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(1) developing (2) develop (3) development (4) develop (5) developing developed 2

(1) amazed (2) amazes (3) amazingly (4) amazing (5) amazement Comprehensive exercise I. CLOZE 1. TEXT-RELATED

1.complex 2.idle 3.make a living by 4.accumulated 5.affect 6.function 7.faculties 8.ignorant 9.wake up 2. THEME-RELATED

(1) dormitory (2) passing (3) leaping (4) department (5) burned (6) destroyed (7) seriously (8) marriages (9) report (10) perspective II TRANSLATION

1) Without his personal file, an applicant can hardly expect to get/ be employed as a teacher. 2) With enough ice, we would be able to chill the drinks.

3) In my humble opinion, reading us the most pleasant way to spend one’s leisure.

4) Some people said it was simply a miracle that the American athlete Michael Phelps won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

5) The washing machine has broken down, so we have to wash our clothes by hand.

This morning I heard an interesting piece of news over my portable radio: a man of 36 and his son of 10 attend the same class competing with each other for high marks. The story goes/ It’s like this:

The man, Li Wei by name, was too idle to learn anything when young. With little education, with no useful skills, he could hardly earn an adequate living wage. His life experiences drove home to him the point that he had to acquire knowledge before he was able to accumulate wealth. So Li Wei swore that he would go to school with his son, determined to learn.



