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Exercises for Unit 2

Class________Name_________ Number______


( )1. My grandpa is more than 75, but he is still in good health.

A. healthy

B. happy

C. strong

( )2. –Would you like to go shopping with me, Tina? – Sorry, today is quite full for me.

A. relaxing

B. free

C. busy

( )3. Only twenty-five percent of the students in our class sometimes go to the movies on weekends..

A. half

B. a quarter

C. twenty- five

( )4. It’s a good way to relax by exercising. But we don’t have much time for it.

A. swimming

B. playing sports

C. running

( )5. Don’t _____________ too late. It’s bad for your health.

A. look up

B. put up

C. stay up

( )6. –The sunshine is coming ______________ the window. It is so warm in the room.

A. through

B. along

C. across

( )7. –Do you often use the Internet, Nancy? -- ____________. I don’t like it at all.

A. Sometimes

B. Hardly ever

C. Always

( )8. --- _____________ do you have your teeth cleaning, Tina? – Once a month.

A. How many

B. How long

C. How often

( )9. My good friend has piano lesson _____________ a week, on Wednesday and Friday.

A. twice

B. second

C. once

( )10. ____________ my mother is very tired after work, she cooks dinner for us every day.

A. If B. Although C. But

( )11. Mom, I have a toothache. I need to go to see the _____________.

A. dentist

B. doctor

C. cashier

( )12. My mother wants me ____________, so she always asks me to have milk and more fruit.

A. to be healthy

B. to stay up late

C. to study


( )13. After running for a long time, we all felt _____________and wanted to have a drink.

A. hungry

B. full

C. thirsty

( )14. If you want to be healthier, you have to exercise ____________ twice a week I think.

A. at least

B. at most

C. at all

( )15. His little son is often ill because he usually _______________.


1.After work my father usually sits on the sofa and reads m_______________while my mom is busy in the kitchen. He never helps her with h________________.

2.The old man’s poor dog d______________ last night. They can’t live t_________________ now.

3.Relaxing by exercising is good for your ___________. It’s __________ for both mind and body. ( health )

4. He hardly __________ TV on weekdays, but now he ____________ his favorite soccer match. ( watch )

5.According to our survey, the results of ____________ the Internet are very _____________. ( use )

Ⅲ. 完形填空。

These days we find that school students hardly have any sports. Is is because A. exercises

B. eats junk food

C. plays soccer

they have no interest in sports? It may not be true. They often say they have __1__ more impotant things to do.

What are these important things? Exams! They have to get __2__ ready for all

kinds of exams and tests in school. So many of them almost ___3___ bookworms (书呆子). In the past in the summer holidays, they could do __4__ they liked, but now they have to ___5__ all their time studying for the exams. So ___6__ have kept them away from going in for sports.

Because of the pressure (压力) from their parents and teachers, they __7__ to

work harder and spend most of their time on books. As for the students themselves, they don’t want to fail (失败) the lessons ___8___ they want to have further(进一步的) studies. So they think it is necessary to give ___9__ of their free time to their studies and give up (放弃) their school sports.

It’s true that a good education can not go without physical training. But

without a ___10__ body, you can never do anything well, how can you make great success in life? ( )1. A. another little

( )2. A. us

B. them

C. themselves

C. look


B. other



( )3. A. take ( )4. A. nothing many ( )5. A. give

B. become B. something

B. spend

C. take C.

( )6. A. teachers studies ( )7. A. try ( )8. A. so ( )9. A. few

B. parents

B. hope

C. have C. but

C. all C.

B. because

B. any

( )10.A. strong poor

IV: 阅读理解:

B. heavy

A. 判断正误, 正确的写( A ),错误的写( B ).

Using the Internet is popular now. Many students really like using the Internet.

Why do they like using the Internet? I asked some of my students. Here are their


