英文委托书格式范本 英文
i,_____ (name), am the legal representative of henan road & bridge construction group co., ltd. (the bidder name), hereby appoint yang mei (name) as our agent. the agent is granted to sign, clarify, explain, supplement, submit, withdraw and amend the bidding documents for a1, a5 sections of qianfeng farm to nenjiang road, yichun to nenjiang section construction project, yichun to beian section civil engineering and beian to wudalianchi scenic section bridge engineering (project name). the agent is also responsible for signing the contract
and dealing with relevant matters in the name of our party, and we shall bear the legal consequences.
commission period: 90 days from the expiration date for the bidding documents submitted by the bidder
we don’t authorize our agent to appoint a sub-agent with the said power to act on our behalf.
attachment: certificate of identity of the legal representative
bidder: henan road & bridge construction group
(seal) legal representative: _____ (signature)
post: general manager, chairman of the board
id card no.: __________ entrusted agent: __________
post: staff of operating department card no.: __________ december:__________
委托期限:自投标人提交投标文件截止日期起计算90天 代理人无转委托权。 附:法定代表人身份证明
职务:总经理、董事长 身份证号码:__________ 委托代理人:__________ 职务:经营部职员
爱人者,人恒爱之;敬人者,人恒敬之;宽以济猛,猛以济宽,政是以和。将军额上能跑马,宰相肚里能撑船。 最高贵的复仇是宽容。有时宽容引起的道德震动比惩罚更强烈。 君子贤而能容罢,知而能容愚,博而能容浅,粹而能容杂。 宽容就是忘却,人人都有痛苦,都有伤疤,动辄去揭,便添新创,旧痕新伤难愈合,忘记昨日的是非,忘记别人先前对自己的指责和谩骂,时间是良好的止痛剂,学会忘却,生活才有阳光,才有欢乐。 不要轻易放弃感情,谁都会心疼;不要冲动下做决定,会后悔一生。也许只一句分手,就再也不见;也许只一次主动,就能挽回遗憾。 世界上没有不争吵的感情,只有不肯包容的心灵;生活中没有不会生气的人,只有不知原谅的心。 感情不是游戏,谁也伤不起;人心不是钢铁,谁也疼不起。好缘分,凭的就是真心真意;真感情,要的就是不离不弃。 爱你的人,舍不得伤你;伤你的人,并不爱你。你在别人心里重不重要,自己可以感觉到。所谓华丽的转身,都有旁人看不懂的情深。