Emergency landing safety device for overhead crane
申请(专利)号: KR19970040675U
专利号: KR19990028065U 主分类号: B66D5/02 申请权利人: ??? 公开国代码: KR 优先权国家: KR
摘 要:
The present invention relates to a safety device for an emergency landing of an overhead crane, and more particularly, to a safety device for emergency landing of an overhead crane, which includes a
drive motor for allowing the brake lining to be elastically attached to and detached from the brake drum during up-And an upper surface of a girder running on a top surface of a running rail in which a crane having a gripping means for transporting a load is coupled to a predetermined
position of a ceiling, the crane comprising: (Not shown) provided on the main shaft 310 of the emergency driving motor 210. The emergency driving motor 210 is controlled by the operation of the
emergency driving motor 210 to release the restraint of the brake drum 130, The drive coupling 340 is coupled to the main shaft gear 312 through the auxiliary shaft gear 322 and to the rotating auxiliary shaft 320, The brake drum is driven to engage with the rake drum 130 to finally transfer the power of the emergency
driving motor 210 to the brake drum 130. In this case, It is possible to prevent the collision with the structure lying on the
申请日: 1997-12-24 公开公告日: 1999-07-15
分类号: B66D5/02 发明设计人: ??? 申请国代码: KR
优先权: 19971224 KR
摘 要 附 图:
ground surface at the time of emergency landing of the cargo by cutting off the external power supply and to stabilize the stability of the cargo by making stable landing of the cargo . 主权项:
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权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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Emergency landing safety device for overhead crane