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D. about 25,000 people on average are killed every year by drunken drivers 17. Why have the public changed their opinion about drunken driving? A. Because detailed statistics on drunken slaughter are now available. B. Because they are no longer tolerant of the drunken slaughter.

C. Because judges usually give more severe sentences to drunken divers. D. Because drunken drivers are conscious of their image. 18. The statistics issued in New Jersey suggested that ____. A. many drunken drivers were not of legal age

B. many young people were in no way qualified drivers

C. raising the legal drinking age would have little effect on the reduction of tragedies D. raising the legal drinking age would reduce the fatalities caused by drunken drivers 19. Laws recently introduced in some states have ____. A. reduced the number of convictions

B. resulted in fewer fatalities of traffic accidents C. prevented bars from serving drunken drivers D. specified the amount drivers can drink

20. What's the author's attitude towards the solution to drunken driving in the United States?

A. IronicaL B. Causal. C. Optimistic. D. Realistic.

Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure(共40小题,每小题1分,共 40分)

Directions: In this part there are 40 incomplete sentences. Each sentence is followed by four choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark your answer on the answer sheet.

21. Keep two extra pencils ____ while taking the examination. A. at ease B. at length C. at hand D. in turn

22. The competition from experienced staff members, some of whom are higher in rank, ____ to my disadvantage.

A. works B. working C. work D. worked

23. I don’t know what ____ Alfred to read your letter. ____ he thought it was addressed to him.

A. made…Supposedly B. induced…Presumably C. stimulated…Possibly D. introduced…Probably

24. Never before ____ available for quick and easy access in so many different fields of study.

A. so much free information were B. were so much free information C. has so much information been D. so much free information has been

25. It’s true that not having a car imposes some ____, but owning one also complicates life in many ways.

A. constructions B. introductions C. instructions D. restrictions 26. Word got around ____ he had resigned his position as executive secretary of the committee.

A. what B. that C. whatever D. which

27. If you invest so heavily in the stock market, you’re ____ risks.

A. turning in B. heading off C. turning on D. heading for

28. A further ____ into the cause of the disaster revealed that the director was partly to blame because he had not insisted on adequate precautions.

A. entry B. request C. inquiry D. conquest

29. It is only in the most difficult circumstances ____ a man’s abilities are fully tested. A. when B. that C. where D. so that

30. Adults tend to interpret the action of children ____ their own experience. A. in terms of B. in the habit of C. in words of D. in the account of

31. In fact, the Iraq war was fairly ____ across the West.

A. conversational B. contradictory C. contrary D. controversial 32. “You missed a golden opportunity.”

\ A. must have taken B. should have taken C. might take D. ought to take

33. The use of military force faces strong opposition among key US allies where opinion polls show ____ majorities of the populations support a peaceful solution.

A. substantial B. enormous C. considerable D. overwhelming 34. There is every sign that most of the Asian Americans have been ____ the nation’s culture.

A. assimilated into B. involved into C. associated with D. connected with

35. Professor Wu told us that by the end of the years he ____ here for three years. A. will have worked B. will have been working C. would have been working D. has been working

36. We cannot choose whether we will pay income tax or not, because payment of income tax is ____.

A. compulsive B. impulsive C. comprehensive D. compulsory 37. You’re the manager’s relative, but that doesn’t ____ you to a free meal in our restaurant.

A. qualify B. entitle C. adapt D. allow

38. Believe it or not, Matt earns ____ his brother, who has a better position in a big company.

A. much as twice as B. as twice much as C. twice as much as D. as much twice as

39. Please keep the numbered cards in ____; don’t mix them up. A. series B. succession C. sequence D. procedure

40. The whole world is now clearly aware of the ____ to which global warming has affected the earth.

A. extent B. range C. grade D. limit 41. What would happen if students were ____ of books?

A. refused B. declined C. denied D. deprived

42. There are two major problems linked with atomic power plants, ____ the first concerns nuclear waste.

A. of which B. of the two C. of them D. of the plants 43. It seems that there is no resolution to this racial ____.

A. convention B. compromise C. conflict D. conservation 44. There’s no doubt that your achievement ____ your hard work.

A. contributed to B. is attributed to C. is led to D. resulted in 45. Look at the terrible situation I am in now! If only I ____ your advice. A. follow B. had followed C. would follow D. have followed

46. The policeman on duty became ____ of the youth and asked him why he was standing there.

A. doubtful B. suspicious C. suspected D. hesitated

47. Americans are trained to think themselves as separate individuals, ____ most Chinese consider themselves as members of a group.

A. whereas B. as C. since D. like

48. It’s no good ____. You just have to put up with all these.

A. complained B. complaining C. to be complaining D. to complain 49. As we are unlikely to find another hotel before dark, the ____ action is to stay here for the night.

A. senseless B. sensitive C. sensational D. sensible

50. He hopes that when he comes back in five years’ time all the old buildings ____ down. A. will have been pulled B. will be pulling C. will have pulled D. will be pulled

51. It has never ____ to her that it was her son who committed such a silly mistake. A. occurred B. happened C. arisen D. seemed

52. Quite a number of NBA players have the experience of ____ from one team to another. A. transforming B. transferring C. transplanting D. transmitting

53. The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth as ____ its soils and the water of its lakes, rivers and oceans.

