关键词:成都汽车销售汽车4S店 消费者 家用型汽车
【Abstract 】
As a car has became the indispensable part of a family. more families choose to buy a car with the going up of the incoming level of a family . Private cars are sold well ,pushing the increasing of the needing of private auto market ,then many 4S shops were set up as like mashrooms after rain under this good situation
And this article is in purpose of synthesizing the survey conduct about 4S shops of cars in Chengdu and the questionnaire survey of car consumers in Chengdu by taking 2 ways which contain the buyer and the seller of cars in Chengdu into consideration to reach the point of the development of the car market in Chengdu and its current situations and the factors which influence the auto market in views of the above facts.
1.前言…………………………………………………………………………… 4 1.1选题的意义和背景……………………………………………………4 1.2汽车4S店发展对区域社会经济的贡献………………………………5 1.3调查目标的选择………………………………………………………6
2.汽车4S店的市场调查…………………………………………………………8 2.1销售现状调查……………………………………………………………8 2.2政策影响调查……………………………………………………………11 2.3未来发展前景调查………………………………………………………12
3.消费者民意问卷调查……………………………………………………………12 3.1消费者购车意向调查……………………………………………………12 3.2消费者购车考虑因素调查………………………………………………13 3.3决定消费者购车的其他原因……………………………………………13
4.小结分析成都地区汽车销售行业的其他影响因素…………………………14 4.1时间因素…………………………………………………………………14 4.2 环境因素………………………………………………………………14 4.3 其他因素………………………………………………………………15
5.对汽车销售行业的一些建议…………………………………………………16 5.1、合理规划网点布局,开创多样化的营销模式………………………16 5.2、提升管理理念,加强经营管理………………………………………16 5.3、打造自身服务品牌,树立企业新形象…………………………………17 5.4、转变4S店重卖轻修思想,树立长远发展观念………………………17 5.5、加快行业整合,走联盟化集团化之路………………………………18 5.6、充分发挥政府调控作用,促进汽车4S企业发展……………………19
调查问卷原卷……………………………………………………………15 数据资料…………………………………………………………………17 参考文献…………………………………………………………………25 团队资料…………………………………………………………………26