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An Analysis of the Origin of Emily’s Tragedy in A Rose for Emily

Abstract: The set of William Faulkner most works are about southern social history and inner world of people, describing the situation after the southern social history began to decline and the escape of the aristocrats has to the trend of southern complex society’s change. And A Rose for Emily deeply reflects the history referred above, and generally and profoundly explains the roots of Emily’s tragedy. The place where the author lives is the set of his work. The works could be divided into three categories of roots of tragedy: southern complex and social historical condition, depression from her father and twisted mentality. Those roots of tragedy are closely linked to social background in south. The reader can deeply know the unique writing skills of the author through descriptions about three kinds of roots of tragedy in his work. Key Words: root; tragedy; social historical; patriarchy; twisted mentality


摘要:威廉.福克纳的作品大多数以南方的社会历史和人物的内心世界的描写为题材。描述南方社会历史衰落后的境况,贵族们对南方复杂社会变化趋势的逃避。他的代表作《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》深刻的体现出这样一种历史。《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》全面而又深刻地诠释了艾米丽的悲剧根源。以他自己所在的社会为背景,在作品中,他描述了三种不同的悲剧根源。这三种不同的悲剧根源和南方的社会背景和历史息息相关。此篇论文中将着重讨论这三种。分别阐述为:复杂的南方情结和社会历史条件,父权制的压迫,艾米丽的扭曲变态心理。从这三种悲剧根源中,读者能够更深刻的了解到福克纳对此篇小说的独特的写作技巧。 关键词:根源;悲剧;社会历史;父权制;扭曲心理


Abstract in English .......................................................................................................... i Abstract in Chinese .......................................................................................................... i 1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 1 2. The Brief Introduction to A Rose for Emily .............................................................. 3 2.1 William Faulkner .................................................................................................... 3 2.2 A Rose for Emily .................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Gothic ...................................................................................................................... 4 3. An Analysis of Characters in A Rose for Emily ......................................................... 6 3.1 Emily ....................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Father ...................................................................................................................... 7 3.3 Negro Homer Barron .............................................................................................. 8 4. An Analysis of the Origin of Emily’s Tragedy .......................................................... 9 4.1 Southern Complex and Social Condition in History .............................................. 9 4.2 Cruel Oppress Under Father Control .................................................................... 10 4.3 A Screwy Psychology of Emily ............................................................................ 12 5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 14 Bibliography .................................................................................................................. 15 Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................... 16


1. Introduction

William Faulkner’ being a prominent writer in 20th century’s American literature, gains his world popularity for the unique style of his novel, having a positive and profound impact on the development of American literature. Faulkner’s status in modern America can be compared with Shakespeare’s status. we can see Faulkner’s literary achievement and social reputation. His most stories set in the imaginary Yoknapatawpha County, there are lots of famous works of William Faulkner as The Sound and the Fury(1929),Light in August(1932),and Absalom, Absalom(1936) and so on.

A Rose for Emily, Faulkner’s first short story, which was published in 1930, is set in the town with name Jefferson in Yoknopatawpha. The author, William Faulkner seems to set the story in a place that resembles the place he lived in, namely Oxford. Mississippi correlates to the life on the author. In a Rose for Emily, the main character Miss Emily is described in the beginning of the story as an elderly woman that once part of high social status and now part of the bitter decay of the town. William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily draws a vivid picture of the south of the United States .From the novel, we know that it was the period, the old south fades and the south began to decay gradually after the Civil War. The story provides description of the decadence of the old south. The progress of the decaying is the same with the death of Emily and her father, as well as value, tradition and lifestyle which have gradually went out of the life of people in the south.

As a masterpiece in American literature, A Rose for Emily has been attached great importance by a variety of scholars. The story has been analyzed from various angles as symbolism, feminism, religion, Gothic Literature and so on. From the point of view, the feminism of Li Rongrui, the story reflects a tragedy of Emily which is indicated in the murder of her lover. The whole life of Emily was caught by the cage of old tradition, Emily has never escaped from it. Emily can be victim of the patriarchal codes. This thesis contains five chapters. The first chapter is Introduction. In this chapter, the author


introduces William Faulkner,A Rose for Emily’s background and the structure of this thesis basically. In chapter two, the author introduces some brief information of story, which is used to analyze the novel. Chapter three analyzes A Rose for Emily of the characters Emily, Emily’s father and Negro Homer Barren in the novel. Chapter four focus on the origin of Emily’s Tragedy. In this, the author mainly interprets the theme of the origin of Emily’s tragedy. The last chapter is conclusion, which in this chapter the author concludes that A Rose for Emily imbues the novel with historical and realistic meanings, and enhances its readability and profundity, which helps to explain why this novel has stood out as a masterpiece among the innumerous works.


2. A Brief Introduction to A Rose for Emily

2.1 William Faulkner

Faulkner is productive writer , producing a great variety of marvelous short stories .We know he is one of the most influential writers in the 20th century, a leading person in the century in American literary. In 1949, William Faulkner won Nobel Prize of literature. In 1995 and 1963 he also won his double Pulitzers. William Faulkner is famous or his novels and short stories. This award winning author has been praised by many critics for his ability and unique style of writing. He also shoes his writing talent in poetry and screenplay. There are marks of his hometown –Mississippi in his works as the sense of humor and blank, and white tragic position, his description of the southern features and the main themes and so on. The most famous place in his works as Yoknapatawpha saga is important to American literary. T here are lots of famous works of William Faulkner as The Sound and the Fury (1929), Light in August (1932),and Absalom, Absalom(1936)and so on. The most famous writer also is a prolific writer of short stories. His first short stories collection was published in 1931 named as these 13. In this collection, it consists of A Rose for Emily, Red leaves and other highly acclaimed short stories. The author will provide detail study on the story A Rose for Emily. The article A Rose for Emily is chosen from his short stories collection.

2.2 A Rose for Emily

A Rose for Emily, Faulkner’s first short story, which was published in 1930, is set the town with name Jefferson in Yoknopatawpha .The author William Faulkner seems to set the story in a place that resembles his own. In A Rose for Emily, the main character Miss Emily is described in the beginning of the story as an elderly woman that was once part of high social states and is now part of the bitter decay of the town. As a sole survivor of a southern family, Emily Greisens maintains an aloof dignity from her




