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6.As I 回答 (trip over). 7.My boss 回答late. (walk) to the station I 回答 (be) annoyed because I 回答 (get) to work 正确答案:1.was having; rang 2.got up; made 3.was driving; remembered 4.went; picked up 5.closed; realized 6.was walking; tripped over 7.was; got (二)Fill in the gaps. 用所给动词的正确形式填空,完成下列带有条件状语从句的句子。(每空0.5分,共5分) 题目42 If I 回答 (see) Peter, I 回答 (tell) him about the meeting. (you / If you 回答 (have) time, 回答photocopy) the brochure for me? If you 回答If you 回答If I 回答serviced. (book) the tickets, I 回答 (know) the flight time, I 回答 (remember), I 回答 (do) the packing. (book) a taxi. (get) the laptop 正确答案: 1.see will tell 2.have will you photocopy 3.book will do 4.know will book 5.remember will get

(三)Make sentences. 仿照例句,用条件状语从句写出Peter的期望。(每空0.5分,共3分) Example:

Get up early à not be late for work If I get up early, I won’t be late for work.


题目43 1.study hard à pass my exams 回答2.pass my exams à go to university 回答3.go to university à get a good job 回答4.get a good job à earn more money 回答 5.earn more money à not need to borrow from the bank 回答 6.not need to borrow from the bank à be able to afford a holiday 回答正确答案: 1.If I study hard, I’ll pass my exams. 2.If I pass my exams, I’ll go to university. 3.If I go to university, I’ll get a good job. 4.If I get a good job, I’ll earn more money. 5.If I earn more money, I won’t need to borrow from the bank. 6.If I don’t need to borrow money from the bank, I’ll be able to afford a holiday. (四)Match a question word or phrase from A with an answer from B. 匹配题。(每空0.5分,共5.5分) 题目44 备选词汇: 资料仅供参考

(a)Last year. (b)New Zealand (c)Every Tuesday. (d)£259. (e)2 weeks. (f)40 miles. (g)Because I’m hungry. (h)The blue one. (i)By bus. (j)40 (k)I’m a teacher. 1.Where …? 回答2.When …? 回答3.Why …? 回答4.How …? 回答5.What …? 回答6.Which …? 回答7.How much …? 回答8.How many …? 回答9.How far …? 回答10.How long …? 回答11.How often …? 回答正确答案: 1.b 2.a 3.g 4.I 5.k 6.h 7.d 8.j 9.f 10.e 11.c (五)Fill in the gaps. 用所给动词的现在完成时或一般过去时形式填空。注意句中时间短语的提示作用。(每空0.5分,共3.5分) 题目45 A. At the travel agents: Travel Agent: (1) 回答 (you be) to America? 资料仅供参考

Customer: Yes. I went last year. Travel Agent: Where (2) 回答Customer: To New York and Florida. B. Two friends meet after a long time: Susan: You (3) 回答 (change) your hair colour! I (4) 回答 (not recognise) you when I first saw you! Karen: And you (5) 回答 (you go)? (lose) weight. You look fantastic. How are you? C. A husband and wife are talking over dinner: Wife: Your mother (6) 回答Husband: What (7) 回答正确答案: 1.Have you (ever) been 2.did you go 3.have changed (’ve changed) 4.didn’t recognize 5.have lost (’ve lost) 6.Phoned 7.did she say (phone) this afternoon. (she say)? Ⅳ.Reading.阅读。(共26分)

(一)Read and complete the family tree. 阅读文章,了解Caroline的家庭情况,选择人物的名字填写家庭关系示意图。(每空2分,共20分)



I live about 35 miles from London. We live in a pub which is run by my family. It’s a lovely old building. People sometimes ask me what it’s like to live and work with my family all the time, but I always say I like it. We have a big house next to the pub and so it never gets too crowded, even though there are quite a lot of us. My grandparents, Annie and Jack, bought the pub 60 years ago. They don’t


work in it any more, but they still live next door. Everybody knows them, and people sometimes call the pub “Annie and Jack’s”. They’re very proud of what they’ve done. My Mum, Jean, is their daughter. She’s spent all her life living here. My Dad, Jon, comes from a farm nearby, and now they run the pub together. I wonder if anybody will ever call it “Jean and Jon’s”?

As well as me, my parents and my grandparents, there are five other people living at the pub; my sister, Sue, and her daughter Kate live with us. Kate’s 4 years old. She’s my first niece and my parents’ first grandchild, so she gets

everything she wants! Margaret, James and Elizabeth live with us, too. Margaret is my mum’s sister, and she and James, her husband, help my mum and dad to run the pub. Elizabeth is their daughter. It’s a very popular pub and people come from a long way away for Sunday lunch. 备选词汇:

Annie Jack Jean Jon Sue Kate Margaret James Elizabeth


Annie Jack James Margaret Jon Elizabeth Caroline Sue (二)Write the questions. 再读一遍有关Caroline家庭的文章,然后仿照示例,根据答语写出与之对应的问句。(每空1分,共6分) Example: Jean Kate

Q: Who is Annie? A: She’s Caroline’s grandmother. 题目47 1. Q: 回答2. Q: 回答3. Q: 回答 A: Four years old. A: Sixty years ago. A: In a big house next to the pub. A: No, they 4. Q: Annie and Jack / work? 回答don’t. 5. Q: 回答6. Q: Popular? 回答 A: He’s Jean’s husband. A: Yes, it is. 资料仅供参考

正确答案:1. Q: How old is Kate? 2. Q: When did Annie and Jack buy the pub?

3. Q: Where do Caroline’s family live? 4. Q: Do Annie and Jack still work? 5. Q: Who’s Jon? 6. Q: Is the pub popular?



