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Book 1 Unit 1 Friendship

Part 1 课文知识点归纳

1. add up 把…加起来 16. take no notice of 不注意 2. be upset about / at sth. 对…而感到不安 17. suffer from 遭受, 患病 3. be ignorant 不知道, 没意识到 18. on the high way 在高速路上 4. calm… down… (使)平静, (使)镇定 19. recover from one’s illness 康复 5. have got to 不得不, 必须 20. get / be tired of 对..厌倦 = have to / must 21. pack (sth) up 将(东西)装箱打包 6. be concerned about 关心,挂念 22. have some trouble with 有…麻烦 7. go through 经历, 经受 23. at the moment 此刻,现在 8. set down 记下, 放下, 登记 24. get along / on with 与…相处, 进展 9. a series of 一连串, 一系列, 一套 25. fall in love with 爱上, 相爱 10. on purpose 故意 26. join in 参加, 加入 11. in order to 为了 27. show one’s interest in 对…感兴趣 12. at dusk 在黄昏时刻 28. communicate with 与…交流 13. face to face 面对面 29. far and wide 到处 14. no longer / not…any longer 不再 30. look to 注意15. tie up 绑, 包扎

句型: 1. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by car. While引导了一个时间状从; walking the dog 为现在分词充当时间状语

[句型翻译] (当你) 过马路时, 你应该小心点. __________________________________________________ 2. She found it difficult to settle… it作形式宾语, 其句式结构为:

主语 + 谓语 + 形式宾语it + 宾补 (形容词) + 真正的宾语

3. it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the night face to face……

it (this / that) +be + the 序数词 time + that 从句…. (从句的谓语动词须用完成时态) [句型翻译] 这是我第一次来思明.


4. Mother asked her if / whether she was very hot with so many clothes on. with so many clothes on 是with 的复合结构作伴随状语

with + 宾语(名词/代词)+宾补(形容词/副词/介词短语/动词不定式/现在分词/过去分


5. tell him / her that he/she should have studied, so you don’t let him/her look at your paper. should have done 本应该做某事

→ 情态动词+ have done 表示对发生在过去的事情的推测, 猜测等

6. I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to be outdoors for so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.



◇ wonder 后用if引导了一个宾语从句

◇ it’s because… that I’ve …为强调句句型It is/was + 被强调部分+that/who+其他成分

Book 1 Unit 2 English Around the World

Part 1 课文知识点归纳

1. more than one kind 不止一种

2. in some important ways 有一些重要方面 3. be different from 与…不同 official language 官方语言

4. at the end of 在…的尽头, 在…的末梢

by the end of … 直到…末为止,在…结束时 5. make voyages to…海路行程 6. because of 因为, 由于

7. than ever before 较之以往, 比以往…

8. native English speaker以说英语为母语的人 9. even if = even though 即使, 尽管 10. come up 走近, 上来, 提出

11. communicate with each other 互相交流 12. change over time 随着时间而改变 13. be based on 建立在, 以…为基础 14. at present 目前, 现在

15. make (full / good) use of 使用, 利用 16. a number of 许多, 大量 the number of …的数量

17. such as 例如…, 像这样 for example 例如

18. all over the world 全世界, 世界各地 19. only time will tell 只有时间来回答了 20. move towards 朝…移动

21. play a (important) part / role in 扮演一个(重要)角色, 参与 22. the same … as 和…是一样的 23. with English dialect 用英语方言 24. make a list of 列明细 25. in the way 用某种方式

26. be expected to do 被期待做某事 27. take…with 随身携带…

28. make up one’s mind 下决心, 决定 29. give in 投降, 屈服, 让步 30. keep doing sth. 持续做某事 31. keep fit 保持健康 32. build up 增强体质

句型: 1. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of


even if = even though = in spite of the fact 尽管, 即使

2. An English teacher is telling her students what they must do for homework. what they must do for homework 做student的宾语补足语 3. Believe it or not, there is no such thing as standard English. Believe it or not 信不信由你 (常作插入语) such …as… “像…这样 / 那样的”

4. …because of that, English began to be spoken in many other countries. 区别: because / because of

My brother is often absent from school _________________ his illness = My brother is often absent from school _________________ he is always ill. 5. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present.



[句型翻译] 这部电影是根据鲁迅的小说改编的


Book 1 Unit 3 Travel Journal

Part 1 课文知识点归纳

1. one way free 单程票 2. round-trip fare 往返票 3. graduate from 从…毕业 4. care about 忧虑,关心 care for 照顾, 喜欢

care to do 愿意 / 同意做某事 5. give in 上交

give in (to) 投降, 屈服, 让步 give up (doing) sth 放弃 6. as usual 像往常一样 7. at midnight 午夜

8. at an altitude of 在…的海拔上 9. attitude to / toward(s) 对…态度 10. change one’s mind 改变主意 11. make camp 野营, 宿营

12. make up one’s mind to do 决心干某事 13. put up one’s tents 搭起帐篷

14. sb. be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某事 sth. be familiar to sb. 某事为某人所熟悉

15. dream of / about (doing) sth 梦想做某事 16. go for long bike rides 自行车长途旅行 17. persuade sb to do sth 说服某人做某事 = persuade sb. into doing sth.

persuade not to do sth. 说服某人不做某事 = persuade sb. out of doing sth.

18. determine to do sth. (动作) 决心干某事 be determined to do sth. (状态)

19. get sb. interested in… 使某人对…感兴趣 20. insist on (one’s) sth / doing sth 21. the best way of doing sth. = the best way to do sth. 做某事的最好办法

22. can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事 = can hardly wait to do sth.

