一、写作经典词汇——摘自《写作宝中宝》 信任危机the crisis of trust 延迟退休postpone retirement
裸捐to donate ones entire fortune to charity after his/her death 白领工作a whitecollar job 孝顺 filial piety
海外市场overseas market 虐待mistreat, maltreat,illtreat 教育投入education investment 伪专家unqualified experts 汽车产业automobile industry 住房问题 housing problem 非法广告illegal ads
弥合差距bridge the gap 房地产业real estate industry
相互理解mutual understanding 收受贿赂take bribes
经济复苏economic recovery 劣质商品inferior article 负债累累mountainous debt 过度上涨excessive growth
不公平竞争unfair competitions 人口老龄化population aging
腐败现象corruption phenomenon
退休返聘rehiring someone afterretirement 监管部门supervision departments 不道德行为immoral behaviors
电信产业telecommunication industry 传统美德traditional virtues
经济不景气sluggish economy,recession 全心全意地wholeheartedly
鼓励创业encourage more business startups 消费者权益consumers rights and interests 经济全球化economic globalization
基础设施建设infrastructure construction 市场经济体制market economy system 贫困乡村地区poor rural areas
社会保障体系social security system 全球通货膨胀global inflation
渐进式延迟退休年龄raise the retirement age in progressive steps 严厉惩罚severe punishment 恐怖行为act of terrorism
恶劣天气bad/adverse weather 医患纠纷patient doctor disputes 医德/医术medical ethics/skills 暴力事件violent incidents 快递express delivery
蓝色国土blue national territory 货到付款cash on delivery 索赔ask for compensation
要求退货return goods for a refund 团购group buying/group buys 媒体炒作media hype 贪得无厌的insatiable
失联loss of communication 交易信息transaction information 网上商铺e commerce vendors 网上购物online shopping 垃圾短信spam messages
搜救队search and rescue team 抢购风buying spree
信息泄露leak of information
户籍制度household registration system 实体店brick and mortar stores 为??默哀pay silent tribute to sb. 飞行员迷航pilot disorientation
互联网金融Internet finance/Internet based financing 送货上门服务home delivery services 单身寄生族parasite single
短期经济利益short term economic benefits 车辆注册登记car/vehicle registration 在线支付通道online payment channel
电话营销诈骗/电信诈骗telemarketing scams/telemarketing fraud 社会/经济/疗体制改革reform of the social/economic/medical system
1.起始段经典句式 As is truly/vividly demonstrated/depicted/betrayed in the photo/picture/drawing/cartoon above,? 正如上图所真实(生动)展现(描述/表现)的那样,??
There is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this:? 这幅有趣而又有教育意义的图片描述了这样一幅场景:?? Such an image draws our attention to the fact that? 这样的景象让我们注意到这样的事实??
This picture demonstrates one of the basic theories of philosophy:? 这幅图片展现了哲学的一个基本理论:??
The painter reminds us of a common social phenomenon. 这幅画的作者让我们想到了一个普遍的社会现象。
It is quite obvious that the painter wishes to draw our attention to this most unfavorable social phenomenon.非常明显,该画的作者希望我们注意到这一最不受欢迎的社会现象。
Looking at the picture, we cant help thinking of the more and more serious phenomenon of? 看着这幅图,我们不禁想到越来越严重的??现象。
?is known as one of the most serious problems in todays society.??是当今社会中最严重的问题之一。 2.中间段经典句式
to be frank (frankly speaking, honestly speaking)老实说,坦白讲
But we cant lose sight of the fact that there are disadvantages (benefits) in doing? 但我们不能忽略这样一个事实:做??是有不利之处(有益)的。
As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes (positions).至于它是福还是祸,人们持有不同的态度(观点)。 The explanation for this problem involves many factors. 解释该问题要从诸多因素入手。
There are many reasons responsible for this instance, and the following are the typical ones. 出现这种情况的原因有很多,而下面这些是其中非常典型的原因。 No one can ignore/overlook the fact that? 没有人可以忽略这个事实??
There is considerable/sufficient/strong evidence to show that? 有相当多的/足够的/有力的证据显示??
Obviously, it has its drawbacks(disadvantages/negative effects)as well as merits (advantages/positive effects).显然,它既拥有优点(长处,积极的作用),也有弊端(短处,消极的影响)。 3.结尾段经典句式
in brief (in summary, in conclusion, in short, in a word, to sum up, to conclude, to summarize) 总而言之,综上所述
The problem should be studied in depth.这个问题应该深入研究。 We may have a long way to go before we reach the final goal. 我们要实现最终目标可能任重而道远。
Judging from all evidence offered, we may reasonably come to (draw) the conclusion that? 从所提供的证据来看,我们可以得出以下结论??
From the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely conclude that? 从以上的比较,任何人都可以得出这样的结论?? Given the factors I have outlined, I believe that? 通过我所简述的这些因素,我相信??
For the reasons given above, I strongly recommend that? 鉴于以上种种原因,我强烈建议??
三、写作经典模板——摘自《写作宝中宝》 1.话题写作模板
Various factors may account for this phenomenon. First and foremost, (第一个原因). Besides, (第二个原因). Whats more, (第三个原因). Last but not least, (最后一个原因).
Some may argue that (一部分人的观点). For one thing, it provides us(优点之一). For another, it also (优点之二). While, others maintain that (另一部分人的观点). Firstly, (缺点之一). In addition, (缺点之二).From my perspective,(自己的观点).
Now that the problem is so serious, it is high time that drastic measures were taken to improve the current situation. First and foremost, the authorities concerned should set up stricter regulations against(图画反映的问题) and put them into practice. In addition, peoples awareness of (图画反映的问题) should be cultivated. Finally,(再列举一条措施).
As is subtly portrayed in the picture,(图片信息). The caption written under the picture indicates that(图片下方的汉字). What an enlightening picture it is!
On the basis of the analysis above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that(总结主题思想).
2.应用文写作模板 建议信 Dear ,
I am flattered that you would ask for my advice concerning (寻求与??有关的建议).
Since you aim to (具体目标), my suggestions are as follows: For one thing, (建议一). For another, (建议二). I hope these proposals would be helpful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you in further details.
Good luck with your (祝愿). Yours sincerely, XXXX 推荐信 Dear ,
It is with great pleasure that I am writing to recommend (被介绍对象)as an ideal candidate for (职位).
Here are some reasons Im writing to recommend (被介绍对象). First of all, he shows great excellence in (学术方面的优异表现). Furthermore, he has a pleasant personality. Above all, (与同龄人相比最大的优点)makes him outstanding
from his peers.
Therefore, I strongly recommend(被介绍对象)to you. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely, XXXX 感谢信 Dear ,
I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for (感谢原因). If it had not been for your assistance in (对方给你的具体帮助), I would (没有对方帮助时的后果).
Every one agrees that it was you who (给出细节).
Again, I would like to extend my warm thanks to you! Please accept my gratitude. I will feel honored and pleased if you (表达自己回报的心愿)。
Yours sincerely, XXXX
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