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2020-2021学年新高中英语外研版选择性必修第一册课后练习:Unit 3 Section C (含解析)

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Section C Developing ideas & Presenting

ideas & Reflection




1.He let the ball slip through his grasp and into the n . 答案net 2.Then we’d b into laughter. 答案burst 3.However,every journalist must be careful to report not only a v picture of what is happening,but a true picture. 答案vivid 4.Her team was (分配)to invent a new battery. 答案assigned 5.Go(围棋)is a board game for two players,in which the aim is to surround more territory than the (对手).

答案opponent 6.The s went well,and the transplant is functioning well. 答案surgery 7.The UN agency leads international efforts to d world hunger. 答案defeat 8.The government now hopes to (抓住)the initiative on education. 答案seize 9. (合作)rates overall were high — and highest when the participants were cooperating in clusters and had the ability to drop a partner in favor of another. 答案Cooperation 10.The battle for third place was i . 答案intense


in this way;burst onto;be on one’s feet;pay off;come true;the key to;ups and downs;set off;be caught up 1.If you want your dreams ,don’t oversleep. 答案to come true 2.The band the music scene in 1997. 答案burst onto 3.We will have more money to spend after we our debt. 答案pay off 4.Teachers’ knowledge is students’ achievements.

答案the key to 5.As my father kept underlining,I joined the workforce,had for years until I decided to quit and start my own thing. 答案ups and downs 6. ,I can help you with your Chinese and you can help me with my poor English.

答案In this way 7.Before I ,everyone told me the challenge was impossible,but I was determined it wasn’t. 答案set off 8.The company seems to now. 答案be on its feet 9.Businesses will soon in this spiral of ever-diminishing confidence. 答案be caught up Ⅲ.翻译句子


答案With a lot of work to do,she wasn’t allowed to leave her office. 2.不用车的时候,锁车是有必要的。(it作形式主语)

答案It is necessary for you to lock the car when you do not use it. 3.听一首诗的演奏和在一页纸上读它是不同的体验。(experience)

答案Hearing a poem performed is a different experience from reading it on a page. 4.它们看上去很有吸引力,我认为你可能会对这个展览感兴趣。(so...that)

答案They look so attractive that I think you could be interested in the exhibition. 5.不幸的是,我们不会去那里看这些预言是否成真。(see)

答案Unfortunately,we will not be there to see if these predictions come true. 能力提升


Perhaps there is no sport in the world more connected to sneakers than basketball.Many NBA players wear them to send important messages and showcase their personalities on court.

And now,thanks to a new policy,the NBA will strengthen its status as the most stylish sports league in the world.When the 2018-2019 NBA season kicked off in October,the NBA lifted its colour restrictions on players’ sneakers.It is the first time in the league’s 72-year history that it has allowed shoes to be of any colour a player likes,as long as no reflective (反光的)material is included.

In the past,the NBA required “uniformity (一致性)of uniform”,meaning each player’s shoes had to match those worn by the rest of the team.Their sneakers had to be at least 51 percent black or white,with an element of team colour.

This landmark rule change is part of the NBA’s collective effort to support players

“statements” on and off the court.“More and more people realize that limitation of the colour of players’ shoes actually constrains (限制)their personal expression and storytelling,” CNN News noted.

Sometimes a shoe was worn in a memorable game,or the design of a shoe has meaning for the player.

Before Los Angeles Lakers superstar Kobe Bryant,nicknamed “the Black Mamba”,retired,it was said that he wore a new pair of sneakers to each game and stored his used sneakers.

Bryant brought the low-top style of sneaker with a Mamba print to the forefront in 2008 to

symbolize the spirit of perseverance and bravery.In 2013,Bryant added nine red stitches (缝针)to the back of his shoe to represent the nine stitches from his Achilles tendon surgery.“It has become an attitude.That is my Mamba personality,” Bryant told Sports Illustrated magazine.

Kyrie Irving of the Boston,Celtics wears probably the most famous signature sneakers.Inspired by his mother,who died when he was four,he has a rose on one side of his shoe to represent her.All of his sneakers are also inscribed (刻)with the words,“JBY (Just Be You)”.“Just Be You is the motto I live by every single day,because I’m happy to be an individual.It’s a beautiful thing,” Irving told UK media site GiveMeSport.

There is no end to the stories about sneakers in basketball.It’s certain that they will remain a platform for players who want to use them to express their ideas and personalities.

