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人教课标版必修5 Unit4Reading公开课课件教学设计(二)

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人教课标版必修5 Unit4Reading公开课课件教学设计(二)

Unit4Reading公开课教学设计(二) Unit 4 Making the news(Warming up&Reading)

My First Work Assignment教案设计

巴东一中 陈世慧

Teaching Goals Knowledge goals:

1. Get Ss to learn the useful new words and expressions in this part.

2. Let Ss learn about jobs in newspapers and what is needed to become a reporter and how to conduct an interview.

3. Have Ss know about Zhou Yang’s first work assignment by reading the passage. Ability goals:

1. Develop Ss’ reading ability and let them learn different reading skills.

2. Enable Ss to talk about jobs and what is needed to work in a newspaper office as a reporter. Emotion goals:

1. Arouse the students’ enthusiasm and devotion with the help of talking about how to become a qualified reporter.

2. Develop students’ sense of cooperative learning. Teaching Important Points

1. Get students to read the passage and understand it by using different reading skills 2. How to enable the students to talk about the qualities needed to be a good reporter and how to conduct a good interview. Teaching Difficult Points:

1. How to arouse the students’ enthusiasm and devotion

2. Let students know the qualities needed to be a good reporter, how to get an accurate story and how to protect a story from accusation. Teaching methods:

Task-based method, cooperative method. Teaching Aids: PowerPoint, blackboard Teaching procedures Step Ⅰ Lead-in

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Show the students a short video and asked them what it is about.

(It is a piece of sport news about the Chinese men’ s basketball team defeating the Philippines’ by 78 to 67.)

设计目的:通过体育视频的播放激发学生对本单元话题的兴趣---制作新闻。 Step Ⅱ Warming Up&Pre-reading

1. Show some pictures about means of media today.

2. Show some pictures to introduce different kinds of jobs in the process of making the news and talk about their duty.

设计目的:让学生了解熟悉获取新闻的途径和制作报纸新闻过程中相关工作人员的职责, 并由此引出本节课的话题--记者。 Step Ⅲ Reading 1. Fast reading

Read the passage quickly and silently with the 3 questions on the screen. (1) Where did the conversation happen?

(2) Who were talking? And what were they talking about? (3) How many questions did Zhou Yang ask? And what are they? Answers:

(1)At the office of a popular English newspaper.

(2)Zhou Yang and his new boss Hu Xin were talking about the skills necessary to become a good reporter.

(3) Can I go out on a story immediately? What do I need to take with me?

What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story? What should I keep in mind? Why is listening so important?

How can I listen carefully while taking notes?

Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalists of getting the wrong end of the stick?

(Tell the students the seven questions are all about the skills necessary to become a good reporter, which is the key part of the whole dialogue.)

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设计目的:通过快速阅读,训练学生快速抓取信息的能力。 2. Careful reading(7 minutes)

Read the passage loudly and carefully to get more details, paying attention to the seven questions and their answers. Then choose the best answer to the six questions on the screen.

(1) Why can't Zhou Yang go out on a story at once? A. Because he is not experienced yet. B. Because he can't get a scoop. C. Because he is not curious enough.

D. Because he doesn't know the list of dos and don' ts.

(2) Which one is False about \cover a story?\

A. He needs to be curious. B. A good reporter must have a camera. C. He has to listen to detailed facts. D. If necessary he can use a recorder.

(3) According to Hu Xin, which statement doesn't belong to the list of don' ts? A. Don't miss the deadline. B. Don't talk too much.

C. Don't be rude. D. Don't take any notes while listening.

(4) \good reporter must have a \for a story.\probably means a reporter _______.

A. has a sense about what is going to happen.

B. is able to hide a story that may reflect badly on him. C. is able to ask the truth from the interviewed person. D. covers a whole story from the interviewee (5) The purpose of writing the passage is to___.

A. show us the necessary skills to become a good reporter. B. tell us how Zhou Yang became a journalist.

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C. show us how to have a good interview. D. tell us how to make a good photographer.

(6) According to the passage, what is the meaning of \ A. the common ways used in the trade. B. the funny ways used in the trade.

C. the clever ways used in a particular profession.

D. the ways to make people believe you. (Answers: ABDAAC)

设计目的:通过细读,培养学生在细节理解,主旨大意,猜词悟义等方面的能力) 3. Consolidation&Summary

Ask the students to fill in the blanks with proper words based on their understanding and reading.

If you get a job as a journalist, you can’t __________a story on your own immediately. At first, you should work an ___________of an experienced journalist. You can have a ________with you to take photographs. Your colleagues can be very ________to assist you.

When_________ a story, a journalist must be curious. Only if you ask many different questions will you _______all the information you need to know. Listening is important. You have to listen for ______facts. _________you have to prepare the next question ___________what the person says. If the ___________agrees, you can use a recorder to get the facts straight and that's the evidence to support your story.

______ be careful so as to make sure your story is right and__________, or people may ________you_____ making a false report.

(Answers: go out on; assistant; professional photographer; eager; covering; acquire; detailed; Meanwhile; depending on; interview; Do; accurate; accuse, of)

设计目的:通过填空的形式进一步检查学生对对话的理解。同时从整体上衡量学生对成为一名好记者所需技能的掌握情况。 Step IV Group Activity

Badong No 1 high school is famous for its colorful after-class activities and high level education. Supposing you are a reporter from the Enshi TV station, you want to

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write an article about it based on the interview with some students.

Task 1 Interview a student who has taken part in these activities. Task 2 Interview a straight-A student who is good at every subject.

设计目的:基于学生对成为一名好记者所需技能的掌握情况。结合我校特色,让学生体验一下记者这一份职业,以采访的形式由语言的输入转化为语言的输出。 Step V Conclusion

What qualities should a good journalist have?

设计目的:在亲自体验的基础上,让学生意识到一名好记者的不易和应具备的一系列的基本素质。 Step VI Homework

设计目的:旨在锻炼学生课后自我学习和探究的习惯。 ① cover a story_______________________________ ② have a “nose” for a story______________________ ③ trick of the trade____________________________ ④ get the fact straight__________________________ ⑤ get the wrong end of the stick__________________ ⑥ this is how the story goes_____________________ ⑦ a real “scoop”______________________________ Suggested answers:

① to report on an important event ② be able to tell whether it is a true story ③ clever ways known to experts ④ to present ideas fairly ⑤ not to understand ⑥ this is the story ⑦ a piece of hot news

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