单片机原理与应用 课程设计报告
题 目: 基于单片机的液位控制器设计 学 院: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 班 级: xxxxxxxxxxxx 学 号: xxxxxx 姓 名: xxx 联系方式: xxxxxxxx 指导教师: xxxxxxxxxx
xx年 xx月xx日
1 绪论.............................................................. 5 2 系统总体设计...................................................... 6
2.1设计思路..................................................... 6 2.2 系统框图 .................................................... 6 2.3 设计原理分析 ................................................ 7 2.4 电路工作原理................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
3 系统硬件设计...................................................... 9 3.1 驱动电路设计................................................ 9
3.2 报警电路设计 ................................................ 9 3.3液位指示电路设计............................ 错误!未定义书签。 3.4压力自动控制模拟和手动操作控制电路设计 .... 错误!未定义书签。 3.5晶振电路.................................... 错误!未定义书签。 3.6 复位电路 ................................................... 14 4 系统软件设计..................................................... 15
4.1 软件设计说明 ............................................... 15 4.2主程序流程图................................................ 15 4.3液位控制程序流程图.......................................... 15 5 设计的结果...................................................... 18 6 总结............................................ 错误!未定义书签。 附录............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
关键词:单片机 控制 检测 报警
The design of boiler water level controller is controlled by single chip microcomputer AT89C51, it mainly are part of the complete control system hardware and software functions. The hardware part is mainly composed of water level indication circuit detection circuit, drive circuit, night and pressure parts such as simulation of automatic control and manual control; Software part is mainly composed of programs written in assembly language. This system can realize the function such as liquid level alarm, control and pressure control, and the liquid level digital display.
Circuit functionality is largely liquid level detection and alarm, and then control the pump start-up. Liquid level control of main control object is the water pump, a container is boiler, liquid level detection can be obtained according to the detector. Liquid level control in a certain period of measurement point distance between normal, when the liquid level is less than or higher than the normal water level is lower limit and upper limit alarm light, if the liquid level in the normal level, cancel the alarm. When the liquid level is less than level lower limit, the pump has been flooding, above the ceiling actually shut down pumps, and when the liquid level in different detecting electric, it can display the corresponding number to display liquid level. Pressure testing is mainly composed of a switch to simulate the stress of high and low, and destroy the light of lights to simulate the operation of the fan and stop, the other a manual button, to start the pump and fan.
Key words: single chip microcomputer control detection alarm
第一章 绪论
我国燃烧锅炉的现象很普遍而且数量众多,因此耗煤量巨大,十分浪费资源。并且大多数锅炉处于能耗大、浪费大、环境污染严重的工作状态。 锅炉微机控制,是近年来新开发的一项新技术,它是微型计算机软件、硬件、自动控制、锅炉节能等几项技术紧密结合的产物,工业锅炉采用的是微机控制和原有的仪表控制,微机控制有以下明显优势:
在现代社会中,随着工业的发展,居民生活区的集中热力供应量的需求量越来越大,蒸汽锅炉的容量不断高,对操作过程的要求也更加严格,锅炉的液位控制直接影响人们自身和设备的安全。液位过低可能使锅炉出现干烧现象,液位过高则又会使锅炉蒸汽压力过高发生危险。传统的液位控制自动化程度低,调节精度差等缺点,而且单靠人工操作已不能适应控制系统改造的必要性。 随着科学技术的不断进步,被控对象越来越复杂,人们对控制精度的要求越来越高。随着单片机技术和自动控制技术的发展,利用单片机及外围芯片实现锅炉液位控制已经成为一种趋势,单片机体积小,安装方便,功能齐全,性价比好,应用前景广,本系统即是基于AT89C51单片机设计的,简单易行并且有着较