【期刊名称】《国际皮肤性病学杂志》 【年(卷),期】2009(035)004
【摘要】患者男,35岁.因趾间、肛周湿润柔软赘生物1年就诊.趾间疣组织病理检查:角层角化不全、轻度角化过度,乳头瘤样增生,棘层高度肥厚,中上层较多的空泡化细胞,真皮内血管扩张,周围淋巴样细胞浸润.趾间及肛周疣体组织DNA通用引物PCR扩增HPV保守片段,测序法判定两者型别均为HPV7,型特异性引物PCR显示HPV7阳性,HPV6、11、16、18均阴性,与测序法结果 一致.%A case of human papillomarivru type (HPV) 7-associated warts in toe webs and perianal sites is reported. The 35-year-old patient, who was an office worker in a company, presented with soft, friable, vegetating clusters in toe webs and perianal sites for one year. Histopathological examination of warts in toe webs revealed parakeratosis, mild hyperkeratesis, papillomatous hyperplasia, acanthosis in epidermis as well as vasodilatation and perivascular lymphoid infiltrates in dermis. There were numerous vacuolated cells in stratum granulosum and upper stratum spinosum which were lager than normal cells with condensed nuclei and perinuclear halo. DNA was extracted from samples taken from toe webs and perianal sites. PCR was performed using consensus primers, i.e. MY and GP, to amplify HPV conservative region followed by sequencing of the amplicons. Gene sequencing