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T: When he touches the word, you see number 3 on it. So Group 3 will do the action quickly. 2. Act it

a. Listen and read b. Act it

3.Step 3 Say it.

T: Who can sing? Ss: I can. T: Who can dance? Ss: I can.

The 2nd Period

Step1. Preparation

1.Review the words. 2.sing a song. Step2 Presentation

1. chant it

Sing a song, Sing a song, let’s sing a song. Bounce the ball, bounce the ball, let’s 2. Question game.

T: Who can sing us an English song? T: Who can bounce with feet only? T: who can jump with one leg? …………

The 3rd Period

Step 1. Chant it.

Puppy dog, puppy dog, Wow Wow Wow. Step2 Say it. Kitty cat, kitty cat, Miao Miao Miao. 1. Read it in pairs. 2. Ask some body to read it. 3. Act it out.

The 4th Period

Step 1 Preparation

1. Say a chant.

2. Review the new words.

Step 2 Do the exercises.

1. Match it. 2. Colour it.

T: Now, we are going to color a picture. Each of you will get a picture. Let’s see who can colour it better and faster. Step 3 Homework.

Listen to unit 13 three times and say the chants and sing the song.

Unit 14 Let’s count

Ⅰ、Teaching aims and demands:




使学生能表演本单元第7部分的对话。 3.


Ⅱ、Key points: How many?

How many books have you got?

Ⅲ、Teaching aids:


Ⅵ、Teaching procedure

The 1st period

Step 1 warming up


Sing a song 2.


Step 2 Presentaion


Colour it

T:Let’s clap our hands and say it.One two three

four/ five six seven eight/nine ten.

2. Clap the desks and say it.

3. T:How many boys are there in our class?Let’s count.


Step3 Chant it.

One,two,three,four,five. Fishermen caught a fish alive. (1)Chant it together. (2)Ask somebody to chant it.

The 2nd period

Step1 Chant the sentences. Step2 Presentation

1.T:(Show the picture)Look,how many books have you got? S:It’s two.

T:How many pencils have you got? S:Four,…

2.T:Now,let’s do questions and answers in pairs.One person asks,“How many books have you got?”The other pupil answers.“I’ve got five books.”Then question again.

The answer again.Do you understand?

Step 3 sing it

1. Say it after teacher. 2. Sing it.

3. Ask somebody to sing it.



