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天下 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞

/?/ she/?i:/ sharp/?a:p/ fish/fi?/ shock/??k/ shoe/?u:/ /?/ pleasure/′ple??/ measure/′me??/ television/′telivi??n/

/ts/ let′s/lets/ sports/sp?:ts/ puts/puts/ writes/raits/ seats/si:ts/ /dz/ hands/h?ndz/ birds/b?:dz/ friends/freindz/ beds/bedz/ stands/st?ndz/ /h/ he/ hi:/ hard/ha:d/ him/him/ heard/h?:d/ half/ha:f/ /l/ like/laik/ late/leit/ learn/l?:n/ lead/li:d/ light/lait/ /m/ my/mai/ more/m?:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ mind/maind/ men/men/ /n/ nice/nais/ wind/waind/ mind/maind/ rain/rein/ fine/fain/ /?/ sing/si?/ wing/wi?/ ring/ri?/ long/l??/ beautiful/bju:t?fl/

/j/ you/ju:/ few/fju:/ yard/ja:d/ music/′mju:zik/ student/′stju:dnt/ excuse/ik′skju:z/

/w/ work/w?:k/ way/wei/ well/wel/ what/w?t/ twelve/twelv/ twin/twin/ /r/ red/red/ road/r?ud/ write/rait/ wrong/r??/ problem/′pr?bl?m/ 清辅音浊辅音对比练习

[p]-[b] [t]-[d] [k]-[g] [f]-[v] [s]-[z] [θ]-[e] [?]-[?] [ts]-[dz] [t?]-[d?] [tr]-[dr]

/p/: pen map help cheap pencil paper apple happy appear

/b/: bag by bed boy bus blue rabbit cabbage

/t/: ten time not get table bottle bottom little pretty watched washed

/d/: desk door day dog add daddy middle played cleaned climbed answered

/k/: cat come cut clock cry picture school Christmas chemistry book bike cake kite Kate look

/g/: go girl big get egg bigger biggest guess great glad game golf again glass grass goat God dog goal

/f/: five fish fine family fifteen photo phone elephant laugh enough off coffee

/v/: very five have of leave voice visit visitor themselves

/s/: nice city cycle sit six some bus use us desk books miss class

/z/: is his please music lose husband apples leaves thieves knives size exercise prize zoo reason

/θ/: three thank month thin thought three throw tooth teeth south north month mouth through

/e/: this the with than breathe though mother father there that these those

/?/: she shoe short shop wash sure Asia special sufficient delicious

/?/: usually television pleasure garage

/ts/: shirts hurts coats costs goats Let’s kites gates dates pizza

/dz/: beds birds hands friends decides

/t?/: chair much lunch China watch picture question teach teacher rich future each reach

/d?/: age page huge orange gentle gentleman general bridge porridge judge jump jacket just June Jim sandwich /tr/: tree trip try true truth train

/dr/: dress drive hundred children drink dry draw dream

The sun Tongue Twister(绕口令)

(1)There are thirty-three trees there. (θ, e)

(2)A big black bug bit the back of the big black bear. The big black bear beat back the big black bug. (/b/)

(3)She sells seashells on the seashore,and the shells she sells are seashells. I′m sure because if she sells shells at the seashore,the shells she sells are seashells for sure.

(/ θ/,/s/,/z/,/?/)

(4)There is a kitten in the the kitchen,I fly the fly flies into the kitchen while I′m frying the chicken.( /t?/)

(5)You are no need to light a night light on a light night like a night,light′s a slight light and tonight′s a night that′s a night′s light like tonight′s light,it′s really not quit right to light night lights with their slight light′s on the light night like tonight.(/n/--/l/) (6)The sun shines on the small shop signs.(/s/--/?/)

(7)Why didn′t you do that what I told you to do? (/ /--/ /) (8)The doctor′s daughter knocked at the locked door. (9)Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night.

(10)Is this pair of scissors of his sister′s? Yes,this is the pair of scissors of his sister′s . (/s/--/z/)

(11)Pete picked up a piece of paper and put it into the paper basket. (/p/)

(12)William wants to know whether the weather will be wetter tomorrow. (/w/)

★常见的字母与字母组合发音规则 元音字母的发音


(1) [ei] paper; late; make; lake ; face (2) [?] bag; fat; cat; ladder; mass (3) [?] ago; along; among; above; aloud

(4) [i] comrade; village; manager; palace; private (5) [a:] dance; France; chance;ask; mask; task; basket (二)元音字母e

(1) [i:] me; he; she; these; evening (2) [e] hen; get; set; tell; echo

(3) [i] useless; ticket; basket; pocket; before; below (三)元音字母i

(1) [ai] China; hi; time; guide; (2) [i] sit; hit; ill; little ; (3) [i] unit (四)元音字母o

(1) [?u] no; so; go; home; photo;



