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初中专项练习 介词连词形容词副词(含答案)

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( ) 1 Children get gifts ____ Christmas and ____ their birthdays. A. on; on B. at; on C. in; in D. in; on

( ) 2 -There is nothing ____tomorrow afternoon, is there? -No. We can have a game of table tennis. A. on B. in C. out D. up

( ) 3 A lot of students in our school were born____March, 1981. A. in B. at C. on D. since

( )4 We returned to our hometown___.

A. next week B. in the last week C. last week D. for a week ( ) 5 ____ a cold winter morning, I met her in the stfeet. A. In B. On C. At D. For

( ) 6 He went to Shanghai___ September 3, 1991 and came back___ a cold morning last year.

A. in; on B. on; in C. on; on D. in; in

( ) 7A group___ boys and girls are dancing in the park. A. with B. of C. for D. to

( ) 8 I worked on the problem ____ a long time and I worked it out____myself____ last. A. for; by; at B. in; with; on C. on; by; in D. for; for; at the

( ) 9 Mr Brown had lain ____ the ground ____ four hours before they finally found him. A. on; for B. at; in C. on; after D. in; during ( ) 10 The teacher is coming back___ an hour. A. after B. for C. in D. before

( ) 11 The American Civil War lasted four years before the North won ____ the end. A. by B. at C. in D. on

( ) 12 They didn't leave the station___ they get on the train. A. until B. by C. after y D. at

13( ) 1 ___ Tom gets up at five in the morning.

A. Sometime B. Sometimes C. Some time D. Some times ( ) 2 I remember we met each other___ last year.

A. Sometime B. some times C. some time D. sometimes ( ) 3 Mary and I have been to the Great Wall ___.

A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times

( ) 14 There are many trees ___ of the road! And ____ of the trees is growing larger and larger. ......

A. on both side; a number B. on each sides; a number C. on both sides; the number D. on every side; the number

( ) 15Tom sits ____the classroom while John sits ____the room. A. in front of; at back of B. in the front of; at the back of C. in front of; at the back of D. in the front of; at back of

( ) 16 He put up a map ___ the back wall because there was a hole ___ it. A. on; on B. at; in C. on; in D. on; at

( ) 17 There are some birds singing___ the trees.


A. in B. on C. at D. from

( ) 18The woman____ a blue dress is my teacher. A. in B. on C. of D. at

( ) 19We have classes every day ____ Sunday. A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for ( ) 20The children are interested___this subject. A. to B. with C. in D. at



1. Physics is not so easy, _______I like it very much. A. but B. or C. since D. because

2. Will Tom wait for her at home ______ at the library? A. or B. as C. so that D. both

3. She has a son _______ a daughter. A. but B. and C. so D. or

4. I'll give her the gift ______ she arrives.

A. so B. before C. as soon as D. since

5. The woman was____ angry_____ she couldn't speak anything. A. neither…nor B. either…or C. both…and D. so…that 6. ______we got home it was very late. A. When B. While C. Because D. As 7. We heard clearly_____ she said. A. what B. which C. before D. because

8. I can't sleep well at night, ______I often feel very tired in the day.

A. so B. because C. and D. or

9. He didn't go to sleep ______he finished his homework. A. till B. before C. after D. until

10. I didn't buy the dictionary yesterday ________ my aunt would give me one. A. until B. because C. if D. before

11. Please return the book to me _____you come back. A. as soon as B. when C. while D. as

12. Ring me up____ you come to my house. A. though B as C. before D .then.

13 .I’ll leave a message _____ he will know where we are . A .so that B. as soon as C. for D. that

14. My sister is ____young ____he can’t go to school . A, too , to B. enough; to C. so that D. as ;as

15. His brother got up earlier ____ he could catch the bus . A. as if B .so C . so that D .than

16.The teacher wondered why he had ____questions. A. so much B .so many C such much D . such many

17.You can____ stay at home _____ go to my hometown with me . A. not ,only B. either and C .both or D. either or


18. We left in _____a hurry _____we forgot to lock the door . A. so , so B. so ,that C . such ,that D . such so



( ) 1. -Is Mrs. Brown badly ill? -No, ______. Only a little cold.

A. quite well B. nothing serious C. not worry D. anything serious ( ) 2. This is______ book______ I'd like to read once more.

A. such an interesting, that B. so interesting, that C. such an interesting, as D. a so interesting, as

( ) 3. I am twelve. Mike is fourteen. Mary is thirteen. So Mike is the ______ of the three. A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest ( )4. I think the book is very ______.

A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests ( ) 5. They were very ______ to see each other again.

A. pleased B. surprising C. happily D. angrily ( ) 6. Mother doesn't feel ______ today.

A. good B. well C. nice D. health

( ) 7. The ______ boy was taken to the nearest hospital.

A. ill B. sick C. good D. clever

( ) 8. I like ______, but I dislike ______.

A. skating, swim B. skate, swimming C. to skate, skate D. skating, swimming ( ) 9. I have worked on the problem, so I am feeling tired and ______.

A. asleep B. sleepy C. sleeping D. sleep ( ) 10. We have ______ time to do it better.

A. not B. no C. no a D. not a

( ) 11. It's important ______ exercise every morning.

A. of you to take B. for you to take C. of you taking D. for you

( ) 12. You must drive ______ next time, or there may be another accident.

A. more carefully B. carefully C. careful D. more careful ( ) 13. The day is bright and ______. Let’s go for a walk.

A. sunny B. dark C. cloudy D. windy

( ) 14. - ______ do you have an English party ? - Twice a year.

A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. When ( )15. - Who did it better, Bill or Henry? - I think Bill did just ______ Henry.

A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as D. more badly than



初中专项练习 介词连词形容词副词(含答案)


