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1. T: Now please look at the chart in 1d. Tell Ss Lucy, Kim and Mike are talking about their New Year’s Resolutions. How are they going to do it? Listen and try to fill in the blanks. 听力指导:本题要求同学们听清他们打算如何做来实现他们各的理想;因此,同学们在听的时候应将注意力放在“如何做”上;第一遍仅听,努力记住要做的事情;第二遍的时候再写出来。 2. Ss listen to the recording carefully and try to fill in the blanks. 3. Play the recording again and check the answers with the class. Ⅴ. Group work 1. Work in groups. Make a list of resolutions and how you are going to make them work. Then discuss with your group. 2. Ask some pairs to act out the conversations. 3. Ask Ss the two questions: Did you make any resolutions last year? Were you able to keep them? Why or why not? Ⅵ. Reading 1. T: This passage is about resolutions. Now read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main purpose. 2. Let Ss read the sentences in the box first. Let some Ss say the meanings. 3. Ss read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main purpose. 4. Let Ss underline the words and phrases that helped them decide. Ⅶ. Reading 1. T: Now let’s work on 2c. First, let’s read the sentences and make sure we know the meanings of all the sentences. Then read the passage again and chose which paragraph in the passage each sentence goes in. 2. 方法指导:首先,应读懂五个句子的意思;然后,带着这五个句子再次认真阅读短文的内容,特别是认真阅读空格前后句子的意思,以便根据上下文意及整个段落的意思来确定空格处应填的句子。 综合段落的 11

主旨大意及空格上下文的意思,确定最贴切的答案。 3. Ss read carefully and try to find the answers to the questions. 4. Check the answers with the class. Ⅷ. Reading 1. T: Read the passage again. Then answer the questions with short sentences. 2. 方法指导:首先,读懂这五个问题的意思;然后,带着问题再次阅读短文,为相关问题找到恰当的答语;如果没有直接的答案,还应根据自己对课文的理解并结合自己的生活经验来给出一个恰当的答案。如:第4和第5小题都应是回答自己的想法。 3. Ss try to answer the questions. Then discuss the answers with your partners. Explanation 1. Some resolutions have to do with better planning, … 有些决定与合理的时间规划相关,…… 1) 此句中的planning为名词,表示“计划;规划”等意思,如:city planning(城市规划)等。英语中better planning类似汉语中的“合理规划”,指通过制定计划来更加充分的利用时间、空间、精力等。 2) have to do with这个结构表示“与……相关;与……有关联或有关系”。例如:What does this problem have to do with what we’re learning today? 这道题跟我们今天所学的内容有什么关系? 2. Sometimes the resolutions may be too difficult to keep. 有时这些决定可能会太难而无法实现。 此处情态动词may表示推测,相当于汉语的“可能;或许;大概”之意。又如:You may be right this time, but I’m not sure. 这一次你或许是对的,但我无法确定。 2) 英语中too…to…是一种固定结构,表示“太……而不能够……”。又如: The kid is too young to play this game. 12

这孩子太小,不能玩这个游戏。 3) 本句中的动词keep意为“履行(诺言等);遵守(惯例等)”,这是keep的常见用法之一。类似的句子还有: People hardly ever keep them! 人们很少履行它们(指计划)。 在这一语义下,常见的表示还有keep a promise(信守诺言),keep one’s word(遵守承诺;说话算数)等。如: We always keep our word. 我们说话是算数的。 作业布置: 1. 课后阅读短文,试着复述课文,总结课文出现的重难点词组及表达方式。 2. 完成2e的任务;用这些词组来造句。 教学(后记)后思:


课 时 教 案

课题:Section B2 3a-Self check第 课时 总序第 个教案 课型: 编写时间: 年 月 日 执行时间: 年 月 日 教学目标: 批注 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 复习一般将来时态的构成。掌握生词own, personal, relationship 2) 能够综合运用一般将来时态及所给的提示词来完成阅读填空的任务。 3) 能够综合运用所学的知识来学习写作自己的新年决心。 4)通过完成Self check的中练习题来全面复习一般将来时态的用法。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: 通过学习这单元的内容来激发学生们的学习主动性和学习兴趣,使他们更加有理想,并为实现自己的理想而不断努力。 教学重点:1) 能够综合运用一般将来时态及所给的提示词来完成阅读填空的任务。 2)能够综合运用所学的知识来学习写作自己的新年决心。 教学难点: 能够综合运用所学的知识来学习写作自己的新年决心。 教学用具: 多媒体 教学方法:任务型教学 教学过程: Ⅰ. Warming- up and revision 1. Have a dictation of the new words and expressions. 2. Fill in the blanks of the main idea of the passage in 2b: (On the big screen) 1. A resolution is a kind of p ________. We usually make resolutions at the b_______ of the year. We hope to i_______ our lives. 2. Some resolutions are about p_______ health. Many resolutions have to do with self-improvement. Some resolutions have to do with better planning,


like making a w_______ plan for s___________. 3. Review the phrases. And make a sentence with it. 1) 在……的开端_____________2) 写下;记录下 _________________ 3) 关于;与有关系 _________4) 学着做;开始 做___________________ 5) 有相同之处 ______________6) 太……而不能 ________________ 7) 向某人许诺 ___________8) 提高某人的生活___________ Ⅱ. Lead-in 1. Ask Ss about their New Year’s Resolutions: e.g. T: What’s your New Year’s Resolutions, Mary? Mary: I want to take up volleyball next term. T: Great! What about you, Jack? Jack:I’m going to make a soccer team. And we’re going to practice soccer every weekend. … 2. Present some new words on the big screen. Explain them to the Ss. Ss try to remember them. own, personal, relationship Ⅲ. Reading 1. Tell Ss to work on 3b. Complete the first two paragraphs about resolutions with the words in the box. 2. 写作指导:首先,阅读方框中的词汇,掌握其意思,然后阅读短文,整体把握短文大意。 其次,分析有空格的每个句子,根据上下文意及句子结构确定空格处应填哪一个词。 最后,将单词填在空格上,并完整的读一遍短文,看是否通顺。 3. Ss try to read the article and try to fill in the blanks. 4. Check the answers with the Ss. Ⅳ. Writing Work on 3b: 1. Read the headings below. Think about your own resolutions. 2. Write your own resolutions under the following heading. (If you don’t have any ideas, you may go through the passage in 2b. ) 15



