Fabric softener composition
申请(专利)号: KR20160082578
专利号: KR102131813B1 主分类号: C11D3
申请日: %Y-%m-%d 公开公告日: %Y-%m-%d
分类号: C11D3;
C11D3/20 发明设计人: ???;
???; ???; ??? 申请国代码: KR
优先权: 20140225 KR
1020140021927; 20140225 KR 1020140021928; 20140808 KR 1020140102206; 20140808 KR 1020140102207; 20140430 KR 1020140052639; 20140808 KR 1020140102213
摘 要 附 图:
申请权利人: ????
公开国代码: KR 优先权国家: KR
摘 要:
In the present invention, the present invention relates to a fabric softener composition, and more specifically, a flower fermented vinegar is used as a fabric softener, so that it can exhibit excellent deodorizing power against ammonia and methyl mercaptan compared to ordinary vinegar.
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权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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Fabric softener composition