Part Ⅳ Translation (共35分)
Section A (共5小题,每小题4分,共20分)
Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese. You may refer to the corresponding passages in Part Ⅰ .
81. The business of continuing the family lineage (血统)and keeping the blooding pure is often
too important to be left to romance and chance encounters. (Passage One)
82. Researchers have found that school performance is little related to job performance. Qualities
like “steady and dependable” and “practical and organized” are more important. (Passage Two) 83. The people we meet in books may delight us either because they resemble human friends
whom we hold dear or because they represent unfamiliar types whom we are glad to welcome as new acquaintances. (Passage Three)
84. Increasingly over the past ten years, people --- especially young people --- have become aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed foods, is not good for health. (Passage Four)
85. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of
unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. (Passage Four)
84. Reformers, however, fear raising the drinking age will have little effect unless accompanied by
educational programs to help young people to develop \teach
them to resist peer pressure to drink. (Passage Four)
85. As the fatalities continue to occur daily in every states, some Americans are even beginning
well of the 13 years of national prohibition of alcohol that began in 1919, which President Hoover called
the \
Section B (共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English.
86. 互联网的出现改变了人们的生活、工作与思维方式。
87. 对一个想找工作的学生来说,有没有硕士学位的确有很大影响。
88. 我们往往认识不到的是,看似无用的东西也许从长远来看大有裨益。
89. 至关重要的是,发达国家和发展中国家应通过更多的交流增进相互间的理解和尊重 90. 要在学习上取得进步,学生需要具备独立学习的技能,而不是事事都依靠老师。 Part V Writing (共15分)
Directions: In this part you rare required to write an essay about the ways of finding information.
You should write at least 120 words and base your composition on the outline given below.
1. There are different ways of finding information. 2. Which way(s) do you prefer? And Why?
2009年普通高校专转本统一考试英语试卷参考答案 Part I Reading Comprehension Passage One
1.B。细节题。见文章第二段:…by introducing suitable marriage partners to each other。 2.D。细节题。第三段第一行:“marriage is regarded as more of a business contract than a sacred thing.”
3.B。细节理解题。关键在于理解文章第四段的内容。可用排除法去除其他3个干扰项。 4.A。整体理解题。正确选项所指在第一段。
5.A。主旨题。通读全文可以得知,在韩国,matchmaking在婚姻中的重要性。 Passage Two
6.D。细节理解题。通过第一段和第四段可以得出结论。注意C选项的干扰。如果fast tracker是
excellent student,那他(她)在工作中也一定是非常优秀的。
Passage Three
11.D。段落理解题。仅仅从该段第一句即可得出答案。注意A和D说法的顺序区别。 12.B。整体理解题。该题难在学生很容易把眼光仅仅放在acquaintances这个单词上,实际上这个单词就相当于friends。理解到这点,这道题就简单了。
13.B。细节题。文章第一段A“good book may absorb our attention so completely that for the
time being we forget our surroundings and even our identity”
15.A。推断题。该题中的句子在文章中还有一个限制成分:through books。因此答案也就不言自明了。 Passage Four
16.C。细节理解题。第一段“There has heen a growing interest in natural fonds: foods which do
not contain chemical additives and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers…”
17.C。细节理解题。从第二段第一句即可得出结论“Natural foodS, for example, include vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic matter.”
18.D。常识判断题。从文章第一段划线后半部分和第二段最后一句,都可得出结论。 19.D。细节题。第三段第一行“Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to
