch the independent Commission against corruption. Strictly implement the \bility, and fully cooperate with inspections of municipal party Committee, listen to the people's congresses, Governments, CPPCC Committee, the County party Committee Standing Committee, ownship departments mainly responsible for the implementation of responsibility briefing, step by step to carry out interviews, layers of conductive pressure, clean system continuously. 2015 work go hand in hand, with remarkable results, marked \ctor of development success. In five years, the County in accordance with the \ning four support and further development of the five industries, accelerate the construction of three major patterns\hard work, and promoting the rapid, sustained and healthy development of economy and society, becoming the fastest-accelerating the adjustment of the economic structure, enhance comprehensive strength, significant infrastructure improvements, urban and rural ... For five years, wrote on the event in the history of jingchuan brilliant chapter. The practice shows that in five years, must adhere to the development the first priority is not shaken, must adhere to the project driven strategy up, must adhere to the deep development does not stop, must adhere to a comprehensive reform does not retreat, must adhere to the strengthening work style building do not slack off, 1、招标投标管理改动较大,针对目前工程总承包模式发展,增写了招标投标的条件、程序和管理要求。


3、对施工成本管理内容进行了梳理,重点放在项目部成本管理方面。 4、施工组织设计分为实施性施工组织设计、施工方案、专项方案和交通导行方案,进行了较系统介绍。


6、对施工进度管理内容梳理后,删除不实用部分内容,减至3条。 7、施工质量管理针对质量保证计划与措施制度,分为工程准备阶段和施工阶段两个阶段进行重点阐述。


9、施工安全管理作了较大的改动,重点是项目部的安全管理与控制。 10、分为明挖(深)基坑施工、桥梁(高空)施工、隧道(暗挖)施工3个主要方面介绍了市政公用工程安全管理与事故预防措施。


12、对工程竣工验收与备案内容进行梳理和补充,以使内容符合工程实践需求。 1.3.3相关法规与标准

1、保留了两个条例,专业工程施工与(及)验收规范进但缺少垃圾填埋工程,且全部是现行标准;城市供热工程新修订规范尚未颁布,故仍沿用原条文。 2、增加了一级注册建造师执业管理规定及要求内容。 1.3.4案例题全部修订或更新





popular innovation, the much anticipated entrepreneurial atmosphere. Six is to highlight the strong comprehensive and strict guarantees, constantly consolidate the basis of the party building. As the biggest achievement in grasping party building, fully strictly administering the party achieved remarkable results. Cast soul guben caught idea. Adhere to the important mission of inspiring, gather the people with common ideals, with development achievements inspired people, conscientiously study the party's latest theoretical achievements, further carry out various types of mass selecting mode selection, multiple trees and carrying forward the righteousness of fresh air, and constantly promote the development of positive energy together. Strict management of cadres. Developed has new promoted section cadres evaluation and debriefing approach, and township section cadres attendance report informed system and leaders talk talk approach, perfect has Township morning will system, specification has Township cadres management; according to \cadres\d selection cadres, set has heavy conduct, and heavy performance, and heavy grass-roots, and heavy public of oriented; research developed party work supervision and grass-roots party assessment evaluation approach, formed has three level Secretary linkage caught party of pattern. Wind Su JI caught style. Carry out \hree\ducation and strictly investigate and called upon to inform the name violates the Central \s\nd things, concentration and control of frivolity and not as style, as issues such as cadres ' style continuous improvement. Responsibility to catch the independent Commission against corruption. Strictly implement the \bility, and fully cooperate with inspections of municipal party Committee, listen to the people's congresses, Governments, CPPCC Committee, the County party Committee Standing Committee, ownship departments mainly responsible for the implementation of responsibility briefing, step by step to carry out interviews, layers of conductive pressure, clean system continuously. 2015 work go hand in hand, with remarkable results, marked \ctor of development success. In five years, the County in accordance with the \ning four support and further development of the five industries, accelerate the construction of three major patterns\hard work, and promoting the rapid, sustained and healthy development of economy and society, becoming the fastest-accelerating the adjustment of the economic structure, enhance comprehensive strength, significant infrastructure improvements, urban and rural ... For five years, wrote on the event in the history of jingchuan brilliant chapter. The practice shows that in five years, must adhere to the development the first priority is not shaken, must adhere to the project driven strategy up, must adhere to the deep development does not stop, must adhere to a comprehensive reform does not retreat, must adhere to the strengthening work style building do not slack off, 准确、简练,解题条件完备,应试人员能通过阅读明确考核的内容和要求;力求避免猜测或对答案有分歧。






