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基于SPSS Modeler和Oracle的学生行为数据分析
作者:张翠轩 曹素丽 王淑梅
摘要:随着校园信息化程度的日益提高。学校积累了大量的学生数据,如何充分利用这些数据,获取其中蕴藏的价值,已经成为大数据时代面临的主要任务。基于数据挖掘工具SPSS Modeler和Oracle数据库对校园“一卡通”数据进行分析,挖掘出学生消费习惯、奖学金和助学金之间的关系,从而使学校相关管理部门从中受益。 关键词:大数据;数据挖掘;数据库;一卡通
中图分类号:TP393 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-3044(2018)28-0001-03 Analysis of Student Behavior Based on SPSS Modeler and Oracle ZHANG Cui-xuan, CAO Su-li, WANG Shu-mei
(Shijiazhuang Post & Telecommunication Technical College, Shijiazhuang 050021, China)
Abstract: Along with the increasing degree of informatization campus, the school has
accumulated a large number of data.How to make full use of these data to obtain the value of them has become the main task in the era of big data. Based on Data Mining tools SPSS Modeler and Oracle DB, the campus data of one card solution are analyzed, and the relationship between students' consumption habits, scholarships and grants is excavated so that the relevant management departments of the school will benefit from it.
Key words: big data;data mining;database;one card solution
基于SPSS Modeler和Oracle的学生行为数据分析