touch feel smell taste stop get wait thin young purple watermelonfox those noon night him or sad sweet afraid together draw cut go down take a walk soft hard thick strawberry grape shadow minute round high sky evening again moon at noon at night blind noise rise yummy shape diamond twinkle
Wonder yard Charlie Henry stick Philip subject lesson Chinese Maths English Science PE Music Art from break sport football join tell about basketball volleyball us wonderful vionlin guitar whose piano city bag all
play the violin
play the guitar timetable a.m. p.m. from…to…
table tennis play
football play basketball gold
play volleyball magic mice July
o’clock quarter time half wash dinner start Monday with Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday game Saturday Sunday clock China talk May June January February March
April August September October November December email wear catch get up brush…teeth half
…have breakfast go to school wash
face have a dinner go to bed week play chess at the weekend be late for hat yours every year