【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。NBA取消了对球员球鞋颜色的限制,因为越来越多的人意识到球鞋颜色的限制实际上限制了他们的个人表达和讲故事的能力。 1.According to the new policy,the NBA players . A.may choose sneakers they like without restriction B.should wear sneakers in their own team colour C.have to choose sneakers either in black or in white D.have more freedom in choosing personal sneakers 答案D 解析细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句可知根据新政策,NBA球员在选择个人球鞋方面有更多的自由。故选D项。

2.What can we infer from Paragraph 4? A.Uniformity guarantees better results. B.The new rule leads to controversy.

C.The NBA cares little about players’ statements. D.Players’ personal expression also counts. 答案D 解析推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句可知,球员的个人表达也很重要。故选D项。 3.Which of the following is used to express family value? A.A rose. B.JBY.

C.A Mamba print. D.Nine red stitches. 答案A 解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,玫瑰用来表达家庭含义。故选A项。


假定你是学生会主席李华,你需要设计一张关于英语社团纳新的海报。你想请外籍教师Mr Smith来帮忙策划。请根据以下提示,用英语给Mr Smith写一封求助信。内容包括:

1.求助事由; 2.希望指导; 3.感谢帮助。


2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 Dear Mr Smith,

Yours, Li Hua 参考范文 Dear Mr Smith, I’m writing to ask you for help,hoping that you will do me a favor.

As you know,every year we hold an activity,appealing to new members to join a variety of student societies.I’m keen to organize an English club and throw English parties if possible.What I should do is put up attractive posters.I’ve been told that no one else can design a better poster than you.Would you please do me the favor to help design the poster?If you agree,I will come to your house at your convenience.

I’d appreciate it if you’d like to offer me a helping hand.Looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Li Hua Ⅵ.读后续写


Once there was a little girl named Emily.Although her singing was very pleasant to hear,lacking of courage,she never dared to sing in front of strangers.

One summer,the neighborhood where she lived would hold a singing competition.Her best friend,Lucy,came to invite her to participate in the competition,but Emily said,“I’m afraid to take part in it.” Her mother said,“It’s okay;just do it bravely.” Emily followed her mama’s advice and decided to give herself a try.The day came.Emily and Lucy went to the competition site.But she was too timid (胆小的)to walk onto the stage.She had been waiting until others finished singing.She shakily (颤抖地)forced herself to stand on the stage.She started to sing,but her voice was so low.What’s worse,she was so nervous that she forgot the lyrics (歌词)after singing a few words.Being laughed at by others,embarrassed and shy,she ran away from the stage.

Some naughty boys ran after her and said,“Emily,coward (胆小鬼)!Emily,coward!” Emily didn’t argue with them.What she wanted was to go back home as quickly as she could.Finally,she rushed into the house,hugged her mom and cried sadly.

“Well,my poor girl,don’t cry.Tell me what happened to you,” asked her mom.Emily looked up at her mother and told her what she had experienced.

Listening to her,her mom cupped her face and said,“It doesn’t matter,girl.As long as you practice singing more in front of strangers,you will become braver little by little.So,my girl,don’t be beaten by a failure.You can go out to practice singing every day.No matter who is listening to you,go on singing and never stop.I believe there will be a harvest for you.”

Paragraph 1:

Emily listened to her mother carefully and followed her mom’s suggestion.

Paragraph 2:

Going on singing,she walked into the park,where many people were singing and dancing.


Paragraph 1:

Emily listened to her mother carefully and followed her mom’s suggestion.The next day,she began to practice singing outside.Gradually,her courage became greater and greater,and the sound of her singing was also louder and louder.Months later,she could sing as she was walking.A naughty boy who had laughed at her before cried to her,“Emily,coward!Emily,coward!” However,she chose to ignore his behavior.

Paragraph 2:

Going on singing,she walked into the park,where many people were singing and

dancing.Hearing her beautiful voice,some stopped to listen to her singing and clapped for her.A grandma smiled to her and said,“Oh,little girl,you sing really well!” Emily said thanks to her.Emily felt pleased that she could sing confidently in front of strangers.The second year,the neighborhood held the singing competition again.This time,Emily walked onto the stage bravely,and her loud and beautiful voice of singing moved all the people.They all cheered for her,including those who had laughed at her.Her mother was delighted to see the timid girl became a brave one.

2020-2021学年新高中英语外研版选择性必修第一册课后练习:Unit 3 Section C (含解析)


