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在进行幼儿英语学习时,应该先让孩子知道,所学的日常英语应该在何种情况下使用,例如在遇到一个不认识的外国小朋友时,可以走上前去用hello,hi或goodmorning等打个招呼。那么瑞思学科英语正是在这种浸入式英语环境中,让孩子感受口语学习,进而形成地道的英语思维。下面就来看看幼儿英语学习过程中最常用到的100句英语口语吧。 1、 Hello! (How do you do?)

2、 How are you?-I’m fine. Thank you,and you? 3、 Good morning / afternoon/evening/night. 4、 Excuse me.(sorry. I’m sorry) 5、 Thank you!

6、 You are welcome. 7、 How are you today? 8、 Nice to meet you. 9、 What’s your name? 10、 My name is ×××.

11、 What can I do for you?

12、 What’s wrong with you? (What’s the matter?) 13、 It’s time for class. 14、 Come in please.

15、 Let’s get ready for class! 16、 Line up please! 17、 Attention please! 18、 At ease.

19、 Turn left/right!

20、 One bye one please.No pushing. 21、 Let’s go back to the classroom.

22、 It’ time for (breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner) 23、 Please eat up. Take your time. 24、 Would you like some rice! 25、 Help yourself.

26、 Please have some fish/vegetables. 27、 Do you want anymore? 28、 Anything to drink?

29、 I’d like to drink some milk!

30、 Today we are going to learn some new worlds. 31、 Who wants to try? 32、 Let me try! 33、 It’s your turn.

34、 Don’t be afraid/shy! 35、 Try your best!

36、 Do you understand?

37、 Stand up/Sit down,please.

38、 Listen to me carefully,please. 39、 Look at me ,please. 40、 Watch carefully.

41、 What are you going to do tonight? 42、 I’m going to Disney’s English Club.

43、 I’m going to learn Disney’s Magic English. 44、 What’s on tonight? 45、 Let’s watch TV.

46、 We are going to the Pople’sPrk. 47、 Be quiet,please.

48、 Stop talking!(Don’t talk.) 49、 Don’t worry about it. 50、 No problem.

口语讲究语音、语速、语流、语感标准,因此,如果一味让孩子自己去学幼儿英语口语是不科学的,更何况多次重复过后的东西会内化成儿童的习惯,因此,正确且多次重复是非常有必要的,但如果错误的多次重复过后,要纠正孩子的错误表达习惯就很难了。所以,要对孩子做好口语引导。那么今天瑞思推荐的这100句幼儿英语口语,在日常生活中出现频率极高,记住这些,可以在幼儿英语学习阶段应用自如了。 51、 Clap your hands.

52、 Class is over.(Time is up.) 53、 See you next time,Bye bye! 54、 Well done!

55、 You are so smart! 56、 How clever you are!

57、 Let’s have a rest/take a break. 58、 It’s time to go to bed.

59、 It’s time to get up.(Wake up,please.) 60、 Wash your face/hands/foot. 61、 Comb your hair. 62、 Brush your teeth.

63、 Come on,Let’s play together. 64、 Let’s play a game.

65、 You are getting better and better. 66、 You’re making progress everyday. 67、 You’re always the best. 68、 You speak English very well.

69、 Do you like English? (I like English very much) 70、 I’m pleased with your spoken English. 71、 Be brave,please.

72、 Have a nice weekend!

73、 Happy birthday to you. (Happy New Year to you!) 74、 Put on your clothes.

75、 Take off your clothes/shoes.

76、 Pardon! (I beg your pardon.) 77、 May I speak to ×××,Please. 78、 Who is on the line? 79、 This is OSA.

80、 Welcome to Shiyan. 81、Do you like shiyan?

82、 People in Shiyan are proud of Wudang Mountain. 83、 Are you free this afternoon? 84、 I’m inviting you to Mcdonald’s. 85、 At what time shall I come?。 86、 Is six o’clock ok with you? 87、 This way,please!

88、 Have a good time.(Enjoy yourself.) 89、 The same to you! 90、 You are learning fast. 91、 Keep on trying.

92、 Put up your hands,please.(Raise your hands,please/hands up) 93、 Hands down.

94、 Be careful. (look out.)

95、 How are you feeling today? 96、Fine,thanks,and you? 97、 Hope to see you again!

98、 Drink some water/tea,please. 99、 Which one will you choose?

100、 Goodbye. See you tomorrow/late/next week! 幼儿英语口语的学习随着英语改革步伐的推进,家长们对孩子学习幼儿英语口语的意识不断增强,幼儿英语口语已经形成了浓郁的学习气氛。掌握这100句幼儿英语口语,可以帮助孩子提升英语沟通能力,并能在后续的进阶学习中受益匪浅。








