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The origin of Chinese Tourists Image

中国游客形象的缘由Chinese economy develops very fast in the last few decades. When

the see to more about hand, have people enough money at they want world, so traveling broad is favored by a lot of people. But the western as tourists, such image always media report the negative of Chinese speaking very loudly in the public places, or throwing rubbish away. This tourists believe classic image is very and many foreigners that Chinese are rude. In fact, the cultural difference makes this happen. For instance, in the west, people will put the dishes to the right place before they leave, while Chinese people will just walk away. But in China, it is the waiters' job to do it. What's more, the news that is reported by the media tend to young attention. as be bad, so to catch more In fact, the Chinese generation behave themselves well in the public place.中国经济在过去的几十年里得到快速发展。当人们有足够的钱时,




The Amazing Trip


Last week, the teacher gave us a task to write a paper about the old China. I made up the group with another three classmates. As we did not have much information, we decided to take a short trip to visit the famous the arrived the two museum. It took us hours to reach city. When we museum, we saw the big statue of Deng Xiaoping, and his great image and him made us admire immediately. There were many statues so pictures of great persons, who fought for the new China and made what emergent we touching. When facing were Their are today. stories so situation, they chose to sacrifice themselves. After visiting the museum, I learned a lot and had enough materials. This trip was so amazing, I knew what we have today came not easy, so we needed to cherish the life we had.上周,老师给了我们一个任务,写一篇关于旧中国的论文。我和另





How to Celebrate Teachers' Day


Every year, when the Teachers' day comes, it is time for students to the parents ago, many asked Many show their grateful hearts. years dinner, presents or asked the teachers to have students to give precious which made this special day critical. A lot of teachers were under great pressure. They just wanted the best wishes instead of receiving presents. send cards or flowers, while some students So nowadays, we choose to but are simple show message. will text These ways to gratefulness very students' the welcomed by teachers. They know attitudes and are happy to be remembered. Even though some teachers just teach us for a short time, we are still grateful to them and should give our wish on this great teacher Every deserved to be are the they respected and day. persons in the world.

多当教师节到来的时候都是学生展示他们感恩的心的时刻。 每年,这使得这个许多家长会叫学生送上宝贵的礼物或请老师吃饭,年前,他们只是特殊的日子变得颇具争议性。很多老师都面临巨大的压力,想要祝福,而不是接受礼物。所以现在,我们选择送卡片或者鲜花,但却受到了教这些表达感恩的方法虽然简单,有些学生会发送短信。师的欢迎。他们了解到学生的态度,也很高兴被学生记住。尽管有些


应该送上我们我们仍然感谢他们,老师只是教过我们很短一段时间, 的祝福。每个老师都应该得到尊重,他们是世界上伟大的人。 A Letter to the Class Adviser 给班主任的一封信 Dear Mr. Lai,

尊敬的赖老师:to this I am writing letter just want going you. thanks say to I am to

graduate in two weeks. You have been my class adviser for three years. During these three years you have spent lots of energy on us. You are not only teaching knowledge in the class, but also care our life. Sometimes study. our for strict you, afraid are of because of your requirement we However, you are so helpful in the daily life. No matter what difficulties we are in, you will help if you can. So, I also want to say sorry to you for I don't know what making so much trouble. But you bear all my trouble. kind of class adviser I will meet in the future study, but I will remember

and appreciate you forever. I want to say thank you again.

你做了还有两周我就要毕业了。 我写这封信只是想跟你说声谢谢。你不仅仅在这三年你花了那么多精力在我们身上。我三年的班主任。不过有时候我在课堂上传授我们知识,而且在生活上也很关心我们。们有点怕你,因为你对我们学习的严格要求。不过,在日常生活中你只要能够帮得上忙无论我们遇到什么样的困难,是那么的乐于助人。你都会帮我们。所以,我还想对你说声对不起,给你带来那么多的麻


我不知道我会在今后的学习中遇到什么样烦。但是你都一一包容了。 的班主任,但是我会一直记得你、感激你的。我想再次说声谢谢。Regarded Student 学生

暑假该有作业吗Should Students Have Homework in Summer Vacation In China, when summer vacation comes, teachers will give students a lot of homework, just in case students forget about the knowledge they have learnt. I remembered that when summer vacation ended, my mother would check my homework and then I realized that I hadn't done it. So the last few days were always my busy day. While in western countries, holiday means to take relax and the students will never have homework. Foreign students will never understand why homework is necessary in the long holiday. It is known to all that Asian people have higher IQ



