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C. second wedding 正确答案是:first and second weddings

题目22 Andrew was

( ). 选择一项:

A. Peter’s father B. Peter’s best man

C. a policeman 正确答案是:Peter’s best man

题目23 In the accident

( ).选择一项:

A. a policeman was hurt B. Peter was hurt

C. nobody was hurt 正确答案是:nobody was hurt

题目24 Everyone at the church thought the policeman had

( ).选择一项:

A. broken his motorcycle B. arrested Peter

C. helped Peter 正确答案是:arrested Peter

题目25 Jamie is probably Fiona’s

( ).选择一项:

A. husband B. boss C. son 正确答案是:son Ⅱ.Grammar and Function. 语法与功能。(共25分) (一)Choose the correct answer. 选择合适的词或短语填空。 题目26备选词汇:have to must allowed to mustn’t don’t have to 1.I work in a shop, and I 回答2.You 回答 be very polite to the customers. smoke in the garage – it’s dangerous. 资料仅供参考

3.At work we are 回答afternoon. have a tea break in the morning and 4.It’s my sister’s birthday tomorrow – I 回答5.I’m a teacher, so I 回答get her a card. wear a uniform at work. 正确答案:1. have to 2. mustn’t 3. allowed to 4. must 5. don’t have to(二)Choose the correct answer. 选择正确答案完成句子。(每小题1分,共15分) 题目27 He ( ) me he was leaving on Wednesday. 选择一项: A. tell B. told

C. said 正确答案是:told


)! That fire is dangerous.选择一项:

A. To stop B. Stopping

C. Stop 正确答案是:Stop


I’ve ( ) been to Cairo, but I’d like to go.选择一项:

A. ever B. always C. never



You are a doctor, ( ) you? 选择一项:


A. aren’t B. is

C. do 正确答案是:aren’t

题目31 You

( ) wear a uniform at my school; you can wear anything you


选择一项: A. mustn’t B. don’t have to

C. have to 正确答案是:don’t have to

题目32 A: I don’t like coffee. B: (

) do I. 选择一项:

A. And B. Neither

C. So 正确答案是:Neither

题目33 She’s the person

( ) runs the IT department. 选择一项:

A. which B. who

C. what 正确答案是:who

题目34 I can’t sit here; this chair is very

( ) .选择一项:

A. noncomfortable B. uncomfortable

C. discomfortable 正确答案是:uncomfortable

题目35 If I had a lot of money, I

( ) buy a boat. 选择一项:

A. would


B. am

C. will 正确答案是:would

题目36 He’s lived there

( ) . 选择一项:

A. for B. since

C. ago 正确答案是:since

题目37 I’m very tired – I’ve

( ) finished work.选择一项:

A. ever B. yet

C. just 正确答案是:just

题目38 He

( ) me if I knew the way to the station.选择一项:

A. said B. asked

C. told 正确答案是:asked

题目39 The photo

( ) be of Paris – there’s the Eiffel Tower. 选择一项:

A. can’t B. must

C. could 正确答案是:must

题目40 That is the book

( ) I told you about. 选择一项:

A. X B. who

C. where 正确答案是:X


题目41 China and Canada are

( ) the same size.选择一项: C. about 正确答案是:about A. over B. under (三)Read and choose the correct answer. 阅读短文,并选择正确答案填入空内。(每小题0.5分,共5分) 题目42 A Mary has (1)回答(2)回答C returned to the USA after studying in England C three years. She decided to (3)回答A at a British university rather than an American (4)回答from England and she wanted to (5)回答B because her mother is to know her mother’s family Abetter. She studied English Literature at Goldsmiths’ College, (6)回答 is in London. She lived with her grandmother (7)回答studying. The college was (8)回答BB she was by a friend’s brother who Ahad studied in England for (9)回答 MBA. Mary told her friends that she was going to return to Europe to work because she had enjoyed her time in England (10)回答C much. 1. A. just B. ever C. already 2. A. at B. since C. for 3. A. studied B. studying C. study 4. A. one B. it C. X 5. A. getting B. get C. got 6. A. which B. where C. what 7. A. during B. while C. as 8. A. recommend B. recommended C. recommending 9. A. his B. her C. X