2.1.2新版《市政公用工程管理与实务》注重综合科目的知识点在工程实践的具体应用,其中包括行业的具体规定;应试人员应在综合科目的理论知识基础上,掌握在工程实践中的具体应用。 2.2前瞻性



3 学习新版《市政公用工程管理与实务》的建议





popular innovation, the much anticipated entrepreneurial atmosphere. Six is to highlight the strong comprehensive and strict guarantees, constantly consolidate the basis of the party building. As the biggest achievement in grasping party building, fully strictly administering the party achieved remarkable results. Cast soul guben caught idea. Adhere to the important mission of inspiring, gather the people with common ideals, with development achievements inspired people, conscientiously study the party's latest theoretical achievements, further carry out various types of mass selecting mode selection, multiple trees and carrying forward the righteousness of fresh air, and constantly promote the development of positive energy together. Strict management of cadres. Developed has new promoted section cadres evaluation and debriefing approach, and township section cadres attendance report informed system and leaders talk talk approach, perfect has Township morning will system, specification has Township cadres management; according to \cadres\d selection cadres, set has heavy conduct, and heavy performance, and heavy grass-roots, and heavy public of oriented; research developed party work supervision and grass-roots party assessment evaluation approach, formed has three level Secretary linkage caught party of pattern. Wind Su JI caught style. Carry out \hree\ducation and strictly investigate and called upon to inform the name violates the Central \s\nd things, concentration and control of frivolity and not as style, as issues such as cadres ' style continuous improvement. Responsibility to catch the independent Commission against corruption. Strictly implement the \bility, and fully cooperate with inspections of municipal party Committee, listen to the people's congresses, Governments, CPPCC Committee, the County party Committee Standing Committee, ownship departments mainly responsible for the implementation of responsibility briefing, step by step to carry out interviews, layers of conductive pressure, clean system continuously. 2015 work go hand in hand, with remarkable results, marked \ctor of development success. In five years, the County in accordance with the \ning four support and further development of the five industries, accelerate the construction of three major patterns\hard work, and promoting the rapid, sustained and healthy development of economy and society, becoming the fastest-accelerating the adjustment of the economic structure, enhance comprehensive strength, significant infrastructure improvements, urban and rural ... For five years, wrote on the event in the history of jingchuan brilliant chapter. The practice shows that in five years, must adhere to the development the first priority is not shaken, must adhere to the project driven strategy up, must adhere to the deep development does not stop, must adhere to a comprehensive reform does not retreat, must adhere to the strengthening work style building do not slack off, 3.1.3在于提高应试人员对事物分析判断的能力,对工程实践中遇到错综复杂问题,有进行分类、分析、归纳的能力。

3.1.4在于提高应试人员的专业知识,市政公用工程专业较多,各专业工程有其专业特点和不同要求;通过学习考试用书可以了解掌握各专业工程管理业务知识,并能运用专业知识解决工程施工中实际问题的能力。 3.2学习方法

34.2.1应试前要仔细阅读考试大纲,掌握考试大纲和考试用书的知识范围; 3.2.2应试人员应根据自身情况,确定学习方法和途径;有自学能力的,应倡导以自学为主。


3.2.4忙于施工现场工作的应试人员,参加规范性的考前辅导班是有必要的;但是,目前社会上的考前辅导班五花八门、水平良莠不齐;应试人员应慎重选择;特别是有的辅导班压题做法,对于应试人员顺利通过考试是没有帮助。 3.3学习与复习要点 3.3.1工程技术


2. 土木工程基础知识分散在各专业工程技术中介绍,如岩土和水文地质部分在道路工程中介绍;钢筋混凝土和预应力混凝土基础知识放在桥梁工程中介绍;明挖基坑、暗挖地下工程和盾构施工等工艺、工法在城市轨道交通工程中介绍;砖砌结构和混凝土防渗基础知识放在给排水厂站工程中介绍;施工测量基础知识放在垃圾填埋场工程中介绍。

3. 土木工程基础知识虽然分散介绍,但保持不重复和连贯性;如预应力混凝土,桥梁工程介绍了先张和后张预应力混凝土技术,但是,无粘结预应力施工技术则放在土木工程基础知识中。 3.3.2项目管理

1. 新版考试大纲和考试用书与第二版相比,加重了工程总承包的管理知识




