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I love/enjoy/like running, but my cousin

loves/enjoys/likes swimming. 4. Explain how to combine two sentences by using “with” or “verb-ing”. (1) Show some sentences and summarize. a. The girl is Millie. She has a hair clip on her head. = The girl with/wearing a hair clip on her head is Millie. b. We all know the boy. He wears glasses. = We all know the boy with/wearing glasses. (2) Translation. a. 留着长发的那个女孩喜欢读漫画书。 The girl with long hair enjoys reading comic books. b. 穿蓝色牛仔裤的那个男的是我们的历史老师。 The man in/wearing blue jeans is our history teacher. c. 你认识那个戴项链的女士吗? Do you know the lady with/wearing a necklace? 【设计意图:先由老师自问自答引入同一意思的两种表达形式,再由学生演绎总结,让学生轻松融入知识点的讲解环节。】 Step 3 Game time Play a game to finish exercises. T: You all did a great job. Now it’s the game time. I’ll divide you into three groups. Which group is the best of the class? Please choose one box, and finish the exercises behind it. If you can correctly finish one exercise, your group gets one point. The group which gets the most points can win the game.

Are you ready to have a challenge? Let’s go!


Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks. (1) He is 16 _______ (year) old. (years) (2) She ________ (be from) Tianjin. (is from) (3) She is ________ (苗条的) and has ________ (长的) black hair. (slim; long)

(4) She never _______ (wear) green. (wears) (5) I

love ________ (sing) and _______ (read). (singing; reading) 2. Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks. (1) Simon comes from Shanghai. = Simon _________ Shanghai. (is from) (2) Millie’s cousin is clever at Maths = Millie’s cousin _______________ Maths. (is good at/does well in) (3) Her hair is long. = She __________________. (has long hair) (4) Amy loves swimming. = Amy __________ swimming. (likes/enjoys) 3. Exercise 3: Translation. (1) Amy擅长游泳吗? ______ Amy ________________ swimming? (Is; good at) (2) 我的双胞胎兄弟不戴眼镜。他又高又瘦。

My twin

brother ___________. He’s ___________. (doesn’t wear glasses; tall and slim) (3) 你喜欢放学后听音乐吗?你加入歌迷会了吗? Do you love _________ to music ___________? Are you ___________ the Fan Club? (listening; after school; in) 4. Exercise 4: Translation.

(1) 他的父母来自北京。 His parents _______________Beijing. (come/are from) (2) 午餐时他喜欢跟它的同学交谈。 She______________to her classmates at lunchtime. (likes talking) (3) 他非常喜欢唱歌。 He __________ singing _________. (likes; very much/a lot) 5. Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks. (1) Millie is 12 _________ (岁数). She is ________ (擅长) English. (years old; good at) (2) Sandy ______________ (来自) Beijing. (comes/is from) (3) Miss Li is __________ (又高又苗条). She has _________ (短发). (tall

and slim; short hair) 【设计意图:以游戏的形式导

入练习,复习并学会正确运用重点结构及知识点,同时为接下来的报告做好语言素材上的准备。】 Step 4 Discussion Make an interview and fill in the blanks of the personal profile, then make a report. T: We know a lot about these students at Sunshine Middle School. What about your new classmates in our class. Would you like to make more friends

with your new

classmates? Now discuss in groups of four, and fill the profile below about one of your classmates. Then make a report to let others guess who he/she is. Name: _______________



Grade/Class: ___________ Age: __________________ Birthplace:



____________ Hobby: ________________ Be good at: _____________ 【设计意图:以小组讨论的形式,学生互相采访并完成信息采集,提高学生的口语能力。】 V. Homework 1. Read and recite the whole text; 2. Write a report about your new friend. Unit 1 This is me! Grammar I. Teaching aims and learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. understand the definition of the simple present

tense and when to use this tense; 2. learn how to make positive and negative sentences, and ask and answer questions using the verb “be” in the simple present tense; 3. frequently communicate with each other using the verb “to be” in the simple present tense. II. Teaching contents 1. New words and phrases: over there 2. New structures: I’m (not)… You/We/They are (not) … He/She/It is (not) … Am I …? Yes, I am. /No, I’m not. Are you/we/they …? Yes, we/you/they are. /No, we/you/they aren’t. Is he/she/ it …? Yes, he/she/it is. /No, he/she/it isn’t. III. Focus

of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty How to make positive and negative sentences, and ask and answer questions using the verb “be” in the simple present tense. IV. Teaching procedures Step 1 Lead-in 1. Listen to a self-introduction by Millie. T: Hello, boys and girls. Now we make six new friends with the students from Sunshine Middle School. Millie is one of them. She’s introducing herself. Let’s listen to her. 2. Show “am”, “is” and “are” in the passage. T: Pay attention to these circled words. Millie uses a lot of “am”, “is” and “are” to talk about her friends and herself. In fact, “am/is/are” are different forms of the verb “be”. 【设计意图:本节课通过一段关于Millie自我介绍的文本,在学生熟悉的语篇中引起学生对文本中be动词的一般现在时用法的注意,快速导入本节课的教学

内容。】 Step 2 Presentation 1. Presentation of the

simple present tense. T: In English, the verb “be” is also called the linking verb. It has three different forms: “am”,“is” and “are”in the simple present tense. We use one of them according to the different forms of subjects. We can use “be” to talk about the fact and