23. for one thing… for another (用来引出理由) 一方面…另一方面

24. take one’s breath away 另某人大吃一惊

句型: 1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River. it is/ was + 被强调的部分 + who / that…… 被强调的部分是人时可以用who替换that

※ It is my parent who / that are determined to visit England next year. (强调__________) It is England that my parents are determined to visit next year. (强调___________) ※ It was the training that he had as a young man _______ made him a good editor. A. that B. what C. which D. who

2. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that we (should) find the source of the river.

当insist, 意为”坚持做, 一定要做…”时, 跟随其后的谓语动词常用虚拟语气, 即

should do. 其中should可省略.

意为”坚持说, 坚持认为”时, 其后面的从句应用陈述语气



※ The girl insisted that the man _____________(steal) her purse and that _________(take)

him to the police station. 3. Once she made up her mind, nothing can change it.

Once + 状语从句,意为”一旦…就”,其引导的状语从句中常用一般现在时代替将来时.

Book 1 Unit 4 Earthquakes

Part 1 课文知识点归纳

1. prepare to do sth 准备做某事 prepare sth 准备某物

prepare sth for… 为…准备某物 2. instead of 代替 take the place of

3. a number of 许多, 大量 the number of …的数量 4. thousands of 成千上万的

(hundreds / millions / dozens / scores of ) many thousands of

tens of thousands of 数以万计的… hundreds of thousands of 数十万计的… thousands and thousands of 数百万计的… 5. in peace 安详地, 和平地

6. shake hands with sb. 与某人握手 7. settle down 安顿下来 8. as usual 像往常一样 9. put up 张贴

10. burst into (+n.) laughter / tears burst out (+doing) laughing / crying burst with anger 勃然大怒

11. be in ruins 一片废墟, 狼籍 fall into ruin 成为废墟

ruin one’s hope 使某人希望破灭 12. judge by / from 从…看来 judge sb 评价某人

13. be / in honor of 为了纪念… be / feel honor by 对…感到荣幸 give honor to sb. 敬重某人 14. at an end 结束

in the end 最后, 结果, 终于

at the end of 在…结束时/ 末端 by the end of… 到…末尾 15. dig out 挖出, 翻找出

16. be buried in sth / doing sth 埋头于, 专心于 bury oneself in sth / doing sth.

17. fill … with…用…填充, 充满, 填满 fill in填充, 填上, 填写 be full of 充满, 充满…的

18. rescue sb. from… 把某人从…中救出 19. be trapped in / by 被…所困 20. think highly of 高度评价

句型: 1. In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.

too…to…太…而不能… 可转换成so…that…can / could not do sth…

2. It seems as if the world was at an end!

It looks / looked as if … “看起来好像/似乎…” It seems / seemed that + 从句 “看来, …”

[句型翻译] 看起来天要下雨了. _____________________________________________ 看起来似乎他是对的. _____________________________________________ 3. Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed.



Never否定词放句首, 句子需部分倒装

4. All hope was not lost. (all…not = not all ”并非所有…都…”, 表示部分否定)

◇ not 与both、all 、every 以及 every 的派生词连用时,表示部分否定。 如: ___________ ___________ knows this secret. 不是人人都知道这个秘密。

___________ knows this secret. 没有一个人知道这个秘密。

I don’t know ___________ (of) your names. 你们的名字我并不都知道。 I know ___________ of your names. 我不知道你们所有人的名字。

Book 1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela – A modern hero

Part 1 课文知识点归纳

1. lose heart 丧失信心 = prevent sb. (from) doing sth. lose one’s heart 爱上, 喜欢上 = keep sb. from doing sth. 2. worry about 担心, 担忧 19. die for 为…而死 be worried about (表状态) die from 死于(外因: 地震, 海啸) 3. be sentenced to…. 被判处… die of (内因: 饥饿, 疾病) 4. be out of work = lose one’s job 失业 20. put sb in prison 把…送入监狱 5. be equal to 相等的, 平等的 = throw sb. into prison 6. be proud of 以…而骄傲 = send sb. to prison = take pride in 21. advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 7. invite sb to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 advise doing sth invite sb for / to sth advise sb on sth 8. think highly of 高度评价…. advise that (should) + V原 9. give out 发出 (气味等), 分发, 耗尽 22. fight for 为争取…而斗争 10. as a matter of fact 事实上 fight against 为反抗…而斗争 = in fact = actually fight with 同…并肩作战 / 同…斗争 11. blow up 充气, 爆炸 23. work out 算出 12. beg for 乞讨 24. have a go = have a try 试一试 13. set up 建立,创建,设置,竖起 25. break the law 违反法律 set off 出发, 动身 26. have problems / difficulty / trouble (in) doing set out (to do) sth. 陈列, 摆出, 开始 sth. 做某事有困难 14. set about (doing) sth. 着手做某事 27. be willing to do sth. 乐于做某事 = set out to do sth. 28. realize / achieve one’s dream of实现…梦15. send up 发射, 使上涨 想 16. go up 上升, 增长, 被兴建 one’s dream come true实现… 18. be active in 积极参加, 在…活跃 29. come to / into power 当权, 上台, 执政 = take an active part in 30. turn to 变成, 转到, 求助于17. stop sb (from) doing sth. 阻止某人做某事

句型: 1. Only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.

Only + 状语(副词,介词短语,状语从句), 要使用部分倒装. (主倒从不倒)




