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The 3rd period

Step 1 Act it

1. T: Now, let’s play a game.

First, let’s count the number from 1to 10,but you should remember your own number. Ok, one, two, three(每个人都有一个数字) .All right. Listen carefully and act.

No.4 go to the door quickly .now ,the next. Listen carefully .No.8,stand up… 2. T: Now, let’s act it. Who wants to be Wang Dong. Who wants to be Xie Fei. Step 3 Say it.

1. Read it in pairs. 2. Ask somebody to read it. The 4th period

Step 1 Perparation

1. Say a chant.

2. Review the sentences. Step 2 Do the exercises

1. Colour it.

2. Listen and tick(√)

(1)Two dogs are under a big tree. (2)A small apple is in a big box. (3)Five ducks are in the water.

Step 3 Homework.

Count from one to ten to your parents and sing the song to them.Unit 15 we are friends

Ⅰ、Teaching aims and demands:

1.使学生能用简单的英语介绍自己和朋友。 2.使学生能用特殊疑问句问一些简单的问题。 3.使学生能学会本单元的说说唱唱和英语歌。 4.使学生能较流利地说出本单元的绕口令。 Ⅱ、Key points:

Hello!I’m Dong Dong. He’s my friend. We’re friends.

Who wants to be our friends? Ⅲ、Teaching aids:


Teaching procedure

The 1st period

Step 1 warming up


Sing a song 4.


Step 2 Presentaion


(出示两个布娃娃)T:Hello,I’m Dong Dong

.Hello, I’m Xiao Ming .He’s my friend. Yes, I’m his friend. We are friends.

2.T:I’m your friend. Do you want to be my friend? S: Yes ,I want to be your friend .

3.T:hello,this is Wang ping, and this is Li Ming. We are friends. Who wants

to be our friends.

S:I want to be your friend.

T: Come here .Good, we are friends now. Who wants to be our friends? Step3 chant it

Friends! Friends! Friends! 1. Read it.

2. Chant it together. 3. Ask somebody to chant it.

The 2nd period

Step1 Preparation

1. Review the words. 2. Say the sentences.

Step2 Presentation

1. Read it. 1)(出示句子)

Who are your friends? Who is you best friend? 2)Read the words.


2.Draw it.

The 3rd period

Step 1 Presentation


T: What can you see? S:I can see a clock. ……

2.listen and read. Step 2 Say it.

1.Read it in pairs.

2. Ask somebody to read it.

Step 3 Practice

教师领说——学生自练——指名读The 4th period

Step 1 Perparation



