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12 What can you see in the 你在公园可以(I can see) An old man (我可以看到)一and a young boy 个老人和一个小男孩。 park?

Which:哪一个 1 Which is Miss Pear? 看到什么? 哪一个是Pear小姐? The one with a red 穿红T恤的那个。 T-shirt. 2 Which one do you want to 你想先玩哪一个 (I want to) Bounce the (我想先)拍球。 play first? 3 Which one do you like,the 你想要哪一个,香蕉还ball (first). (I like )The Orange. I’d like to read a book 我想要看一本动我想要桔子。 是桔子? banana or the orange? 4 Which book would you like to 你想要看哪一本书? read? Who: 谁 1 Who is Sam’s friend? 谁是Sam 的朋友? on animals. 物方面的书。 Pat (is Sam’s friend.). Pat(是Sam的朋友)。 2 Who wants to try? Who can sing a song? 谁想来试试? Teacher me. 我! 3 谁可以唱歌? I/We/He/She/It/They/You/Linda/ 我/我们/他/她Linda and Jack can (sing a song). /它/他们/你、你们/ Linda/ Linda 和 Jack可以(唱歌)。 4 Who can be your friend? 谁可以做你的朋友? My mum (can be my friend.) 我的妈妈可以(做我的朋友)。

Where: 哪里 1 Where is Sam? Where is my toy car? Sam 在哪里? He is in the lemon 他在柠檬房子里。 house. It’s under the bed. 在床底下。 2

我的玩具车在哪里? How:怎样 1 How many coconuts would 你想要多少椰子? (I’d like) One. A bowl of rice. (我想要)一个。 you like? 2 3 How much rice do you want? 你想要多少饭? How are you? 4 5

一般疑问词引导的问句: am/is/are:是

How do you do! How is your holiday? 你好 你的假期怎么样 你好吗 一碗饭。 Fine.Thank you ,and how 很好,,你好吗? are you? How do you do! It’s great 你好 很好。 . .


1 Are you Jack? 你是jack吗? Yes, I am./No, I am mot. not mine. 是的,我是。/不,我不是。 2 Is this books 这本书是你的Yes, it’s mine./No, it’s 是的,他是我的书/ 不,他不是我的书。 yours? 其他:

书吗? 1 Would you like an orange? 你想要一个桔子吗? Yes, please./ No, thanks 是的,请给我。/不,。 2 Have you/we/they/Linda and 你、你们/我们Jack got two books? 和 Jack 有两本书吗? Yes, I/we/they/ Linda and Jack 是的,我/我们/他Jack have not. Jack有。/不,我/我们/他们/ Linda 和 Jack没有。 /他们/ Linda have./No, I/we/they / Linda and 们/ Linda 和 Has he/she/it/Linda got two 他/她/它/ Yes, he/she/it/Linda has./No, 是的,他/她/它/ books? Linda 有两本书吗? he/she/it/Linda has not. Linda 有。/不,他/她/它/ Linda 没有。 3 May I come in? 4 May I use your rubber? 我可以进来吗? 我能用你的橡皮吗? Come in, please. 请进。 Sure./Here you are 当然可以,给你。 5 Do you/they/Linda and Jack 你、你们/他们often eat fish? Jack经常吃鱼吗? Yes, I/we/they/ Linda and Jack 是的,我/我们/他Jack don’t. Jack经常吃。/不,我/我们/他们/ Linda 和 Jack不经常吃。 / Linda 和 do./ No, I/we/they/ Linda and 们/ Linda 和 Does she/he/it/Linda often eat 她/他/它Yes, she/he/it does./ she/he/it doesn’t. No, 是的,她/他/它/Linda经常吃。/不,她/他/它/Linda不经常吃。 fish? 5 Can you sing a song? /Linda经常吃鱼吗? 你/你们能唱歌吗? Yes, I/ we can./ No, I/we can’t. 是的,我/我们能。 Yes, /不,我/我们不能。 是的,他/她/它//Linda/Linda 和 Jack能。/不,他//Linda/Linda 和 Jack不能。 Can and Jack sing a song? 他/她/它/他he/she/it/they/we/Linda/Linda 们/我们和 Jack能唱歌吗? he/she/it//they/you/Linda/Linda 他们/我们No, and Jack can’t. /Linda/Linda and Jack can./ he/she/it//they/you/Linda/Linda 她/它/他们/我们Can I sing a song? 我能唱歌吗? Yes, you can/ No, you can’t. 是的,你可以。/不,你不可以。

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