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2.2 安全生产责任制管理制度1

祥兴(福建)箱包集团有限公司 安全生产责任制管理制度







2.2 安全生产责任制管理制度1

名称:安全生产责任制管理制度 编号:GPL/QHSE-PF02 编制:张洪斌 审核:欧世明 批准:欧世明 发布日期:2014-3-6 生效日期:2014-3-6 受控编号:03 受控状态:受控


f third generati on Central led colle ctive, banner Den

g Xia o-ping's t heory great flag, insisted li beration thought, a nd fact s, and times, in bot

h at home a nd a broad polit

i cal storm, a nd e conomic ri sk, severe test before, relies on party and pe ople, defended China features Socialist, created sociali st market new system, create d full open new sit uation, advance party of construction new of great engineeri ng, founded \prese ntative\important thoug ht, Continue to steer t he ship of reform and openi ng up forw ard on the right. Comrade Jiang Zemin said: \mass w ork in the new sit uation, it is of decisiv e significance to consoli dating the uling Foundation of the party. \worl d's major le ssons lear ned from the succe ss of the old party of the part y, Comrade Jiang Zemin poi nted out:\dvantage of our party is i n cl ose conta ct with the masses, the most danger ous after the ruling party was div orce d from the masse s. \support and parti cipati on of the pe ople, pe ople's enthusia sm and creativity into full play in order to a dvance; the l eadership of the part y, only the tie a nd wi n the masses embra ced, can be consoli dated and stre ngthened. \improvi ng the party's work style construction, maintaini ng the party's flesh-and-blood tie s with the masses i s the core pr oblem, t he key is to do solid w ork, impleme nt, resol utely oppose a nd overcome formali sm. Comrade Jiang Zemin stressed t hat all the w ork and pol icies of the part y, are in compli ance with t he fundamental intere sts of the overwhelming majority of the pe ople to t he hig hest degree, to the majority of pe opl e are not satisfied wit h the fundame ntal guideline s, strive to make our workers,



