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一、单选题(共 25 道试题,共 100 分。) V 1. ( ) of existing bad assets and tighter procedures for issuing new loans are the two major factors for cutting the NPL ratio. 削减不良贷款的两个主要手段是对尚存的不良资产的处置及更加严格发放新贷款的程序。 A. Disclose B. Disposed C. Disposal D. Expose

2. It is currently only at a ( ) stage. 目前它尚在试验阶段。 A. tentative B. initial C. mature D. ripe

3. The United States makes ( ) furniture and the Chinese industry focuses on middle and low-grade furniture. 美国制作高档家具同时中国家具业致力于中低档家具。 A. low-end B. high C. low

D. high-end

4. But according to a ( ) economist, it is easier said than done. 但是依照一位著名的经济学家的观点,这是说起来容易做起来难。 A. notorious B. renowned C. renewed D. renamed

5. The CIRC official dismissed the ( ). 中国保监会的官员否认了这一预测。 A. specify B. specific C. speculation D. speculate

6. An official who asked to remain ( ) revealed this. 一位要求匿名的官员透露了这一信息。 A. anonymous B. announce C. anymore D. famous

7. Foreign and Sino-foreign joint venture insurance companies are raising their voices calling for a broader investment scope to improve their ( ) in the Chinese market. 外资和中外合资保险公司提高呼吁要求扩大它们的投资范围以提高在中国市场的收


A. returning B. returns C. turn D. turns

8. Coated art paper is mainly used for colour pictorial publications, advertisements and ( ). 铜版纸主要用于彩色图片出版物、广告和包装。 A. packaging B. pack C. peak D. pea

9. It will help activate trading in the(). 它将有助于刺激交易所的交易。 A. bourses B. burden C. burn D. browse

10. CSRC is also working with other departments to update rules on borrowing funds using stocks as ( ). 证监会也在与其他部门研究改变关于以股票为抵押募集资金的相关规定。

A. collateral B. collect C. collection D. college

11. The government took a ( ) step at the end of July by inviting outside investment in 104 State-owned enterprises. 在七月底政府迈出了大胆的一步,为104家国有企业诚邀外方投资。 A. old B. bold C. prudent D. small

12. Dirty money has a broad array of sources, including various economic crimes like embezzlement, bribery, forex flight and ( ), tax evasion and proceeds from illegal operations. 黑钱有着广泛的来源,包括多种经济犯罪如挪用公款、行贿受贿、逃汇和骗汇、逃税及违法经营的收益。 A. frank B. fraid C. fruit D. fraud

13. And the central bank launched a ( ) fund for high-tech smaller businesses. 中央银行为小型的高科技企业推出了一项启动基金。 A. start

B. start down C. end

D. start-up

14. China could raise its renminbi ( ). 中国可能提高人民币的利息率。 A. interest rate B. profit rate C. interested rate D. benefit rate

15. It also requested ( ) of an article regarding non-market economies. 它也要求废除非市场经济的条款。 A. abolished B. abolition C. abuse D. adept

16. Aside from rising demand, experts also attributed the power shortage to drought and a ( ) coal supply. 除了需求上升之外, 专家们也将电力短缺归因于干旱和煤碳供应不足。

A. deficient B. defficult C. deferent D. efficient

17. Despite increasing calls to raise the 800 yuan personal income ( ) for tax, the government will stand firm - at least for the rest of 2003. 尽管要求提高个人所得税起征点(800元)的呼声越来越高,但政府至少在2003年还会坚持不变。 A. thread B. threshold C. hold D. door

18. China has greatly improved its ( ) on foreign economic and trade policies. 中国已经显著提高了对外经贸政策的透明度。 A. transpotation B. transparency C. transform D. transaction

19. Tax ( ) enjoyed by foreign-invested companies in China are destined to come to

an end. 在中国广受外资企业欢迎的税收减免政策注定要结束。



