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三、根据情景内容不全对话(本题10个空,每空只填一词,每词1分,共10分) 41. 一Let me myself. I’m Mary. 一Nice to meet you, Mary. Please call me Lily. 42. 一What’s the of the flight?

一It will take off at 14:00 this afternoon.

43. 一Happy Mother’s Day. Here are the carnations for you, mom. 一 , dear. 44. (Ann is shopping at a department store.) Shop assistant: Can I help you? Ann: I am looking for a blouse.

Shop assistant: What (1) do you like best? Ann: Red.

Shop assistant: What size do you want? Ann: Size M.

Shop assistant: (2) (3) this one? Ann: Can I try it on?

Shop assistant: Of course, please. Ann: Great! It fits me well. How much is it? Shop assistant: 268 yuan.

Ann: I will (4) it. Here is the money, 300 yuan.

Shop assistant: Thanks. Here is your (5) and this is your blouse. Ann: OK.


美国ABC公司总裁Smith先生一行将来青岛瑞普新能源汽车有限公司进行考察,并洽谈合作事宜。本次活动主要考察瑞普新能源汽车有限公司生产经营规模、主要产品、管理特色以及企业文化等方面的情况。假如你是瑞普公司接待负责Yang Fan,请根据ABC公司的要求做好接待安排。

任务一 请阅读ABC公司的需求信息,完成行程安排表。(本任务5个小题,每小题2分) Please read the following requirements of ABC company.

The group will arrive in Qingdao on the afternoon of May 18th, 2016. There are seven people in the group. We need at least three single rooms. Most of us want to try local food while two young ladies prefer western food.On the second day, we hope to have a meeting about the management and the investment(投资) environment of your company. After that, we would like to take a look at the production line. Qingdao is a beautiful coastal city, so we expect to experience the local culture.As we know, your company is famous for your company culture. We hope to have a seminar(研讨会) about company culture. We will leave Qingdao on the morning of May 21st.

Please complete the following schedule ( 行程安排表 ).

SCHEDULE Time 16:00 17:00 Pick up at the airport Check in at Haitian Hotel (at least 45 single rooms ) Have dinner at the dining hall (Local food and 46 food are served) Have a meeting at Room 5001 at Haitian Hotel about the 47 and the investment environment Take a look at the 48 New energy cars will be on show. Experience the local culture Have a seminar about 49 Leave Qingdao Activity May 18th 18:00 9:00-11:30 May 19th 14:00-17:00 9:00-11:30 May 20th 14:00-17:00 May 21st

9:00 任务二 请根据任务一中行程安排表的信息,把本次活动方案以电子邮件的形式告知ABC公司总裁Smith 先生。


Date: May 15th, 2016 From: Yang Fan, Assistant to General Manager To: John Smith, CEO of ABC Company Subject: Arrangement for your visit in Qingdao

Dear Mr. Smith,

Welcome to Qingdao. Here is the arrangement for you.

Yours sincerely,

Yang Fan



