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He will accept that.

He will show you the details of a whole range of properties; many of them are not really what you

are looking for at all. That does not matter. Far better turn them down than risk missing the right one.

The printed details he will give you are called“particulars”. Over the years, a whole language has

grown up, solely for use in Agent's particulars. It is flowery, ornate (华丽的) and,providing you read it

carefully and discount the adjectives, it can be very accurate and helpful.

Since the passing of the Trades Description Act, any trader trying to sell something has had to be

very careful as to what they say about it. Estate Agents have, by now, become very competent at going as far as they dare. For instance, it is quite acceptable to say“delightfully situated”.That is an expression of his opinion. You may not agree, but he might like the idea of living next to the gasworks.

If, on the other hand, he says that the house has five bedrooms when, in fact, it has only two, that is a

misstatement of fact and is an offence. This has made Estate Agents, and others for that matter, rather more careful.

Basically, all that you need to know about a house is: how many bedrooms it has; anindication of

their size; whether the house has a garage; whether there is a garden and whether it is at the back or

the front of the house; whether it is semi-detached or terraced (联排的). 16. The Estate Agent's Negotiator will ____.

A. want all the details of your financial circumstances

B. want to satisfy himself that you understand the financial implications of buying a house C. check your financial position with the XYZ Building Society D. accept any statement you make about your financial position 17. The author believes ____.

A. it is better to be given information about too many properties than too few

B. you should only look at details of properties of the kind you have decided to buy C. the agent will only show you the details of properties you have in mind D. it doesn't matter if you miss a few properties you may be interested in 18. The adjectives in Agent's particulars are ____. A. accurate B. helpful

C. both accurate and helpful D. safe to ignore 19. The Trades Description Act applies to ____. A. house agents only B. most estate agents C. any trader D. buyers of houses

20. The phrase“going as far as they dare”(Para.4) probably means ____. A. covering as wide an area as possible

B. selling houses as far from the estate agent's houses as possible

C. telling lies about properties if nobody is likely to find out about it

D. trying every possible means to make the description of houses sound attractive

Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure (共40小题,每小题1分,共40分)

Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in, this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark

the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

21. Scientists will have to ____new methods of increasing the world's food supply in order to solve

the problem of famine in some places.

A. come up for B. come down with C. come down to D. come up with

22. I'd like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and ____in a quiet and safe neighborhood.

A. all in all B. above all C. after all D. over all

23. In order to expose corruption, they have decided to set up a special team to ____the company's accounts.

A. search for B. work out C. look into D. sum up

24. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up a lot of wonderful ____in the markets.

A. batterics B. baskets C. barrels D. bargains

25. The residents living in these apartments have free ____to the swimming pool, the gym and

other facilities.

A. excess B. excursion C. access D. recreation

26. Reporters and photographers alike took great ____at the rude way the actor behaved during

the interview.

A. annoyance B. offence C. resentment D. irritation

27. Nothing healthful should be omitted from the meal of a ____child because of a dislike. A. proved B. supposed C. considered D. related

28. I'd like to ____this old car for a new model but I'm afraid I can not afford it. A. exchange B. convert C. replace D. substitute

29. She said she liked dancing but was not in the ____for it just then when it was so noisy in the hall.

A. manner B. intention C. mood D. desire

30. He was ____admittance to the concert hall for not being properly dressed. A. rejected B. denied C. withheld D. deprived

31. Most people tend to ____a pounding heart and sweating palms with the experience of emotion.

A. classify B. identify C. satisfy D. modify

32. The company ____many fine promises to the engineer in order to get him to work for


A. held up B. held on C. held out D. held onto

33. ____the tragic news about their president, they have cancelled the 4th of July celebration.

A. In the course of B. In spite of C. In the event of D. In the light of

34. The workers' demands are ____; they are asking for only a small increase in their wages. A. particular B. moderate C. intermediate D. numerous

35. Our explanation seemed only to have ____his confusion. He was totally at a loss as to what to say.

A. brought up B. added to C. worked out D. directed at

36. With a standard bulb, only 5% of the electricity is ____to light—the rest is wasted away as heat.

A. compressed B. conformed C. converted D. confined

37. Modern technology has placed ____every kind of music, from virtually every period in history

and every corner of the globe.