feed and move freely in healthy pastures.”animals当然包括chickcn。
20.A。整体理解题。从文章最后一段可以得出结论。 Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure
21.C。词组辨析,at hand义为在手头。
27.D。词组辨析,head for义为“动身、前往、寻找”。
28.C。单词辨析,根据特征词into,很容易选出正确选项。 29.B。强调句,用that来引导。
30.A。短语辨析,in terms of义为“根据、按照”。
31.D。单词辨析,controversial义为“有争议的,有争论的”。 32.B。虚拟语气,should have done义为“该做某事而未做”。 33.D。形容词辨析。注意:被修饰词是majorities。 34.A。词义辨析+搭配,assimilate义为“吸收,同化”。
37.B。动词辨析+搭配,entitle为“给予……权利(资格)”之义。 38.C。倍数表达法,倍数+as+形容词(副词)+as。 39.C。名词词义辨析,sequence为“顺序”之义。
40.A。名词含义辨析+固定搭配,extent为“程度,范围”之义。 41.D。句意理解+搭配,deprive为“剥夺、丧失”之义。 42.A。非限制性定语从句。
44.B。短语搭配+用法辨析,be attributed to为“归因于”之义。 45.B。特殊结构的虚拟语气,if only义为“要是……多好”。
46.B。形容词辨析十固定搭配,suspicious为“可疑的,怀疑的”之义。 47.A。特殊连词用法,含有转折意义。 48.B。固定句型。
51.A。固定句型,It has never occurred to…为“从没想到”之义。 52.B。动词辨析,transfer之义为“调动,转换”。 53.C。句型结构,平行结构的同级比较,谓语相同。 54.C。动词辨析,protect为“保护”之义。
55.B。独立主格结构,主句的主语与作修饰成分的现在分词短语的逻辑主语不一致。 56.B。固定搭配,be confined to为“(被)限制/封闭在……”之义。 57.D。句子结构分析+时态,现在完成时+it作形式宾语。
59.D。虚拟语气,根据前一分句确定具体时态。 60.C。形容词辨析,concrete为“具体的”之义。 PartⅡ Cloze
61.A。名词用法辨析,item为“条款,项目”之义,可用来指代它前面的事物。 62.D。固定搭配,personal computer为“个人电脑”之义。 63.C。上下文+动词辨析,convince为“确信,相信”之义。 64.B。虚拟语气,should被省略。
65.B。固定句型,When lt comes to…为“当提及,当说到”之义。 66.C。句意分析+固定搭配,yield to为“屈服,让步”之义。
67.A。上下文衔接,“匆忙购买了硬件(电脑)而没有准备好的教学计划”。 68.D。句意分析,“教师们发现自己陷于……的两难境地”。 69.C。上下文,between…and连接的是两个含义相反的短语。 70.A。固定搭配,后接on表示就某一问题达成一致。 71.D。定语从句。
72.C。短语用法+上下文,as well为“同样,也”之义。
73.B。固定用法+句意,have access to为“得进入,得使用”之义。 74.C。句意一致,可参考最后一段的第一句。 75.C。固定搭配,adapt to为“适应”之义。 76.B。句意+固定搭配。
77.B。部分否定,not every为“并不是每一个”之义。
78.D。单词用法,两者之间用between,即使那两者都为复数。 79.A。句意及短语辨析,ask for为“请求,要”之义。 80.D。非限制性从句,后接地点。 (英语专业学生必做)
16.C。第一节第二句的数据说明美国因酒后驾驶导致的死亡人数急剧增加。 17.B。由第二节后半句可知。
19.A。由“to a marked decline in fatalities”可知。
20.D。从文末作者的担忧来看,作者的态度很实际。 (英语专业必做) 61.B。entertaining为“有趣的,让人愉快的”之义,demanding为“需很大耐性或技巧的,苛求的”,charming为“有魅力的”之义,penetrating为“敏锐的,洞察的”之义。 62. A。在民主社会,制服是根本“不需要的”。
63.D。制服告诉人们作为一个“个人”没有任何价值。 64.C。那些“穿着”制服的人失去了他们所有的个人价值。
66.A。rely on为“依赖”之义,turn out为“制造,结果是”之义,take off为“脱下”之义, cope with为“应付”之义。
70.B。固定短语so that,表示结果。
72.C。与poor形成对比的是“wealthy”。 73.A。固定短语“such…as…”,表示列举。 74.B。制服也会对经济“造成损害”。
75.C。“在”时尚行业,每年要花去几十个亿。 76.D。applied为“应用,致力于”之义,adapt为“调整”之义,adopt为“采用”之义,employ为“雇佣”之义。 77. D。after all为“毕竟”之义,by contrast为“形成对比的是”之义,on the contrary为“相反的是”之义,in turn为“从而”之义。
78.A。“没有”广告的话,传媒就无法做生意。 79.C。呆在生意场中。
Part Ⅳ Translation Section A
81.传宗接代、维系家族血统正往往极为重要,不能由浪漫和偶遇支配。 82.研究人员发现,学习成绩与工作能力几乎没有关系。有些品质,比如“稳定而可靠”、“实际而有条不紊”则更加重要。
83.我们在书中遇到的人们之所以是我们感到快乐,原因就是他们或者很像我们珍爱的朋友,或者代表了新类型的人,而且是我们乐于结识的。 84.在过去的十年里,人们尤其是年轻人——越来越清楚地意识到有必要改变饮食习 惯,因为人们所吃的很多食物,特别是加工过的食物,不利于健康。
85.由于每个州每天都持续发生死亡事故,有些美国人开始赞誉在1919年开始,实行了长达13年的全国禁酒令,即胡佛总统称之为“高尚的实验”的禁酒令。(以上2题为英语类学生必做) Section B
86. The appearance of the Internet has changed the way people live, work and think. 87. For a student who wants to get a job,a master's degree/whether he has a master's degree
does make a difference.
88. What we don't always recognize is that what seems to be useless may, in the long run, proves( to be) beneficial.
89. It is crucial that developed countries and developing countries promote mutual understanding
and respect through more communication.
90. In order to get ahead in their studies,students need to equip themselves with independent