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英语试卷(一) (满分20)

I.单项选择。(2'X 5 = 10')

( ) ____ Mary and that ____ Jack. They _____ my good friends. ;is;are ;are;are ;are;is ;are;is ( ) can see five _____ and seven _____ on the farm. ;horses ;horses ;horse ;horse ( ) think Jerry is the best friend of _______.

B. I C. me D. mine( ) enjoys_______TV.

watch ( ) is from Shanghai, ___________

she she C. isn't she 't she II.情景交际。(2’X 5 =10’) ( )6.---I passed the exam in the end.

--- ______________

A. The same to you. B. Thank you. C. Congratulations. D. You are welcome. ( )7. --- Would you mind opening the window --- _______________

A. Yes, please. course not. C. Will you say it again D. No, I won’t. ( )8. ---_________________________ ---I want to buy a pair of shoes. can I do for you I speak to Sam are you ’s wrong with you

( )9. ---Congratulations, Kate! You’ve done quite well in the exam.


A. Yes, I do well. B. Thank you.

C. No, I don’t do well. D. I think you are better than me. ( )10. --- Hello, Tom. Nice to meet you. ---________________

A. How do you do B. How are you C. Nice to meet you,too. D. How nice!

试卷(一)答案 1-5 ABDCC 6-10 CBABC

英语试卷(二) (满分20)

I.单项选择(2’X 5 = 10') ( ) good news it is!

a a

( ) _____ milk and apples on sale in this supermarket.

( ) the air in our hometown is ____ than it was before. better best better ( ) quiet. The baby _______ in the bedroom. sleeping ( ) I take a _______

--OK, thanks. Tell him to come to school to play football tomorrow. II.情景交际(2'X 5 =10'分) ( )6. --- Can I help you --- _________________ ’d like some apples. can. can speak English. you. ( )7. --- What day is it today --- ______________.

A. Monday B. September C. June 1st D. Sunny ( )8. ---How was your vacation --- _________________

was wonderful. B. Yes,we really had great fun. C. We went to Kunming. was neither too cold nor too hot. ( )9. --- Can you tell me about yourself

--- ______________________________

'm a student at a vocational school. , I am. , I would like some fish. you are. ( )10. ---What size do you wear --- ___________________

like black. 12. it is. London.

试卷(二)答案 1-5 BACBA 6-10 AAAAB

英语试卷(三) (满分20)

I.单项选择(2'X5 = 10') ( ) good news it is!

a a

( ) are apples on sale in this supermarket,___________ 't there 't there 't it they ( ) I use your new car, dad --No, you _________. 't 't 't 't ( ) don't think he is a doctor, __________ he 't he I 't I ( ) song sounds ______ . My mother likes it. II.情景交际(2'X5 =10'分) ( )6.---How do you do

--- ______________

A. The same to you. B. Thank you. C. How are you D. How do you do( )7. --- Hello, this is Sally speaking. May I speak to Mike --- _______________,please. on out a while for ( )8. ---Excuse ---Go along the road and turn left at the traffic light. You can't miss it. can we meet

long will it take me to get to the nearest bank can I get to the nearest hotel

can I do it

( )9. ---How many do you need ---________________

is enough. dollars a kilo miles hours ( )10. --- What does your mother do ---________________.

is very beautiful is a secretary

likes red does some shopping

试卷(三)答案 1-5 BBBAA 6-10 DACAB



