Step 3 Let’s chant.
V is for van. V is for vase. V is for vest. V is for village. V is for video. V is for vine. V is for volleyball. V is for violin. 1. Chant it with the tape. 2. Chant it together. Step 4 Learn the words.
Van, vest, video, volleyball Step 5 Copy the letter Vv.
1. Look at the teacher how to write it. 2. Write it by yourself.
The 4th period
Step 1 Preparation.
1. Review the words: plane, car, train. Step 2 Listen and tick.
Step 3 Say and touch it. 1. Work in pairs. Step 4 Homework
Ask your mother and father “Where are you going?” in English.
(设计: 涂开生 黄红 蒋霞 黄华 吴泳声)
Unit 7 Who is lucky?
Teaching aims and demands
让学生进一步熟悉和掌握有关颜色的单词能按要求涂画出颜色。 帮助学生选择最喜爱的颜色。 使学生能听懂如何问颜色的句子。 使学生学会字母Ww及所给单词的读音。 使学生能朗读第六部分所给的句子。 Key points
句型:What color do you like? Which color do you want? Who is lucky?
What color is that tree?
词汇:green, red, blue, yellow, white, black, brown Difficulty points 说出并能指认各种颜色。 Teaching aids
一个转盘,各种颜色的制剂带有颜色的图片,如,树、苹果、香蕉及白马等。 Teaching procedure:
The 1st period
Step 1 Preparation 1. Color song
Step 2 Learn the words of color
T: (上课伊始,教师拿出一张颜色特别丰富的图型,把每个颜色纸剪成圆圈,挂在一根绳子上。教师说,Look, I’ve got many colors here. Say after me: This is red, this is yellow, and this is green……说完之后马上问学生:What color is this? And this? 并教给学生正确的发音。
T:What color do you like? Which color do you want? S: I like…… I want……
T: Now, we’ll practice it in pairs. You can ask your friends, “What color do you like? Which color do you want? OK?Start. T:
Step 3 Who is lucky?
T: Now let’s play a game . First you choose a color .Which color do you want?(选好后,教师说)OK, I have a color wheel I’ll ask somebody to spin the wheel. If it sports at red color, and you have red. I’ll give you a sticker. We’ll do it three times today. Let’s see who is lucky.
The 2nd period
Step 1 Preparation 1. Play a Simon Says game. Step 2 Ask and answer. 1. T: What color is this tree? S: It’s green.
T: What color is this big apple? S: It’s red.
T: What color is this banana? S: It’s yellow.
T: What color is this horse? S: It’s white. T: What color is…… 2.Work it in pairs. Step 3 Say it.
The 3rd period
Step 1 Listen and repeat
1. listen to tape and repeat the sentences.
Ww, Ww, I like you. You are nice, you are new. Step 2 Ask and answer. 1. T: What are they doing? S: They are skate-boarding. T: Are they having fun? S: Yes, they are. 2. Work it in pairs.