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secrets of the earth. These forces helped to shape our planet when it was young, to give it land and sea and air, and so to make it the kind of planet where life could develop.

12.What was the very first sign of Surtsey? A.Some smoke. B.Explosions.

C.An unusual smell. D.A violent storm. 13.What do we know about Surtsey? A.It is a huge underwater mountain range. B.It is located 20 miles off Vestmann Islands. C.It took Surtsey almost one year to come into being. D.It was produced by the strong forces within the earth. 14.Why is studying Surtsey important to scientists? A.It tells more about the formation of the earth. B.It warns people of dangerous volcanic eruptions. C.It leads to the discovery of new energy sources. D.It helps predict when new islands will be formed. 15.What is the passage mainly about? A.How an island was born. B.Where Surtsey rose from.

C.What are the secrets to volcanic eruptions? D.Why the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is important.

第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)


The man-on-the-street interview is an interview in which a reporter hits the streets with a cameraman to interview people on the

spot. 16 But with these tips, your first man-on-the-street interview experience can be easy.

●When your boss or professor sends you out to do man-on-the-street interviews for a story, think about the topic and develop a list of about ten general questions relating to it. For example, if your topic is about environmental problems in America,



you might ask, “Why do you think environmental protection is important in America?” 17

●Hit the streets with confidence. 18 Say, “Excuse me, I work for XYZ News, and I was wondering if you could share your opinion about this topic.” This is a quick way to get people to warm up to you.

●Move on to the next person if someone tells you she is not interested in talking on camera. Don't get discouraged.

● 19 Each interview that you get on the street shouldn't be longer than ten minutes. As soon as you get the answer you need, move on to the next person. Make sure that as you go from interview to interview, you are getting a variety of answers. If everyone is giving you the same answer, you won't be able to use it. A safe number of interviews to conduct is about six to ten. 20

●If your news station or school requires interviewees to sign release forms to appear on the air, don't leave work without them. A. Limit your time.

B. As you approach people, be polite.

C. If you don't own a camera, you can buy one.

D. For new reporters, this can seem like a challenging task. E. To get good and useful results, ask them the same question. F. That number of interviews should give you all the answers you need.

G. With a question like this, you will get more than a "Yes" or "No" reply.


第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I used to be a very self-centered person, but in the past two years I have really changed.I have started to think about other people 21 I think about myself.I am happy that I am becoming a 22 person.

I think my 23 started when I was at Palomar College.At first, I just wanted to get my 24 and be left alone.I thought I was smarter than everyone else, so I hardly ever 25 to anyone in my classes.By the end of my first semester, I was really 26 .It seemed as if everyone but me had made friends and was having fun.So



I tried a(n) 27 .I started asking people around me how they were doing, and if they were having trouble I 28 to help.That was really a big 29 for me.By the end of the year, I had several new friends, and two of 30 are still my best friends today.

A bigger cause of my new 31 , however, came when I took a part-time job at Vista Nursing Home.One old lady there who had Alzheimer's disease became my 32 .Every time I came into her room, she was so 33 because she thought I was her daughter.Her real daughter never 34 her, so I took her place.She let me 35 that making others feel good made me feel good too.When she died, I was 36 , but I was also very grateful to her.

I think I am a much 37 person today than I used to be, and I hope I will not 38 these experiences.They have 39 me to care about other people more than about myself.I 40 who I am today, and I could not say that a few years ago. 21. 22. 23.

A.since B.before C.or A.famous


B.simple C.different D.skilled


A.education B.career

D.change 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. D.luck 32. 33.

A.friend A.polite

B.partner C.guide D.guest B.happy C.strange

A.balance B.homework C.degree A.talked


B.wrote C.lied D.reported

C.curious D.guilty


A.careful B.lonely

A.argument B.game C.experiment

A.dared B.offered C.hesitated D.happened A.dream B.problem C.duty D.step A.us

B.which C.them


A.attitude B.hobby C.hope

D.confident 34.

A.bothered B.answered

C.visited D.trusted



35. 36. 37.

A.explain B.guess C.declare D.see A.homeless B.heartbroken C.bad-tempered D.hopeless A.quieter B.busier C.better

D.richer 38. 39. 40.

A.forget A.forced


C.improve D.analyze

B.preferred C.ordered D.taught

A.miss B.like C.wonder



第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


A motto is a sentence or a phrase 41 can inspire us especially when we are 42 (face) with difficulties. Many of us have mottoes, such as \there is a way.\My motto is \43 .\to make efforts 44 (work) hard, 45 the moment I think of my motto I will get energetic again and devote myself 46 what I am doing.I write my motto 47 I can see it easily. Every time I fail in my exam and begin to lose heart, my motto inspires me with much 48 (confident).My motto also makes me become 49 independent person. That is to say, I won't rely on others easily. My friends,what is your motto? If you still haven't got a motto, please choose one because a motto can have a great effect 50 you.

第三部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号( /\\),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。



修改:在错的词下画一条横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;


Last Sunday, I didn't get up early as usually. In the morning after I finished my homework, I do some washing. Then I telephoned one of my classmates, invite him to see a film. And unfortunately, when we got to the cinema, we found all the tickets had sold out. Then we went back to school and played the football. After that, we were about to go home then we saw our English teacher, Ms Gao, coming into the school gate. She told us we had made great progresses in English. This term she suggested that we should read more and wrote more. She also asked us to help those on need. She hoped we would improve English together.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 口语能力; 2. 相关经验; 3、应聘目的。







