1.Tony – Tony is going really well; he is saying the new words and is trying very hard with the new sentences。 He really enjoys coming up to the front of the class and performing the actions that go along with the songs, he is trying really hard to remember the new words and sentences。 2.Alan – Alan is going really well in the class; he sits in his chair and waits for his turn。 He is doing a great job with remembering the new words; he is always trying his best with everything that he does。 He enjoys singing the new songs。 3.Frank – Frank is going great; he is feeling much better and is really trying very hard with the new words。 He is slowly catching up with the other children, I am sure he will be able to say all the new words and sentences。 He is very active in the class and is trying to talk more。 Lewis - Lewis is going really well in class; he has a good understanding of what we are doing。 He participates well in every
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4.activity and really tries very hard with everything that he is doing。 Lewis enjoys coming to the front of the class and performing the action that go along with the songs。 5.Kevin – Kevin has been away from class 6.Tracy – Tracy has been away from class
7.Jessie – Jessie is having a great time in the class; he seems to understand what we are doing and has no trouble repeating the words。 He really enjoys doing the actions and singing the songs, he is always happy to come to the front of class and practice the new words。
8.David – David is going well; he is slowly coming to the front of the class to practice what we are learning。 He is trying hard with the new words and sentences; he really enjoys singing the new songs and performing the actions that go along with them。
9.Michael - Michael is going really well in class; he is very active in class and is having no trouble with the new words and sentences。 He really participates well in all the activities and tries his best with
10.everything that he does。 He is slowly enjoying the songs, and I am sure that before too long he will really like singing。
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11.Joyce – Joyce is going great in the class; she is always trying her best with the new words and sentences。 Sometimes she says the new words only after hearing them once, which is fantastic。 She likes playing games with me and is always happy and smiling in the class。 Cindy – Cindy has been away from class
.Tomi – Tomi is going really well in class; he is having no trouble with the new words and sentences。 He is participating well in all class activities; he really enjoys singing the new songs。 When it is his turn to come to the front of the class to practice the new words he is very happy。 对学生的英语评价语(精选篇)
1.李元昊同学是一个聪明,上进心很强的男孩。你上课积极举手发言,认真完成作业,对问题有独到的见解,但老师发现你一直在努力地改正。你在英语学习方面刻苦努力,做事从不拖泥带水,望你继续努力!No way is important to courage。
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师的心目中,你是一个懂事、诚恳、有上进心而又有一种不服输倔强性格的好学生。作为班长,你尽职尽责,从没让老师们和同学们失望过。There is no road to learning。
4.李佳淼同学你是一个性格独立坚强的女孩,与人相处懂得谦让,能热心助人,尊敬老师,热爱学校生活,积极参加课外活动,爱劳动,学习认真,成绩优良,在老师的心目中你是一个十分优秀的孩子。望你继续加油!Success Belongs to the persevering。 5.邵涵琪同学你思维敏捷,想象力丰富,某些问题有自己独到的见解,关心集体,是老师的得力助手,从而赢得同学们的好评。在学习上近来你已有很大进步,成绩一次比一次高,作业一次比一次整齐。你多问多思,常常对问题刨根问底。愿成功伴随你。Heaven never helps the man who will not act。自己不动,叫天何用。
6.马仟逸:英语课上,你认真思考老师留下来的问题,一直默默的努力学习,你待人有礼,为人诚恳,好学上进,团结同学,是同学们的好朋友。你有自己的爱好,有个性。希望你能再接再厉,取得更好的成绩,加油!No way is impossible to courage 勇敢面前没有通不过的路。
8.Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart). 有志者事竟成。加油!
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9.朱琳瑄:你是一个活泼开朗,刻苦努力的孩子。作为我的英语课代表,你学习成绩优异,乐于助人,对人守信,对事负责,是同学们的好朋友,老师的好帮手。There is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。加油!
10.翁雯倩:你是一个聪明文静,勤奋上进的女孩。在英语课上你认真听讲,作业完成得一次比一次认真,字写的越来越好,你的成绩从来没有落下过,老师看到你默默的努力感到十分欣慰,希望你能再接再厉,能更好地在同学面前展示自己,加油!No way is impossible to courage 勇敢面前没有通不过的路。
11.李同宇:你是一个兴趣爱好广泛,学习努力的孩子。你自己制作的蝴蝶标本让我们惊叹,只要你能坚持,我相信你一定会在这方面大有作为。在学习方面,你还要更加努力,取得更好的成绩! .万杨宇:你是一个活泼开朗,充满童趣的学生,你虽然比班上的同学都小一岁,但你一直紧跟大家的步伐先前走,希望你能继续保持,更加刻苦努力学习,取得更好的成绩!There is no royal road to learning.书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。
13.蒋宇航:你是一个学习成绩优异,活泼开朗,刻苦努力的女孩,你乐于助人团结同学,待人诚恳,学习成绩更是名列前茅,是同学们的好朋友,老师的好助手。课堂上有你响亮清脆的回答,课后有你关心集体的身影。作为班级的卫生委员,你非常尽职尽责,总能带领同学们得到每一周的卫生流动红旗。希望你能再接再厉,取得更好的成绩!Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart). 有
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