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Step 3 Learn the words (whale, wood, waterfall) Step 4 Copy the letter Ww

1. Look at the teacher how to write it. 2. Write it by yourself.

The 4th period

Step 1Preparation

1. Review the words of colors. Step 2 Color it

1. Color it by yourself. 2. Show it to your teacher. Step 3 Read, draw and color it Step 4 Homework

Draw a picture with ten colors and bring it to the class next time.

(设计:吴泳声 蒋霞 黄红 涂开生 黄华)

Unit 8 Let’s play hopscotch

Teaching aims and demands

使学生了解和掌握跳格子游戏的规则。 使学生能听懂指令并跟着做动作 使学生学会字母X及所给的单词的读音。 使学生能朗读第六部分所给的句子。 Key points 句型: Turn around. Let’s play!

Let’s play hopscotch!

Hop, here, and pick up a pen and hop back! 词汇: hop, stop, pick, relay Difficulty points

听懂指令、说出指令并能跟着做动作。 Teaching aids


Teaching procedure

The 1st period

Step 1 Preparation 1. Free talking. Step 2 Hop first.

1. 上课时,教师对全体学生说,Now let’s have a game. Now following me. Everybody, stand up! Stand on one leg. Now hop, hop, hop. Now you can stand with both feet. Then hop again. Hop, turn around, hop and bend the body and pick. Hop , hop, hop. Do you understand?

2. Let’s do it. Group one and four, stand up please. Now you do it first. Other groups can watch them carefully. Ready, begin. Hop, hop, hop and turn around. Step 3 Hop and turn around

1. Hop and turn around as the teacher says. 2. Do it again.

The 2nd period

Step 1 Preparation Do a Simon says game. Step 2 Chant it.

Hopscotch, hopscotch, hop, hop, hopscotch. Stop! Pick! Stop! Pick! Stop! Stop! Stop! Pick! Turn around, turn around, turn, turn, turn, turn around. Let’ play! Let’ play! Let’s play hopscotch! 1. Chant it with the tape. 2. Chant it together. Step 2 Try it.

1. Do as the teacher says.

T: Hop here, pick up a pen and hop back. 2. One do and others say together. 3. Work it in pairs. 4. Hop relay.

将学生分成两大组,每组分成两半,一半占在讲台前,一半站在教室侯的黑板前,每边各画一条线。Now let’s play a game: Hop relay. Group One stand in a line here.(手指黑板前) Group Two stand in a line at the back of the classroom. Group Three stand here.(手指黑板前的另一侧)Group Four stand at the back there.(教室后面的另一侧) Group One hop to Group Two and Group Three hop to group Four. You pass this ball to each other. If you drop the ball you lose one point. OK? Let’s see

which group is first. Let’ start!

The 3rd period

Step 1 Preparation Step 2 Listen and repeat.

Big X, small x. Tall Max, short Max, Stand next to the Xx 1. Listen to the tape and try to say. 2. Say it alone. 3. Say it together. Step 3 Say it

Look! They have two windmills. But I have a pinwheel. 1. Say it with the tape. 2. Say it together. Step 3. Learn the words.


