Calculation of gas content in coal seam influenced by in-situ stress grads and ground temperature
Calculation of gas content in coal seam influenced by in-situ stress grads and ground temperature
【期刊名称】《煤炭学报:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2002(008)002
【摘要】On the basis of the analysis of coal-bed gas pressure in deep mine, and the coal-bed permeability (k) and the characteristic of adsorption parameter (b) changing with temperature, the author puts forward a new calculating method of gas content in coal seam influenced by in-situ stress grads and ground temperature. At the same time, the contrast of the measuring results of coal-bed gas pressure with the computing results of coal-bed gas pressure and gas content in coal seam in theory indicate that the computing method can well reflect the authenticity of gas content in coal seam,and will further perfect the computing method of gas content in coal seam in theory,and have important value in theory on analyzing gas content in coal seam and forecasting distribution law of gas content in coal seam in deep mine. 【总页数】5页(60-64)
【关键词】gas content in coal seam;coal-bed gas;in-situ stress grads;ground temperature
【作者单位】Key Lab for the Exploitation of Resources & the
Calculation of gas content in coal seam influenced by in-situ stress grads and ground temperature