A. at our request B. at our disposal C. in our presence D. in our sight

38. Much has been written on the virtues of natural childbirth,but little research has been done to

____these virtues.

A. confirm B. consult C. confess D. convey

39. Plastic bags are useful for holding many kinds of food ____their cleanness, toughness and low cost.

A. by virtue of B. at sight of C. by means of D. by way of

40. I'm trying to think of his name, but my mind goes completely ____. I must be slipping. A. bare B. blank C. hollow D. vacant

41. ____in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.

A. What is required B. What requires C. It is required D. It requires

42. It is generally believed that gardening is ____it is a science. A. an art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as much an art as

43. The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great deal more luxurious than ____. A. is necessary B. being necessary C. to be necessary D. it is necessary

44. He ____English for eight years by the time he graduates from the university next year. A. will learn B. will be learning

C. will have learnt D. will have been learnt

45. It was not until the subprime loan crisis(次贷危机) ____great damage to the American financial

system that Americans ____the severity of the situation. A. caused; realized B. had caused; realized C. caused; had realized D. was causing; had realized

46. —The police think your brother John stole the diamond in the museum yesterday evening.

—Oh? But he stayed with me at home the whole evening; he ____the museum. A. must have been to B. needn't have been to C. should have been to D. couldn't have been to

47. ____the meeting himself gave his supporters a great deal of encouragement. A. The president will attend B. The president to attend C. The president attended D. The president's attending

48. Everything ____into consideration, the candidates ought to have another chance. A. is taken B. taken C. to be taken D. taking

49. ____from heart trouble for years, Professor White has to take some medicine with him wherever he goes.

A. Suffered B. Suffering

C. Having suffered D. Being suffered

50. The concert will be broadcast live to a worldwide television audience ____at one thousand million.

A. estimating B. estimated C. estimates D. having estimated

51. About half of the students expected there ____more reviewing classes before the final exams.

A. is B. being C. to be D. have been

52. ____made the school proud was more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key


A. What; because B. What; that C. That; what D. That; because

53. Information has been released ____more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities this year.

A. while B. that C. when D. as

54. He is the only one of the students who ____a winner of scholarship for three years. A. is B. are C. have been D. has been 55. —What's that newly-built building?

— ____the students have out-of-class activities, such as drawing and singing. A. It is the building that B. That's where C. It is in which D. The building that

56. With a large amount of work ____, the chief manager couldn't spare time for a holiday. A. remained to be done B. remaining to do C. remained to do D. remaining to be done

57. Why! I have nothing to confess. ____you want me to say?

A. What is it that B. What it is that C. How is it that D. How it is that

58. —David has made great progress recently. — ____, and____.

A. So he has; so you have B. So he has; so have you C. So has he; so have you D. So has he; so you have

59. It is universally known that microscopes make small things appear larger than ____. A. really are B. are really

C. are they really D. they really are

60. —Tom, ____, but your TV is going too loud. —Oh,I'm sorry, I'll turn it down right now.

A. I'd like to talk with you B. I'm really tired of this C. I hate to say this D. I need your help

Part Ⅲ Cloze (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices

marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on, the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

The eyes are the most important 61 of human body that is used to 62 information. Eye contact is

crucial for establishing rapport(融洽关系) 63 others. The way we look at other people can 64 them

know we are paying attention to 65 they are saying. We can also look at a person and give the 66 we

are not hearing a word. Probably all of us have been 67 of looking directly at someone and 68 hearing

a word while he or she was talking 69 we were thinking about something totally 70 to what was being said.

Eye contact allows you to 71 up visual clues about the other person; 72 , the other person can

pick up clues about you. Studies of the use of eye contact 73 communication indicate that we seek

eye contact with others 74 we want to communicate with them, when we like them, when we are 75

toward them (as when two angry people 76 at each other) , and when we want feedback from them.

77 , we avoid eye contact when we want to 78 communication, when we dislike them, when we are

79 to deceive them, and when we are 80 in what they have to say. 61. A. unit B. part C. link D. section

62. A. transfer B. translate C. transmit D. transport



