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It scares us more than anything except death ,being alone. 享受独处除了了死亡,我们最害怕的就是孤独。
Our fear of aloneness is so ingrained that given the choice ofbeing by ourselves or being with others we opt for safety innumbers, even at the expense of lingering in painful, boring, ortotaling unredeeming company. And yet more of us than ever are alone.
While many Americans have their solo lifestyles thrust on them people ,people go away-a hugeand growing population is choosing to be alone.
当许多美国人开始单身生活时- 因为身边的人去世或者离开-一个日益增加的庞大人群开始选择独身。
In 1955, one in ten U.S. households consisted of one person. By 1999, the proportion was one inthree. Single men and women accounted for 38.9 million of the nation’s 110.5 million households.
1955年,美国家庭有1/10 的单亲家庭。到1999年,这个比例扩大到1/3.在这个国
家里,110 000 000个家庭中单亲家庭占了38 900 000 。
By 1999, single parents with children under the age of eighteen made up 27.3 percent of thenation’s 70.9 million family households.
到1999年,带着一个18岁以下小孩的单亲家庭已经占到了这个国家70 900 000 个家庭的27.3%
Meanwhile, many more Americans are discovering. In less than three decades, the number ofdivorced men and women has more than quadrupled- to a total of 18.3 million in 1996, comparedto 4.3 million in 1970.
同时更多的美国人离婚了。不到三十年之间,离婚的人数增加为原来的4倍- 到1996 年这一数字已经达到18 300 000 ,而1970年只有4 300 000人。
Never before in American history has living alone been the predominant lifestyle.
Nonetheless, we persist in the conviction that a solitary existence Is the harshest penalty life canmete out. We loathe being alone- anytime, anytime, anywhere, for whatever reason. Fromchildhood we’re conditioned to accept that when alone we instinctively ache for company.
Alone, we squander life by rejecting its full potential and wasting its remaining promises. Alone, weaccept that experiences unshared are barely worthwhile, that
sunsets viewed singly are not asspectacular, that time spent apart is fallow and pointless.
And so we grow old believing we are nothing by ourselves, steadfastly shunning the opportunitiesfor self-discovery and personal growth that solitude could bring us.
We have ever coined a word for hose who prefer to be by themselves: antisocial, as if they wereenemies of society. They are viewed as friendless, suspect in a world that goes around in twos ormore and is wary of solitary travelers. 对于那些宁愿独居的人,我们甚至给他们扣上“反社会”的头衔,好像他们是社会的公敌,他们被人们认为是缺少朋友、怀疑这个世界的人。那些结伴同行者警惕地盯着这些独行的旅行者。
People who need people are threatened by people who don’t. The idea of seeking contentmentalone is heretical, for society steadfastly decrees that our completeness lies in others. Instead, wecling to each other for solace, comfort, and safety.
Ironically, most of us crave more intimacy and companionship than we can bear. We begrudgeourselves, our spouses, and our partners’ sufficient physical and emotional breathing room, andthen bemoan the suffocation of our relationships. 可笑的是,我们大多数人所渴求的亲昵关系,已经超出了自己的承受能力。我们吝啬于给自己、伴侣和伙伴足够的空间,使其身心受到限制,然后,又对我们之间令人窒息的关系感到悲哀。
To point out these facts is not to suggest we should abandon all our close ties. 把这些实时指出来,并不是建议我们抛弃所有的亲密关系。
Medical surveys show that the majority of elderly people who live alone, yet maintain frequentcontact with relatives and friends, rate their physical and emotional well- being as “excellent”.
Just as an apple a day kept the doctor away when they were young, an active social calendarappears to severe the same purpose now,
But we need to befriend and enjoy ourselves as well. 但是,我们需要在友好待人的同时,享受独处的乐趣。
We must relearn to be alone. Instead of planting our solitude with dream
blossoms, we choke thespace with continuous music and chatter to which we do not even listen. It is simply there to fill thevacuum. We can’t stand the silence, because silence includes thinking. And if we thought, wewould have to face ourselves.
Let us learn, then, from those in search of what they have been able to find and hold: peace ofmind, gentles of heart, calmness of spirit, daily joy.
Who have come to understand that to know and to love and to be of value to others , they firstmust know and love and value themselves; that to find their way in the world, they have to startby finding themselves.