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1, winter jasmine beautiful like the myriad gold belt. 2、花开得真美丽,像小朋友的红脸蛋。 2, the flower is really beautiful, like a child's red face. 3、花开得美丽像一蓬蓬炽热的火焰。 3, beautiful bloom like a wild fire. 4、公园里的花开得美丽,像天上的彩霞,五颜六色,绚烂多姿。 4, the park beautiful bloom, like the colorful clouds, be riotous with colour. 5、公园里的花开得美丽,如薄薄的五颜六色的毯子一般。 5, the park is beautiful, such as a thin layer of colorful blankets. 6、公园里的花开得美丽,好像一块块绚丽的织锦。 6, the park of the beautiful flowers, like a colorful brocade. 7、公园里的花开得美丽,好像一幅幅美丽的图画。 7, the park is beautiful, like a beautiful picture. 8、春天漫山遍野的杜鹃花开了,象一片红云似的。 8, spring azalea flowers all over the mountains and plains, like a cloud like. 9、春天,满山遍野的杜鹃花开得美丽,像红火,像云霞。 9, spring, all over the mountains and plains azaleas bloom beautifully, like fire, like clouds. 10、菊花花开得美丽像金色的麦浪! 10, beautiful chrysanthemum blossom like the fields of gold!
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