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Thanksgiving Day is a time to offer thanks and a time for family gathering and holiday meals.(感恩节是一个感谢恩赐,家庭团聚,合家欢宴的日子。) Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November.(每年十一月的最后一个星期四是感恩节。) On Thanksgiving Day, the U.S. President will free a lucky turkey. The turkey will live on a farm and will never be eaten. (每逢感恩节,美国总统都会亲自特赦一只幸运的火鸡,将它送回农场,永远不得宰杀。) On Thanksgiving Day, some people will give full baskets of food to the poor. (每逢感恩节,人们还会装上满满一篮子食物送到穷人家。) Thanksgiving Day is a time to thank all of your friends and family sincerely.(感恩节是真诚地向所有朋友和家人表示感谢的时刻。)
Thanksgiving Day is the most truly American of the national Holidays in the United States and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country. In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. After a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy November, what is now
此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 Plymouth, Massachusetts. During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of[1] starvation or epidemics. Those who survived began sowing in the first spring. All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord be fixed[2]. Years later, President of the United States proclaimed the fourth Thursday of November as Thanksgiving Day every year.
(感恩节的习俗)Something else we associate with Thanks giving are parades. You know, watching the big floats on TV, on the wires and all the people and bands performing .Watching all like the bigger than life displays, all that going through major cities in America. This actually had it’s start back in the 1920’s. It was at that time that Thanksgiving was going on and there were a lot of new immigrants to the country and the immigrants also wanted to kind of partake and celebrate。
(感恩节祝福语)Let us observe a moment of silence for those who are not able to be so thankful. 让我们为那些无法心存感激的人们
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To give thanks at Thanksgiving we should help the less fortunate. 在感恩节表达感谢之情时,我们应该帮助那些不幸的人。
What a wonderful time to be together. 在一起的时光多么快乐。 2. thanks for being there as a friend so true! happy thanksgiving! you are the joy of my life. happy thankgiving day! 感谢的话毋宁多言,总之,你是我一生的知己好友 3.由来
Thanksgiving began with the first European settlers in America. They gathered their crops, celebrated and gave thanks for the food.
Tradition says Pilgrim settlers from England celebrated the first thanksgiving in sixteen twenty-one. There is evidence that settlers in other parts of America held earlier thanksgiving celebrations. But the Pilgrims’ thanksgiving story is the most popular.
The Pilgrims were religious dissidents who fled oppression in England. They went first to the Netherlands. Then they left that country to establish a colony in North America. The Pilgrims landed in sixteen twenty in what later became known as Plymouth,
此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 Massachusetts.
Their voyage across the Atlantic Ocean was difficult. Their first months in America were difficult, too. About one hundred Pilgrims landed just as autumn was turning to winter. During the cold months that followed, about half of them died. 篇二:感恩手抄报内容 活着,请感恩? ?
最温暖的句也描摹不出感恩的模样,最甜蜜的语言也诉说不出感恩的真谛。所谓感恩,大概是尼采口中?灵魂上的健康?的必需?大概是华罗庚笔下?人家帮我,永志不忘?的铭记?大概是孟子书里?尊亲之至,莫大乎以天下养?的彻悟。? ?
而我,我认为,存在即应感恩,感恩来到这世界。正因如此,我们都该怀抱一颗感恩的心于每一刻于每一个人。? ?
我们都明白,感恩它不是一种义务,这并不意味着感恩不重要。因为感恩,天空降下甘露?因为感恩,春风吹来绿柳?因为感恩,绿草遍及大地。? ?
此资料由网络收集而来,如有侵权请告知上传者立即删除。资料共分享,我们负责传递知识。 在这五月初夏时分,就让我们怀揣如同日光般明亮的炽热心脏,感恩生命。??
活着,本身就是被给予的恩惠,所以,请感恩吧。? 我读懂了感恩? ?
?感恩的心,感谢有你,与你同路,让我有勇气做我自己???每当我听到这首歌,心中就会感到澎湃,无比亲切。是啊,感恩,一个多么令人熟悉的字眼。但是,又有多少人真正做到感恩呢?? ?