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在这个感人肺腑的演说中,Lucy Kalanithi女性根据叙述其已去世老公的小故事,告知大伙儿性命和身亡, 爱与远去,全是我们要历经的。当身亡来临,难以避免时,面对它,并不代表着我们的日常生活会因而凋零,生活是能够再次繁荣昌盛扩大。下边是我为大伙儿搜集有关TED英文演讲:在身亡眼前,日常生活怎样更有意义,热烈欢迎参考参照。

在身亡眼前,日常生活怎样更有意义 演说者:Lucy Kalanithi

A few days after my husband Paul was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer,we were lying in our bed at home,and Paul said,It’s going to be OK.And I remember answering back,Yes.We just don’t know what OK means yet.

就在我的老公Paul被诊断为晚期肺癌的几日后,大家躺在卧房里,Paul说,一切都是会越来越好的。我记得我回应说,是的。大家仅仅还不知道变好的意思。 Paul and I had met as first-year medical students at Yale.He was smart and kind and super funny.He used to keep a gorilla suitin the trunk of his car,and he’d say, It’s for emergencies only.

我跟Paul是在耶鲁医科院读第一年时了解的。他聪慧、友好、非常有幽默风趣。他长期在车里的汽车后备箱放着一件黑猩猩服,他说道,“以便有备无患。” I fell in love with Paul as I watched the care he took with his patients.He stayed late talking with them,seeking to understand the experience of illnessand not just its technicalities.He later told me he fell in love with mewhen he saw me cry over an EKG of a heart that had ceased beating.We didn’t know it yet,but even in the heady days of young love,we were learning how to approach suffering together. 我还在亲眼看到了他仔细照料他的病人以后便爱上了他。他跟病人能够谈到很晚,期待可以了解病症产生的感受,而不仅是技术性方面的关键点。他之后跟我说,从他见到我应对着一份停止跳动的心电图检查抽泣那一刻就爱上我了。大家那时候不清楚,早在大家并未坠入情网以前,大家就早已在学习培训怎样一同担负痛楚。

We got married and became doctors.I was working as an internistand Paul was finishing his training as a neurosurgeonwhen he started to lose weight.He developed excruciating back painand a cough that wouldn’t go away.And when he was admitted to the hospital,a CT scan revealed tumorsin Paul’s lungs and in his bones.We had both cared for patients with devastating diagnoses;now it was our turn.


We lived with Paul’s illness for 22 months.He wrote a memoir about facing mortality.I gave birth to our daughter Cady,and we loved her and each other.We learned directly how to struggle through really tough medical decisions.The day we took Paul into the hospital for the last timewas the most difficult day of my life. 大家跟Paul的癌病斗争了22个月。他写了一本回忆,纪录应对死亡的感受。大家的闺女Cady顺利出世。我们都爱她,爱彼此。大家学会了怎样应对各种各样艰辛的医药学挑选。Paul最后一次接诊住院治疗那一天,针对我来讲是最艰辛的一天。 When he turned to me at the endand said, I’m ready,I knew that wasn’t just a brave decision.It was the right one.Paul didn’t want a ventilator and CPR.In that moment,the most important thing to Paulwas to hold our baby daughter.Nine hours later,Paul died.


I’ve always thought of myself as a caregiver —most physicians do —and taking care of Paul deepened what that meant.Watching him reshape his identity during his illness,learning to witness and accept his pain,talking together through his choices —those experiences taught methat resilience does not mean bouncing back to where you were before,or pretending that the hard stuff isn’t hard.It is so hard.It’s painful, messy stuff.But it’s the stuff.And I learned that when we approach it together,we get to decide what success looks like.


One of the first things Paul said to me after his diagnosis was,I want you to get remarried.And I was like, whoa, I guesswe get to say anything out loud.


It was so shockingand heart breaking ...and generous,and really comfortingbecause it was so starkly honest,and that honesty turned out to be exactly what we needed.Early in Paul’s illness,we agreed we would just keep saying things out loud.Tasks like making a will,or completing our advance directives —tasks that I had always avoided —were not as daunting as they once seemed.



I realized that completing an advance directive is an act of love —like a wedding vow.A pact to take care of someone,codifying the promisethat til death do us part,I will be there.If needed, I will speak for you.I will honor your wishes.That paperwork became a tangible part of our love story.

我意识到预埋诊疗标示(ADS)是一种爱的行为——就好像婚宴上的承诺。一种照顾另一方的契约书,将承诺铭记出来直至存亡间隔,我永不言败。我能在必须时给你表述你的意向。我能进行你的心愿。这一裁判文书变成 大家感情故事的印证。

As physicians,Paul and I were in a good positionto understand and evenaccept his diagnosis.We weren’t angry about it,luckily,because we’d seen so many patient sin devastating situations,and we knew that death is a part of life.But it’s one thing to know that;it was a very different experienceto actually live with the sadness and uncertainty of a serious illness.Huge strides are being made against lung cancer,but we knew that Paul likely had months to a few years left to live.

做为医师,我跟Paul都是有充足的充分准备去了解,乃至接纳确诊結果。大家并沒有觉得恼怒,很好运,由于大家早已亲眼看到过多危重症的患者,我们知道,死,是性命的一部分。可是,道理谁都了解;真的的自身碰到的情况下,真实经历忧伤和可变性是彻底不一样的感受。肺癌的治疗方式 实际效果非常好,可是我们知道Paul的预期寿命仅有两年,乃至好多个月。

During that time,Paul wrote about his transition from doctor to patient.He talked about feeling like he was suddenly at a crossroads,and how he would have though the’d be able to see the path,that because he treated so many patients,maybe he could follow in their footsteps. 在哪一段时间,Paul纪录了他从医师到患者的变化,他提到了忽然觉得自身立在了十字路口,及其他是怎样认为自身能认清路面,由于他早已协助过那么多患者,也许他能够跟踪她们的步伐。

But he was totally disoriented.Rather than a path,Paul wrote,I saw insteadonly a harsh, vacant,gleaming white desert.As if a sandstorm had erased all familiarity.I had to face my mortalityand try to understand what made my life worth living,and I needed my oncologist’s help to do so.


The clinicians taking care of Paulgave me an even deeper appreciation for my colleagues in health care.We have a tough job.We’re responsible for helping patients have clarity around their prognosesand their treatment options,and that’s never easy,but it’s especially toughwhen



