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1、一知半解的人,多不谦虚;见多识广有本领的人,一定谦虚。 A man with half knowledge is not modest; he who is knowledgeable and capable must be modest. 2、你越协调一致,身边的磁场就越大。

The more coherent you are, the greater the magnetic field around them.

3、很勇敢的人表面上好像怯懦,很聪明的人表面上好像很愚笨。 Very brave people seem cowardly on the surface. Smart people seem stupid on the surface.


You are the author of life, why write the script so hard. 5、因为物以类聚,你会吸引你喜欢或想要的东西。

Because birds of a feather flock together, you will attract something you like or want.

6、喷泉的高度不会超过它源头;一个人的成果不会超过他信念。 The height of a fountain does not exceed its source; a man's achievements do not exceed his beliefs. 7、爱是摸不着的,但你却能感到她带来的甜蜜。

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Love can't be touched, but you can feel the sweetness of her.


He knows all over the world, and is determined to read all the books in the world.

9、原本以为结果是最重要的,但是被忽略的过程才是最美好的。 It was thought that the result is the most important, but the neglected process is the best.

10、迷茫时,坚定的对自己说,当时的梦想,我还记得。 When I was confused, I firmly said to myself, I remember the dream at that time.


Time is precious to me. It is a wealth from the perspective of economics.

12、不要满足于眼前的小成就问问自己:我这辈子就这样了吗。 Don't be satisfied with your little achievements before you ask yourself: is this the way I've been in my life? 13、成功与失败的分水岭可以用这几个字来表达。

The watershed between success and failure can be expressed in these words.


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Value generates confidence, faith generates enthusiasm, and enthusiasm conquers the world.

15、每个人的生命都是一只小船,梦想是小船的风帆。 Everyone's life is a small boat. Dreams are the sails of a small boat.


If you are determined to succeed, failure will never knock you down.

17、贫困,你是人类艺术的源泉,你将伟大的灵感赐予诗人。 Poverty, you are the source of human art, and you give great inspiration to the poet.


Li Changzhi, a wise man, has no ambition and long ambition.


When you rest, you must think that others are still running. 20、有些事情,时间到了,自然就懂了,不必太纠结。 Some things, when time comes, naturally understand, do not have too entangled.


The food that comes to your mouth effortlessly is not poison or bait.

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22、旁若无人走自己的路,不是撞到别人,就是被别人撞到。 No one else goes his own way, either to bump into others or to be hit by others.

23、勤奋可以弥补聪明的不足,但聪明无法弥补懒惰的缺陷。 Diligence can make up for the lack of intelligence, but cleverness can not make up for the shortcomings of laziness. 24、说一句谎话,要编造十句谎话,何苦呢? Tell a lie and make up ten lies. Why bother?

25、过去的一页,能不翻就不翻,翻落了灰尘会迷了双眼。 The past page can not turn over, do not turn over, turn off the dust, will lose your eyes.

26、失去金钱事小,失去名誉事大,失去了勇气就失去了一切。 He who loses money, gains nothing, loses reputation, loses courage and loses everything.

27、因为年轻我们一无所有,也正因为年轻我们将拥有一切。 Because young, we have nothing, and because we are young, we will have everything.


Life is not a one-way street, but a road is blocked. You can turn around.

29、当失败不可避免时,失败也是伟大的。 When failure is inevitable, failure is also great.

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Dou Yong is more intelligent, please use your brain to play games. The curves between two points are sometimes shorter than straight lines.

31、人生四然:来是偶然,去是必然,尽其当然,顺其自然。 Life is four: to be accidental, to go is inevitable, to do its course and let nature take its course.

32、青年人的特点在于他们抱有作理想事业的宏大志愿。 Young people are characterized by their great aspiration to make a dream career.

33、困难只能吓倒懦夫、懒汉,而胜利永远属于攀登高峰的人。 Difficulties can only frighten cowards and idlers, but victory always belongs to those who climb heights. 34、不怕别人瞧不起,就怕自己不争气。

Don't be afraid of others to look down on you.


No matter what happens, no wisdom grows. Without people and things, escaping from reality can not produce wisdom.