A. is B. has C. are D. have

54. Trying to ____ wild life is a job that concerns all of us.

A. deserve B. detect C. protect D. reserve 55. ____, the next problem was how to make a good plan.

A. Having made the decision B. The decision having been made C. Has the decision been made D. The decision has been made 56. Steven hawking is now confined ____ the hospital by illness. A. in B. to C. with D. at

57. The rapid development China has achieved in the last decade ____ that the future is likely to be very exciting.

A. make it clear B. it has made clear C. it makes clear D. has made it clear

58. Football players are ____ males, though there are some females. A. most B. mostly C. much D. all

59. Tom has been most helpful to us; in fact I don’t know what we ____ without him. A. have done B. will have done C. had done D. would have done 60. I don’t have any ____ plan for the weekend ---- I was thinking of spending some time

with my family or perhaps getting together with some friends.

A. confident B. conservative C. concrete D. considerate

Part Ⅲ Cloze (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) (非英语类学生必做,61~80小题。) Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices.

Choose the one that best fits into the passage and then mark your answer on the answer sheet.

There was a time when parents who wanted an educational present for their children would buy a typewriter, a globe or an encyclopedia set. Now those 61 seem hopelessly old-fashioned: this Christmas, there were a lot of 62 computers under the tree. 63 that computers are the key to success, parents insist that children 64 taught to use them in school as early as possible. The problem for schools is that when it 65 computers, parents do not always know best and are eagerly urging the schools to offer computer courses as soon as possible. Many schools are 66 parental impatience and are purchasing hardware hastily 67 good educational planning, saying “Ok, we’ve moved into the computer age.” Teachers 68 themselves caught in the middle of the problem between parental pressure and 69 educational decisions. Educators do not even agree 70 how computers should be used. A lot of money is going for computerized educational materials 71 can be taught 72 with pencil and paper. Even those who believe that all children should 73 to computer warn that there are potential 74 to the very young. The temptation of the computer is so strong that young children who quickly 75 themselves to it are never aware how much time they have 76 on it. There are some other problems. 77 every school can afford to go into computing, and there is a division 78 the haves and have-nots. Very few parents ask 79 computer instruction in poor school districts, 80 there may be barely enough money to pay the reading teacher. 61. A. items B. toys C. sets D. series

62. A. private B. children C. school D. personal 63. A. Giving B. Providing C. Convinced D. Believed 64. A. was B. be C. are being D. were

65. A. talks about B. comes to C. turns to D. mentions to 66. A. ignoring B. blaming C. yielding to D. turning a deaf ear to 67. A. without B. with C. through D. for 68. A. rely on B. relax C. free D. find 69. A. wise B. clever C. slow D. enough 70. A. on B. with C. to D. about

71. A. however B. where C. what D. which

72. A. equally B. in the same way C. just as well D. not as well 73. A. be open B. have access C. look D. turn

74. A. approaches B. exposures C. problems D. means 75. A. adopt B. keep C. adapt D. devote 76. A. cost B. spent C. taken D. paid 77. A. Nor B. Not C. No D. Any

78. A. among B. amid C. amidst D. between 79. A. for B. against C. to buy D. to use

80. A. due to that B. in any case C. although D. where

Part Ⅲ Cloze (共20小题,每题1分,共20分) (英语专业必做)

Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices.

Choose the one that best fits into the passage and then mark your answer on the answer sheet.

No one should be forced to wear a uniform under any circumstance. Uniforms are 61 to the human spirit and totally 62 in a democratic society. Uniforms tell the world that the person who wears one has no value as 63 but only lives to function as a part of words. Those 64 uniforms lose all their self worth.

There are those who say that wearing a uniform gives a person sense of 65 with a larger, more important concept. What could be more important than the individual himself? If an organization is so weak that it must 66 cloth and buttons to inspire its members, that organization has 67 reason to continue its existence. Others say that the 68 of making people wear uniforms, 69 in a school, removes all envy and competition in the matter of dress 70 that a poor person who cannot 71 good quality clothing need not be belittled(轻视) by a 72 person who wears expensive,quality clothing. Those in favor of wearing uniforms tend to ignore 73 critical concepts as freedom of choice, motivation, and individuality.

Uniforms also 74 the economy. Right now, billions of dollars are spent 75 the fashion industry every year. Thousands of persons are 76 in designing,creating, and marketing different types of clothing. The wearing of uniforms would destroy the fashion industry, which 77 would have an unfavorable effect on such industries as advertising and marketing. 78 advertising, mass media such as newspapers, magazines and television would not be able to 79 in business. Our entire information and entertainment industries would 80 . 61. A. entertaining B. demanding C. charming D. penetrating 62. A. unnecessary B. illogical C. irresponsible D. independent 63. A. an employee B. a staff C. a person D. an individual 64. A. with B. under C. in D. on

65. A. possession B. identification C. involvement D. participation 66. A. rely on B. turn out C. take off D. cope with 67. A. entire B. ever C. none D. no

68. A. behavior B. conduct C. practice D. habit 69. A. tell B. speak C. put D. say

70. A. hence B. so C. however D. otherwise 71. A. provide B. afford C. undergo D. show

72. A. witty B. powerful C. wealthy D. competitive 73. A. such B. many C. so D. all

74. A. bruise B. harm C. blow D. defeat 75. A. with B. for C. in D. over

76. A. applied B. adapted C. adopted D. employed

77. A. after all B. by contrast C. on the contrary D. in turn 78. A. Without B. Unless C. Except D. Against 79. A. represent B. occupy C. stay D. preserve 80. A. destroy B. fail C. conflict D. hit




